Political Opinion

Sleep well x

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Proud Boy Leader Enrique Tarrio Lied about Being Invited to the White House

Personal life

Tarrio grew up in Little Havana, a neighborhood in Miami, Florida.[16] He identifies as Afro-Cuban.[2][15] He has been married and divorced.[2]

In 2004, when he was 20 years old, Tarrio was convicted of theft. He was sentenced to three years of probation, community service, and ordered to pay restitution.[2] In 2013, Tarrio was sentenced to 30 months (of which he spent 16) in federal prison for rebranding and reselling stolen medical devices.

Also as “White Supremacists” go - He looks a funny shade of white - doesn’t he ? :rofl:

But seeing as you can’t sleep perhaps you could give us an answer to this one ?

the proof is in the pudding :roll_eyes:

SO which one do you want to rule over you ? China Or Radical Islam ?

you will let another man rule over you, how weak can you be, geez where is your manhood

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Well you’re gonna do well if you ever get a job !

In our counntry we have a saying

The Working Class Plan for Today and perhaps a week.
The Middle Class Plan for a month and perhaps a year
The Aristocracy Plan for Generations

So when the West deconstructs itself as you forecast - and your generation is precipitating - What exactly Do you EXPECT to happen next ?

i can’t imagine spending my last few years on god’s earth worrying and fearing islam or china one day ruling over my life, what a waste of life, go live your life before it passes you by

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CNN’s Jake Tapper thanks Trump for ‘exposing’ Republicans who supported Texas’ ‘un-democratic, un-American, mendacious joke of a lawsuit’

Ok @Dennis3450 I agree with your hypothesis - It’s a B2 o3t mate !

& Every once in a whaile it’s Dad comes in and posts a couple of real posts - to give her an air of crediblity - Cheaper by far methinks than paying a mercenary - as they seem to have done at least 2x since I’ve been here.

Ok mate - Agreed ! - Nice spot ! :rofl:

Great name really isn’t it “Tiny Pavlov” - don’t get much littler than a few lines of friggin code do ya ? :rofl: :rofl:

So what about the others ?

You just gotta read this next lot of posts - I still can’t stop ! :wink:
THe action starts a long way back up the thread - but I have to say - ahh Nothin’ make your own minds up ! :laughing:

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shouldn’t you be worrying about china and islam :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

we sure making america great ain’t we

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Yes I find it quite ironic that the white neo Nazis group (according to the lamestream media) is run by a Cuban of African descent

Not too mention a large number of the group are also cuban.

Misinformation of the highest order, something the left and the complicit media excel at.

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Fantastic about time. Almost identical to what happened in the Uk when the Tory party had to purge the pro european arm of the party if they were to survive

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yes they are call latinos for trump, he has a large latino supporters

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So why are they labelled far right thugs?

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dude i don’t know i’m just telling you he has a large following from latinos, you have a point about the media they are spinning the truth but all media does that, left or right


both sides has an agenda and it’s not the american people, you have to realize there is a group of people who owns the media that plant seeds in the people heads there are men behind the scene, they are the true masters of this country, both parties cater to them

Love it mate - Zey sounds just like a piece of clockwork running out of “Wind” :sunglasses:

I do think there is a divide and conquer strategy in play by the elite (whoever they are).

I think the antifas and the BLMers and even the squad progressives are the useful idiots of a far more sinister group.