Political Opinion

stalin , an exemple followed by each leftist on occident

Once again your post ignores the burden of my post completely and deflects (Postmodernist unfair method of argument) attention away from the issue.

You have shown yourself on other threads to be perfectly capable of understanding and addressing complex issues.

So - IF you wish to answer the question fairly, Please be my guest.
The question is ;

Who exactly are the people who you propose should pay these taxes ?

I thought it was implied when I mentioned federal budged priorities. I guess I should be more clear. We pay for it, all of us, via our taxes. We already do pay for it, we just get a broken, inefficient system in return that excludes millions. I donā€™t care if itā€™s flat or progressive. Iā€™ll happily pay a bit more if it means that everyone gets healthcare, but that may not even be necessary if we do it right. A healthy nation isā€¦well, a healthy nation, and we should prioritize it.

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Answer the question ! All of the items I mentioned are INCREASED spending proposed by Democrats as bribes to the electorate - So you Cannot be paying for them already !

Answer the question

You speak of ā€œExcluded millionsā€ - clearly THEY will not be paying any extra for all this vast spending - so WHO Exactly do you propose to steal this tax money off ?

We may be on different frequencies here. Iā€™m trying to answer your question. As an American taxpayer, I would help pay for universal healthcare, as would all other taxpayers. Would taxes go up? Perhaps. I donā€™t know about you, but my monthly health insurance premiums are no joke, and Iā€™d be happy to see them go away alongside a tax increase! I believe we could cut some budget in various places, maybe raise some taxes somewhere if needed. We could remove the cap on social security and raise more there. We could tax capital gains and carried interest the same as income. Thereā€™s all kinds of things we could do in concert to make it happen.

Letā€™s totally rethink the way we look at bachelorā€™s degrees. We should incorporate them into the same public education system that we use for k-12. It would not break us. Again, taxpayer funded just like it is today. Just like healthcare, Iā€™m happy to pay more if it means every American kid can go to college. Education should be among our most valued investments as a society. You want that masters or doctorate, they can still be very expensive if that makes everyone happy.

The government should not be in the windmill and solar array business, but Iā€™m totally good with diverting the tax breaks that weā€™ve been unnecessarily giving to oil companies for far too long to that industry if youā€™d like to stimulate it.

Somehow the right wing has been lead to believe that things like healthcare and education are some hellish gate to communism. Theyā€™re not. There is a debate to be had around the legitimate role of government in a republic like ours. The government is supposed to be the collective representation of the will of our people. Itā€™s not the enemy. Itā€™s us. Taxation is not theft, itā€™s how we fund what we want to do. We may disagree on what gets funded, but weā€™re not being stolen from. I believe the government may have a legitimate interest in things that we all need, like roads and bridges, clean air, food, and water, emergency services, yes healthcare and education. The government has no legitimate role in things like cars and televisions, cell phones, etc. Goods like that are best served by capitalism. Just the way I see it.

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This is what selling your soul to the devil does to you :point_down:

Edit: Do I lie? :slightly_smiling_face:

What if I donā€™t want to do ā€œWhat WE want to doā€? But still YOU still steal my money at the point of a gun ?

Taxation Is theft !

However Your ā€œGovernment Spendingā€ is a little ove $3 Trillion per year and your population is what ? 300+ Million ? Thatā€™s $10,000 per year for every Man, Woman and child !


That is all at Current values - so How much extra does the theft you propose intend to steal?

Who is John Galt?

Taxation is not theft, itā€™s part of our social compact as Americans. What happens when you want to pay for something and I donā€™t? We vote. Someone gets their way, and the other person sucks it up and moves on as an active participant in democracy. Iā€™ve never understood how conservatives can stand on the shoulders of all the generations who came before them, upon all this infrastructure thatā€™s been handed to them and proclaim, not my money pal!! Thatā€™s not how it works. You give back.

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Republicans Have Resumed Fear-Mongering About The Debt. Donā€™t Believe Them.

What happens when 2 wolves and a sheep vote about what to have for dinner ?

If I have a pocket full of money and am in a room with two homeless people - Is it OK for them to vote to share my money ?

You didnā€™t read that article did you ? :rofl:

Who is John Galt ?

Havenā€™t had time yet. I will. Iā€™m out of the basement today!


