Political Opinion

Hey @Falstaff

Well said.



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Last-ditch effort to throw election to Trump quashed by Supreme Court

Texas lawsuit a dead end.

“Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections. All other pending motions are dismissed as moot.”

Ah you beat me to it.

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No question about it and why I was so glad to see you guys get out of the EU, France is basically an occupied country at this point, here in the US there are those (Democrats) that want to turn us into France. It is a fight effecting us all.


What kind of bigoted racist person are you to make such a comment

Feel free to rant at my expense any time, here in America we are still insulted from what you are going through so I still see peaceful ways of moving forward but there are many here who have given up and see conflict as our only way out

Take care my friend

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I did just write a lengthy response to this but accidently deleted it.

All I can say is, it is what it is.

I think now its time for me to brush up on my Mandarin, China are definitely winning this one.

ok mate = no problem one of teh things the Crayon Crew could observe is that it’s possible to have a dispute without making the “other” EVIL.

Points of view can differ - to the state of Challenge - without getting post-modernist and neo-marxist And sometimes - that can bring MEN closer together :sunglasses:

Fancy a pint ? :slightly_smiling_face:

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The “Globalists” tend to forget “China” and “Islam” in their pontifications - I Still recommend Stefan Molyneux “Fall of Rome” as a predictor ! :wink:

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and in real news that actually affects people, Biden adds Cuomo to his all-star list of Swamp Monsters

It is going to be a dark 4 years


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I think after Scotus refusal to view the Texas lawsuit I need a pint for sure.

A few posts back I said I was thinking of giving up on politics. As @SmallPaul rightly said why bitch at things we cannot change.

That’s generally been my viewpoint but I did go down the rabbit hole on this one mistakingly thinking it would be a minor diversion.

Of course most of us know Biden stole this election, but its time for me to rethink a few points.

I’m serious about improving my Mandarin, I’ve been playing at it for years.

But there are other things, the world is going to look very different in a Biden Kamala world and I want to know where the money will go (besides their pockets).

Also time to start reading confucious , and the book of five rings.

If Biden does become president this world is going to become very China centric.

Time to adapt.

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Good stuff @Falstaff.

India has the largest muslim population of any other non-muslim country in the world. In India, as in Europe, UK, Australia and the U.S., it is the political establishment which is to blame for the rise of radical muslims and all the associated cultural issues. Muslims are seen as vote banks for politicians willing to look the other way. They also conveniently feed into the color revolutions, given their tendency for violence. And, of course, the anti-Muslim groups are also injected with violent leaders to exacerbate any clashes to cause the maximum mayhem.

It’s not just about the Muslims. Here in the U.S., vicious MS13 gang members are smuggled into the country from Venezuela to head up Antifa. Biden has also expressly stated that he will naturalize 7 million illegal aliens. Biden and Kamala have established funds to literally bail out criminals and rioters after they have been arrested for violence, setting fires, murder, etc. Why do you think that is so?

Perhaps we are too focussed on the symptoms and not on the root cause. Radical Muslims, Antifa, BLM, KKK and all such organizations have been encouraged and funded by our politicians via their international cabal benefactors and often by our tax money in the form of dole and other government subsidies. Trump was correct in saying that the swamp is much larger than even he had anticipated. We know that the swamp problem is not endemic to the U.S. rather it is found in every country of the world. Until we clean out the criminal political degenerates and cabal bought minions from our government, we cannot expect to make a dent in our societal wars. If it is not the radical Muslims, it will be some other radical and violent group that we will be forever battling.


Have they ? I thought that was cast in stone !

I see problems ahead !

Who is john Galt ?

And this is what we have now

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Atlas Shrugged was always abit hard going for me.

Yes it is - took her 13 years to write it she says - biut her style sort of "Grows on you! A million words = I calculate - took me 3 weeks - BUT she’s not far off methinks

wait and see what happens -

when the lights go out in New York

and I predict they will! fairly soon !


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I dont think it’s all over for the US yet, but this could well be a Dunkirk of sorts.

The swamp is clearly massive. But I’m not going to keep banging my head against a brick wall, maybe time to accept we are living in a Brave New World or on an Animal Farm.

I think Trumps biggest fault was in saying he would drain the swamp only to then go employ more of them.

And at the end of the day that fault lies with him.

Still hoping the executive order he set in place back in 2018 comes into effect but not convinced it will.

The only thing I am totally convinced of is how morally bankrupt the left are

All I can say is thank God the UK left the EU - and thank Buddha I’m here in Thailand not stuck in lockdown in northwest lancashire where I grew up!!


It would appear @peterma when you say the Duke of Burgundy you are refering to @anon29700983 and by the tone of your post in a round about way you are accusing him of being a racist. Although you do it ever so subtly. Heaven knows you don’t want to make outright allegations for fear of being seen, by this community, as being mean and nasty.

You talk like a prophet. Like you are a godly being. You make a very valid point that no matter who looks after you in your little parable it is wonderful to be healed by these wonderful migrants from many different backgounds and religions.

But that is not the conversation that @anon29700983 or others are having in this thread. It would be pure ignorance to not understand that there are very bad people in all races and religions and from all backgrounds. That is reality and whilst we all have some beliefs in a god of some description it does not take away the fact that evil exists.

This is a fact that seems lost on you. Correct me if I am wrong. Because it is the ignorant and the naive who end up suffering the most.


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