Political Opinion

Jones was the test case, they knew if they could silence him they could silence anyone

This ride is going to get pretty rough very soon.

Buckle up!


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“I’ve known that they were going to hijack this election since 2018” - Patrick Byrne, Ex-CEO of Overstock

[Watch :point_down:]

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This is how we perceive you Crayon Crew trolls - Rabbid :point_down:

Why is this so unbelievable? You have the most polarizing president of the last 100 years, or at least since most of us have been alive. Someone that most people love or hate. And it’s getting easier to vote. And you have access to loads and loads of information, good and bad. And you have a social media president, basically always connected with the country.

So you have a situation where people want to be heard, it’s easier to be heard, and you have a president making himself heard. And yet you still can’t believe that’s grounds for the biggest voter turnout in history?


Donald Trump Is Now ‘America’s No. 1 Traitor,’ Says Veterans Group

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Isn’t there a script in place to “bleep” out inappropriate words? Did your script fail? Please tell me what language in particular was inappropriate? I shall reword the post.

from the look on that woman face she look stress out, yall must be really stress out

Typical of the crayon crew; you don’t seem to understand English very well. :smile:

you the one mad and angry, must be sad being you :rage: :rage: :rage:, :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

btw where both part of the crayon crew, you do know they make crayon in all colors :v: :rofl:

EDIT: so please be specific on what color crayon you talking about :face_with_monocle:

We are both.
Falstaff - a point for your remedial class,

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:smile: :smile: :smile:

They certainly keep us entertained.

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You feel better

glad i can entertain you, you do the same for me :ok_hand:

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Donald Trump Says He ‘Could Shoot Somebody’ and Not Lose Voters

Lefties, here’s what your revered leaders think of you :smile:


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Righties, here’s what your revered leaders think of your revered leader

"Trump’s a 'race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot. You know how you make America great again? Tell Donald Trump to go to hell.”