Okay I read the article, and as you might imagine I was less than impressed. I found it lacked objectivity, repeatedly taking shots at feminism while trying to make the point that women donā€™t pay anything. I guess I just prefer things a little more level. I find a lot of media Iā€™m handed by conservatives to be dripping with barely-concealed disdain for something or the other. I also found myself thinking, ā€œduh, of course men pay way more taxes. Women are paid less than men are, and occupy fewer positions of leadershipā€. Of course the author acknowledges that, and then as if it doesnā€™t matter, conveniently sidesteps into talking about which groups consume which parts of the federal budget. Iā€™m not sure what the value is in that. If thereā€™s a particular part of it youā€™d like to focus on, Iā€™m happy to.

I think weā€™re firmly in the territory of differences in how liberals and conservatives look at the world. I donā€™t believe in some Ayn Rand flavored meritocracy fantasy. I see such ideology as cruel and counterproductive, and often embraced by the privileged. If you are one of the strong ones, thatā€™s awesome! Itā€™s your job to take care of the weak and the poor, at least thatā€™s how I try to see it.

Oh while weā€™re here, instead of that simplified 2015 graph in the article, hereā€™s the CBO data for 2019

Shows revenues and outlays and lets you get a description of whatā€™s covered in each part. Notice the TINY little slice of the revenue pie that is corporate taxes? I think we found our winner!

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As you well know that article did not say ā€œMen pay mre taxesā€ - It said and showed that as a whole ONLY Men pay taxes - And it said that as a whole Women are net recipients of tax money - it actually said that

"ā€¦ Men ā€“ all men ā€“ support women ā€“ all women ā€“ whether they like it or not.

A study from New Zealand shows fairly definitively that we (women), as a group, donā€™t pay any taxes.

Sure, we file tax documents and have taxes deducted from our paychecks and pay out consumer taxes at the cash register, just like men do, but in the final tally, uhā€¦well, look at this:..."


It further said

"ā€¦ Itā€™s curious that the data New Zealand doesnā€™t seem to mind sharing is very difficult to acquire in the US. How much money in taxes do men pay versus women? How much money is claimed every month in benefits by men versus women? What is the net difference? We begin with ā€¦ā€¦ cue ominous music ā€¦. THE WAGE GAP!

The US tax system is progressive, meaning the more money you make, the more tax you pay. If men make more money than women, they must pay more tax by definition. There can be no argument that men pay more in gross tax than women. If you tally up at the end of the year all the pennies men gave to the government and compare that to all the pennies women gave, men paid more on that measure alone.

But that is an incomplete measure. We need to know how much money men are withdrawing from the government coffers, compared to women, but letā€™s not include salaries, since a salary is in theory a trade-off for vital services performed. Letā€™s only consider payouts within the social safety net.

What are the main government expenditures that donā€™t include salary?.."

And Not including Salaries the 2015 USA expenditure was

That is Before the changes the Democrats are promising pops up !

Now when I say

"Who is John Galt?"

Have you heard of MGTOW ? :slightly_smiling_face:

There are other factors afoot, like the disproportionate number of women that raise and claim benefits for children than men, etc.

Letā€™s say I concede that women as an overall group receive more than they pay, so what?

Maybe Iā€™m extra-dense today, but was there an actual point, or was it just about demonstrating that tax disparity?

Have not heard of MGTOW.

You clearly havenā€™t the slightest idea of the story or teh moral imparted by "Atlas Shrugged"

Atlas was the Strong man who held the whole world up on his shoulders. - so what happens if he gets thoroughly disillusioned with the abuse he is receiving and simply ā€œShrugsā€ ?

THe book is about Identity Politics and Communism - and furthermore the abuse of Power of the ā€œPrivilegedā€ as you call them - all done in the name of ā€œKindnessā€ !

She was born in Russia under the Communism you so admire and went to USA about age 20 so she knew exactly what she was talking about !

"From each according to ability"
"To each according to need "

WHo is John Galt ?

Man I think itā€™s been 25 years since I read that. Itā€™s fuzzy, and itā€™s definitely not my sort of theme anyway. I firmly reject the ā€œmakers and takersā€ narrative. Itā€™s not the ethics I was raised to believe in, nor those Iā€™ve adopted.

Also, Iā€™ve never supported communism.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

He has no clue! Typical Biden voter!

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The Spirit of DemonRat Unity on Display

The burden of proof is upon the claimant. Please point out where Iā€™ve voiced any support for actual communism.