Political Opinion

Also @QuadPip, since you see fit to bestow the title of clueless upon me, may I ask about your avatar? Are you a QAnon person? Did you know the FBI considers QAnon a domestic terrorism threat? If so, how deep do you go? Did you believe in the whole pizzagate thing? Do you believe there’s a secret cabal of hormone-harvesting Democrats out there?

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No I guess you’re too young to have been affected yet.

MGTOW is a very loose aggregation of Men who have as @QuadPip alludes a few posts back become “Red-pilled” - You heard of “Red-pill” ?

A lot of MGTOW Men do not even know they are MGTOW !

It means “Men Going Their Own Way” and is a reaction to the grossly unfair treatment Men are getting under the current Legal, Educational and Work systems.

You may have noticed that the number of Boys going to university are declining at a phenominal rate and women are saying “Where have all the men gone?”.

My point being that Men and boys - having realised that they have no chance of competing in a world so stacked against them are simply Opting Out ! Noticeably, Visibly.

Some sit in their bedrooms at their parents Home, playing computer games, some work at menial jobs when they need money and just ride their motor bikes, go fishing or whatever they want to do. Some start their own little businesses as Plumbers or You-Tubers and simply take care of themselves. Go to the Gym, and Some Travel the world or just wander about Europe or USA. Some reject women completely because of the danger, others do have relationships of sorts, but nothing permanent. Nobody sets them any rules - they set their own way of life.

But they will NOT behave like “Good little tax-slaves” - If they cannot have respect and fair treatment - Well they are just "Shrugging"

No man on his own actually Needs a great deal of money to be content and if you don’t earn much - you don’t pay much tax :wink:

That is where all Your “Affirmative Action” and abusive Laws gets you -

Popcorn Anyone ?

I see, I’ve just never ran into that particular acronym. I do see an increase in people following their hearts out there, and pursuing alternative lifestyles that aren’t as materialistic. I support it. I’m in my mid forties and have 4 kids. My career has (had) me nearly always on a plane somewhere, at some hotel bar, talking to someone. Maybe we’ve just met different people. I can think of like one guy, literally that I’ve heard talk like this. Of course that’s anecdotal as hell, but I’ve not personally met many guys that feel this disenfranchised. Most of us realize we’re starting out in an unfairly privileged position relative to women, especially in the workplace, and we’re not sulking about feeling sorry for ourselves or “shrugging”. I suspect this has more to do with one’s view on women than is advertised, but I’ll leave that alone. Have you really met a bunch of dudes that think that way?

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What - you mean - something like “Bat-Flu” ? or - well “Trump” ?

Well I can truthfully say that I sincerely hope you never Do have the need to take the red-pill.

I wonder whether you have any thoughts - with women being so disadvantaged and in need of your help - as to Why precisely it should be Boys In their millions - who are simply opting out of University and Education in general ?


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I never said they needed my help, I just don’t hold any animus towards them.

Are you sure about that whole “boys not going to college” thing?

Don’t get me wrong, obviously women outnumber men there and there’s a trend, I’m just skeptical that any drawdown is due to some liberal boogeymen. Google a bit on it. There’s a lot of theory on it out there

Search for “FULL RELEASE: Ashley Biden Diary” and click on the result from “nationalfile.com”.

If it doesn’t come up using Google then use DuckDuckGo.

Is that not implied when you write ;

Yes - I wonder why you would give cumulative figures for the whole population -Unless it is to Deflect attention from My request for your thoughts on a well recognised phenomenon?

Hi @QuadPip

I have seen that and it is scary but very true. Even more so today as the mindless puppets of today’s society who are all hooked on self and instant gratification are easily lead like lambs to the slaughter.

We live in an era where it is everone elses fault not mine. If I am a minority and i don’t get the job it’s because of discrimination not my lack of ability. Or the government should provide a job for me and pay for everything. If I am walking along and fall over it’s not my fault I wasn’t watching were I was going so who do I sue.

People today are too busy looking at intagram or twitter or facebook or any of the other social media sites just waiting for that extra 'LIKE" or that virtual “NEW FRIEND” that will give them their next fix, their next high. They are addicted to the mindless stupidity supplied by the big tech companies. This destroys critical thinking, it destroys productivity, it destroys creativity.

The question is “Is this what the government and or big business want??”

It seems to validate Stalin’s thinking.




Just pointing out that regardless of any trend we zoom in on, the percentage of males w college degrees seems to be increasing over time. Forget that though, it’s not important. This is a multi-faceted issue, and I don’t even see it from even the same angle as you. I don’t think it’s an issue with males, though it may be more pronounced there. My older two kids are about to finish high school, and it took no small amount of convincing to make them understand that college is actually valuable. There seems to be this narrative out there amongst their generation that it’s a waste of time and money. They said many of their peers look at it as a way to get tens of thousands of dollars into debt and get nothing out of it.

This is one of the reasons I said earlier that education has to be something that we value greatly as a society and invest in. The GOP has been hostile towards public education funding for a long time. We should invest in state of the art education programs and make them available to all our youth all the way through a bachelor’s degree. Make it highly dynamic and adaptable. Industry is changing faster than we’ve equipped our education system to keep pace with, and it’s leaving people stranded. We need a massive overhaul that favors technology programs and leaves kids with an education that didn’t wreck them financially, and will result in skills that are in demand.

Huge Trump Rally in Taiwan

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Mein Gott ! - The whole World !

Everyone who is far enough away to be able to see the Wood not the trees - Absolutely Knows ! :sunglasses:

We’re All on your side !

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Of course it is - the actual figures are about 50.2% of Youngsters go to Uni and arond 60% of them are female - When I went it was about 15% so naturally the numbers are going up ! The UK and USA are roughly similar in percentage terms.

Why on Earth would you want to give kids the illusion that they’re intelligent when they are not ?

LOL… that’s funny right there. :rofl:

I await your explanation with interest !

Do you think that kind of deception is somehow "Kind" ?