Political Opinion

When @peterma only uses half a quote from a comment so that the context looks toatally different to the original quote it is mischievous and deceitful.

Original post.




This thread is titled “Political Opinion” however it appears to have deviated somewhat and now has a sprinkling of religious comments within.

There are a number of Christian beliefs that call for Christians to be generous at heart. Not to covert thy neighbours property. Treat others fairly. Do not steal. etc etc etc. I think you get the picture.

My question for discussion is; “Considering that we are traders (or most of us are) and when we win a trade someone on the other side of that trade loses.”

How is this fair?? Are we stealing?? Are we coverting our neighbours property?? etc etc etc.

Or is it just doing business??

What do you think??



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Lol - for a little duck you make a lot of noise.

So I’ll address your comments as best as I can remember.

I like to challenge, not criticize - sometimes when we are challenged we get cross.

The Africa thing - in an earlier post you mention your distrust of new members from the continent of Africa and you reason this distrust based on an experience of only one new member. Then later you say how you like Christians from Sudan, North Africa.

I don’t judge your comments, simply draw attention - it’s up to you how you think.

Again the quote above, I see a challenge but no accusations. The good old Duke has so labelled his good self - and I’d say he is well capable of defending himself.

Sometimes it takes a bushy-haired scary individual with a hairy coat and wild eyes eating insects and shouting in the wilderness to make us question ourselves.


No you don’t. You like to make smutty little comments, take people out of context and all the while trying to make yourself look holier than thou.


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He and a few others do this often, and many times they don’t include any quote at all so you are left scratching your head on what the hell they are talking about. But that comment by Peter was so wrong

This is simply a fair and regulated business transaction, no different than finding an undervalued home for sale, fixing it up and selling at a profit. what keeps us inline with the Bibles teachings is to tigh 10% of that profit. The Bible is full of Free Market Economics, and almost nothing that would be seen today as socialisms, which is why socialist countries will ban the Bible and all religions

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Drain the swamp sounded good on the campaign trail but in practice that would require withholding money from the swamp and Trump was never the guy who was going to give us a balanced budget

Washington DC is basically the Borg from Star Trek, anyone who goes their no matter how noble their intentions are will quickly be assimilated into the collective, Nancy Pelosi is very much like the Borg Queen and just as scary


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As the charges mount against poor Hunter, Joe will be faced with the “resign, and President Harris will pardon your son” option. Over/under at, what, 6 months?

Something I just came across a discussion ref Islam with Majid Nawaz (I put a few clips of his up a day or so ago)

3 minutes which I found amazing and quite shocking !

Well worth listening to !


I was saying this 6 months ago, it all depends on if the people pulling Joe Biden’s strings see a President Harris easier to control , I am still not convince Biden makes it to inauguration, but no way he last a full term.

Mid terms will be interesting, last two Democrats, ( Clinton and Obama) came into power with control of both houses and were so bad the public gave control of congress to the Republicans

Does anyone know how long Harris could be President in Joe’s first term and still get
two full terms herself? THAT could be the over/under…

the answer is 2 years , no president can server more than 10 years

I don’t see them keeping Joe around that long. Thanks.

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Interesting set of questions there and I spent more time thinking about this than I might - but perhaps I can assist by looking at the this from a slightly different perspective - by questioning the original premise rather than specifically answering the “How is it fair” aspect.

Ok so we are told that we trade on the “open market” and in such a circumstance the person we buy from is not likely to be the same person we sell tp - so there is no forced loss to anyone else .

Now in reality at our level, we are betting against a “Bookie” and he sells to us at a higher price than he will be preared to buy back. Whether that is a form of “Usury” - I leave to others to decide - but usually the "Bookie has a number of bets on each side - both u and down at any one time, These will not be identical trades and if one of them happens to be exactly the same entry and exit positions as ours but in reverse will be pure chance hence our “Counrterparty” is simply the bookie and we have no Guilt to take on board towards any other party.

Now if there is a balance of up bets and down bets - the Bookie is in the position of having say £1000 of up bets and £1000 of down bets so he is not at risk of losing anything and each of ik=hose bets are already contributing to his profits by way of spreads and/or commissions :slightly_smiling_face: I there is a large difference in values the Bookie also has the option to “Lay-off” the risk by placing his own trades on teh “open-market” so there again he is not really at risk unless he CHOOSES to be so by standing the bets in teh same way a casino would.

Ok now these are questions which all require some personal interpretation ;
Fair ? I’m unsure quite how the book defines Fair - is the parable of teh Talents fair ? - (rhetorical question)
Again stealing - often can be a matter of opinion and nuance - even at Law - not that it applies here
Covetting ? I don’t think that applies here either although I do struggle to understand Exactly what the word “covet” actually means, or even whether “covet” is the correct translation of the actual word from it’s original language ?
Even the aparently simple “Thou shalt not Kill” seems incongruous when we consider the involvement of teh churches in “remembrance day” - and even whether it is appropriate for Cristians to be anything other than Vegan ?

Anyhow, fortunately for me the continuous wrestling with myself over the semantics of these things is above my pay grade :sunglasses: - hope tthat helps

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I agree :slightly_smiling_face: but I think many would be surprised.

Eric Hoffer also gives a few other reasons which may be very valid, in his book


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Well THAT should certainly perform Peter’s expressed function for him ! :rofl:

Missed this question – me, I’m named after a rock, I’m just a moving average rock.

But not all rocks are the same. In the mountains beside me there are thousands of rocks, some big and some small.

But there are two that are special, one is well known locally and called the Mass Rock and is high up in the mountain and easily identifiable with a wooden Cross.

The other is known only to a few, no signs, no markers, almost indistinguishable from it’s many neighbours. I know of it because of my father, he knew of it because of his father.

On the higher rock there is an inscription reminding those that visit that the priest and his flock were put to death on this spot by Colonel Whitechurch and his redcoats (England hated Catholics in Ireland with a vengance). That happened in the middle of the 17th century – to participate in the mass in Ireland was punishable by death – hence the Mass Rocks in the mountains.

This mountain beside me is known as Alt an tSagairt (mountain of the priest).

The special rock is lower down and like I say has no markers save two – a little flat ledge to accommodate the Chalice and a little cross carved in the stone.

As the little duck would say ‘holier than thou’ :slight_smile:


Thank you for your kind comments.

May I ask why you didn’t finish with ‘cheers’ as you would normally do?

Yes above my pay grade as well.

Everything you said here is spot on. You have covered the subject well.

I am disappointed that our resident prophet @peterma did not enlighten us with his wisdom on this delicate subject. :stuck_out_tongue:

Happy trading or the week.




Well, well, well. So @peterma is a bloke!! How disappointing.

I thought @peterma was a girl. I pictured her to be a more mature aged lady who goes to church every Sunday, happy to put her $20 on the plate and take her freshly baked cupcakes for morning tea.

I was prepared to forgive her naivety and her rantings because perhaps she was a poor soul who has had one too many cups of Earl Grey Tea.

I may never be the same.




Just for you PETER.



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