Political Opinion

all groups play a role for the true masters, the more they promote division the more control over america they get, we are all pawns in their game



I think the UK was very lucky to get our Brexit - what with all the attempts to stop it AFTER the vote.

We have one man to thank for that and itā€™s Sir Nigel.

Without the Brexit party biting at the heels of the Tories we would either be leaving in name only or not at all.

Treacherous Theresa May had a lot to answer for - treason perhaps?


Former GOP New Jersey Governor compares Trump supporters to the Jonestown doomsday cult, says theyā€™ve ā€˜drunk the Kool-Aidā€™

Totally agree - This Country Owes Sir Nigel a HUGE debt of gatitude - But we HAVE an AGreement !

Didnā€™t you know - we had a" joint ststemen"t today that they would "Keep Talking " :roll_eyes:

If it werenā€™t for " the man" weā€™d have Never even have had teh referendum !

Isnā€™t it sad he will never get recognised preoperly - Like ?? Goldsmith ? who was also a great hero.

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Interesting your saying this after taking such a hardline against Trump.

For all his faults he is not part of the great swamp that engulfs politics - and has united traditional democrats, republicans and a large number of ethic minorities.

All of whom have experienced greater and greater hardships since 2007.

Biden is the swamp creature on steroids, along with the new gilded age oligarchs and intelligence agencies who put him there.

If you are generally concerned with the 'people" and are against an increasingly neo feudal system your anti Trump rhetoric doesnt make sense to me.

Iā€™ve actually noticed this with many anti Trumpers. Many of them agree with what Trump stands for but his persona and the way he goes about it are too in ya face.

I make a prediction, if Biden does get in there will be many of his voters who feel they got played like a game of Nintendo

He does not have the interests of the average person at all



Best politician we ever had. Has a sense of humour too.

All he ever wanted was his country back, but I suspect out on the streets he gets lots of love.

I donā€™t think he needs a statue to bolster the ego.

Truly great man

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john scott youā€™re a good dude and i have no beef with you, i gotta go and set my trades up until next time :v:


Absolutely - this is so comical - I do hope Boris gets his act tgether and tells er where to go - but princess nut nut mighte have something to osay about that

Truly valiant effort mate :rofl: :rofl:

@Johnscott31 - Iā€™m crying laughing ! - wherever did you learn to do that ! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

possessing or acting with bravery or boldness :smiley:

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Oh I have to take a phoyo of that :rofl:

I see the mudslinging that goes on, and try to play devilā€™s advocate when I can.

Besides the anti trump rhetoric on occasion, @SmallPaul does actually drop some pearls of wisdom.

Iā€™m trying to keep it civil on this forum, after all I want both Trump lovers and Trump haters to check out my blog!


So are you saying you didnā€™t even see this ?


Like I said Iā€™ve seen what goes on.

Iā€™m just trying not to get involved - the inner Buddhist I guess.


Ok Mate - had a few rums ans a great laugh - Thank you !


What names did I call you and these other people??


Please Please Please tell us your trades. I need some Christmas money to buy presents.



Whats up, Diaper Dennis, lost the ability to read?
You missed the part of my sentence that answered your question

And thatā€™s not the first time Iā€™ve said this. Look back, if you can be bothered, and youā€™ll see occasions when I have said if Biden or anyone else is guilty of crimes they should be locked up.
You, on the other hand, swerve answering the very question you ask. So here, for the 3rd or 4th time, Iā€™ll ask it again

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Hi Blackduck.
I never said you had. I was saying that it seems strange you criticise me for something that others have been doing more frequently and choose not to criticise them.


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