Political Opinion

The better question is who is funding these groups, you know they are not showing up on their own dime


from one of your boys

That’s true - have you seen the state of some of 'em ? can hardly afford the drugs, never mind soap or travel ! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Now you’re going to wee yourself if you don’t calm down and your mum will have to take yor phone off you again ! :rofl:

that’s all you got, you gotta do better than that, try again i got all day :ok_hand:

I’m just warming up kido

Well now you’re all excited and full of emotion - you can stew on it - bye for now xxx

Alan Dershowitz says Texas lawsuit tossed by Supreme Court should tell Trump’s allies that they ‘can’t count on the judiciary’ to invalidate election results

diaper dude, I am trying to find one of your post where you called out BLM and antifa, for all the burning , looting and murders they have participated in this past summer but I don’t seem to find any, does that mean breaking the law is fine by you if they share your political bigotry

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he has his point of views just like you got yours, america will self destruct, i hate to see that happening but it’s inevitable

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The tree fell into the sky, do not mistake salt for sugar, war is a beautiful gray morning

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of course you will say that, maybe you should leave america :100:

Is that the limit of your understanding ? :roll_eyes::

I agree with whoever told you that – to the extent that Western Civilisation is over – it’s time is up ! – if America goes first, so be it. But it happens to every civilisation –

Civilisations are made by strong men “In Iron Boots” and destroyed by Weak men ”in silk slippers” But never fear The likelihood is that the new Dark Ages won’t last very long – A saviour will come to the rescue – whether that be in the form of the CCP or Warriors of Islam – YOU May live long enough to find out but the times will be Interesting.

Just out of curiosity – which of those particular forms of tyranny would you prefer to rule over you ? :slightly_smiling_face:

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Tyranny is only a problem for people who seek to better their lives, I don’t think that is a goal for any of our mothers basement trolls

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Bless your heart

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Very true ! In fact their Lemming like rush towards Marxism seems to indicate that they actively desire it !

To be honest Dennis - my thinking there was rather slack - I just popped out for a fag and realised it WILL be the Chinese - They are just so way ahead in technology and weapons than the others that it will just be an opportunity for them to complete their “Belt and Road” to it’s logical termination.

And we know what THEY do With Muslims ! - so “No contest” as far as I can see.

For pragmatic kids like yours and mine it shouldn’t be too much of a problem getting accepted - but as you say “Useless eaters” living with their mums in small rooms and whose only skill is Internet trolling ? - Some may survive a while as raw materials for body part harvesting - and perhaps some of the prettiest girls may be kept for a tim e- but as we know Mao murdered between 50 million and 100 million of his OWN People - so what can a few million useless foreign INCELS without any skills expect ?

Nah mate - we’ve had our time of plenty and good lives in freedom - Own our houses outright and nothing really to worry about - sometimes its Good to be old ! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Well I figure I got another 20 years and I hope the world holds together that long but I fear for my Granddaughter and the world she will inherit

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Well I guess you’ll just have to put your trust in the Lord for that one mate - me I’ll rely on having given my kids and therefore my Grand-kids the very best genes and the best guidance I could - and trust them to handle the reins to their own destinies :slightly_smiling_face:

They already know better than to fall for this Woke crud ! :rofl:

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Oh it’s a quarter to one over here in the Uk - not had any heckling for an hour - I guess they must have been sent to bed. :slightly_smiling_face:

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lol goodnight