Political Opinion

Boris Johnson’s government has told UK shops to stockpile food with just hours to go until the no-deal Brexit deadline

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Now what we have here is a CLEAR example of teh PROJECION we speak of !

Although when he wrote that he was actually flying this Avatar ;

Heroin Scales

Stick to telling fairy tales, and learn how to spell properly. You’re misuse of your own language is shocking.

The White House will be disinfected when the current administration leaves next month.

To hide the stench of Diaper Don and his disease infected vermin

Irrespective of whether you like Trump or you don’t comments like this are nothing more than vicious and hateful. How would you like being called the names you are calling Donald Trump??

When someone has to resort to name calling;

A. You have lost the argument.

B. You lose all your credibility.




sounds about right with you and your boys doing a lot of name calling and playing the victim like yall been abuse, stop crying and man tf up :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Strange that you didn’t think to post this when they were name calling SmallPaul, Peterma, Dudebro, CarlosRay, and myself.



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It would seem every time there is violence at a Trump rally it is caused by outside instigators like from antifa , back in 2016 Clinton’s campaign would pay homeless people to start fights at Trump rallies

I also found it rather convenient when you know who posted about this violence he conveniently left out any mention that antifa was involved, that really changes the contents of the story


Well according to that vid I posted the pigeon chested little antifa soy-boy posers got a bit of a slapping from the rather bigger built lads they were attacking ! :rofl: :rofl:

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i guess this is MAGA :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

MAGA Marchers and Proud Boys Descend on D.C., Setting Fire to Churches’ Black Lives Matter Signs and Getting into Stabbing Fights [Updated]

And don’t let diaper boy play victim, he is the number one name caller here even his avatar is a form of name calling, and when I called him out on it , his reply was he was mocking the President and he does not count that as name calling, so I figure what fair is fair and mock him back by calling him diaper boy, and yes it is very childish but every time I try to elevate the conversation to adult level it goes completely over their heads, but you know that.

This is a disgrace. Law-breakers, regardless of their political persuasion, should feel the wrath of the courts.
This is not something anyone should feel proud about

At least 33 people were arrested in relation to the unrest Saturday evening, said the office of D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser and D.C. Police. The arrests include the following:

  • 11 simple assaults
  • 10 assaults on a police officer
  • Six disorderly conduct incidents
  • Four riotous acts
  • Two charged in crossing a police line
  • Two weapons violations - Possession of a prohibited weapon
  • Two release violations - (One out-of-state failure to appear; one was a fugitive of justice)
  • One assault with a deadly weapon
  • One resisting arrest
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dude you did enough go sit in the corner :face_with_monocle:

You can’t make war on Patriots indefinitely without expecting some sort of pushback !

WTF were BLM and Antifa doing attacking a peaceful loyalist march ?


lmao, gtfoh with your anti american views

You sound very stressed - and tehre’s nothing you can do about it ! :rofl:

A few things Blackduck may, or may, not be aware of:

The Diaper Don avatar is relatively new here, Dennis’s insults started long before that and certainly before I began insulting him.

Dennis asked for a stop to the name calling, and I agreed. Guess who restarted it? Certainly wasn’t me, was it Dennis?

Insulting everyone who has a different point of view has been his staple diet here for long before the election. He will be pleasant and polite to you, so long as you only post stuff he agrees with.

Thats the sort of person he is.

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not stress just putting you in your place where you belong

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From your mamas back bedroom in Norf London :rofl: