Political Opinion

Wouldn’t it be nice if the Incontinent Crew could get something right for a change instead of repeating lies and right-wing propaganda


Patriots & Traitors

this may be true but the Traitors have the Patriots finding among them selves, and until we unit against a common enemy ( the Traitors or as I call them the Establishment ) this is not going to end well

And here is some more from “consensus” Legacy Media from before the Election
Hunter B before election

So there is a question which those who believed and indeed reposted the “Mainstream” Garbage about Biden’s lack of complicity complicity should bear in mind Von Bismarck’s heritage quote

Never believe anything until it has been officially denied !

And ask yourself

Have they always manipulated you ?

Hunter B after election

Changed - Within days After the Election

Then consider Hilary Clinton’s wise words from Quadpip’s post above

A great many of us are finding our way to the real truth - but you just keep your “Blue-Pill” status


‘It’s Easier to Fool People Than to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled’

I don’t know who said that but whoever did sure had some good insight into human behavior.

Watch this very informative video in which a high-level KGB defector essentially tells you what I’ve quoted and explains how they do it. Excellent info! He’s funny too.


It must give you great pleasure attacking ordinary people, makes you feel less small.

That is the difference between you and me, I attack the establishment and the media. The very organizations who seek to keep us divided


Just look at all the people who supported Bernie Sanders in 2016, Sanders sells them out and 4 years later they are back supporting Sanders and again he sells them out, Don’t be surprised if in 8 years 87 year old Sanders runs again and the same people he sold out twice now will be back handing them their money. Some people are just born fools


I’ll give that a watch mate - I’ve already published some of Yuri’s stuff on this thread

whaich you may find usefull as it links back to a load of good stuff in the first post and to Bret Weinstein’s experience at Evergreen College EXACTLY 3 years before the Racist crap kicked off fuelled by “White lives don’t matter” - Many think that the Evergreen Riots were a trial run ! -


Typical Diaper Dennis, you attack anyone on here who you disagree with, stop pretending otherwise.

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Bless your heart :kissing_smiling_eyes:

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The problem with Trump jokes:

Republicans don’t think they’re funny, and Democrats don’t think they’re jokes

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are you saying you don’t attack ordinary people. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

what no example, I guess the joke is on you

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The Tree falls into the purple sky, the fish swims across the desert, and as the sun sets I wish you a good morning

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Either Trumps tweet here was yet another of his many lies and this ’ impenetrable Cyber Security Unit never happened, or it happened and he’s lying about the election being hacked.

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good mourning bucko

Y’all are too nasty here. I’m a decades-long politics nerd. This is like my sport. I’d love to participate, but whatever this thread is supposed to be has devolved into petty name calling. Knock it off. You’re not accomplishing anything, regardless of your “side”. There was a time in this land where political policy differences made someone merely a political opponent, not an enemy of the state. Now we barely even talk policy, and it’s all about identity. It’s getting too ugly. Let’s chill the **** out and get back to where we should be with some manners and decorum. United we stand, divided we fall. We’re not supposed to all think alike. Our differences are strengths, and they need not make us enemies.


I totally agree with you, the thread has been taken over by a gang of trolls making any kind of intellectual conversation nearly impossible. But please do join in the conversation maybe if enough of us are talking and not name-calling the trolls might lose interest and go away

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