Political Opinion

Why won’t it?? How is the US economy going to pay for it??


Anyway time to go to work. Some of us actually trade for a living and London is not far from opening.



the 2 january 2021, after the meeting of the great reset leaders. ill be shorting SPX without any shame, and you?

you’ll pay for the Reggiano on my pasta and the Aceite de Oliva

Mr. Duck. Somehow I have grown to respect you. There are different kinds of socialism. There’s national socialism, like the Nazis had (scary ****) and there’s also “social democracy” as many of the best European countries employ. In all fairness I’m an American and have never lived very long anywhere else. Point being, all socialism is not equal. The US has succeeded amongst other reasons because we have pulled off a functional hybrid between socialism and capitalism. Capitalism makes sense for anything consumer. TVs, cars, clothes, etc. Socialist stuff works really well for things we all need, like roads, and education for our kids, and clean water and such. It’s not all one way or the other. We really do kinda need a combination.

How do any of the other developed countries in the world offering something similar that haven’t turned into Cuba or Venezuela pay for their medical insurance? Taxes maybe? Payroll tax. Income tax. Alcohol tax. Cigarette tax. C’mon, conservatives are supposed to know a thing or two about taxes.

yes this is the beginning of socialism. then you permit the girls of your country to be sluts. you import the third world and let them invade you then you become the third world (+ you let them kill, rape , steal without consequences. but you punish all the local people who fight against what is happening)
you give people 50% taxes on their wages which have already lowered because of the immigration of the third world(which lower the average wage) and with these taxes you feed the invaders,etc

go spread your cancer in other places. not in occident. you’ll tell me “oh you exagerate” , “oh you disqualified mumuh i have down syndrome” ,etc

I migrated in argentina and im happy now. i know there is girls who wont cheat me if they became my girlfriends because they arent sluts, i know there isnt invaders, i know i can walk in the street without being stabed or my GF raped and the criminal will only take 3 months of jail, i know i have the freedom of speech and freedom to defend myself, i eat good foods, my taxes goes to the local people and not to invaders,etc.
and maybe ill go to Israel soon , i know this is the same. good place to live. not the hell on earth called “france” or “uk”

I known dozens of girls in France , we were involved in sentimental relations or tight friends

all was sluts. got cheated by all the girls I was in sentimental relations (one even cheated me after 2 weeks of relation, and there was an other GF we was in love since 3 years she cheat on me for months with many straners and lied to me when i discover that.) , and all the girls who was tiht friends was ■■■■■■■ everywhere with everybody. more than that: all the GF of my friends also cheated on them

I paid 50% taxes for me leaving eating pasta everyday and cannot buy clothes while the immigrants live in luxury hostel and are paid when they make children

one of my friend got stabed at a bus station for being white, others of my friend when i was 15 yo was walking on the street (there was 3 ) and found 15 arabs/blacks with weapons wanting to steal them

its over , you know where you cant put your socialism and all your cursed ideology

where do you live? on the basement at your mommy house ? do you know the reality of this world to sustain such argument

when you live the reality , its a miracle to not catch an AR and clean all of that. i can ensure you, i did well to leave this hell

enickma, it will have a war in europe because of the people like you and like the mods.

either the genocide of the local population either a racial/religious war that will end with millions of deaths and rapes (in addition to the millions already happening)

what do you have to say about that? does the blood in your hand and the destruction of innocent lives dont affect you? what does it feel to be a murderer?

are you aware about disrespecting the human rights written by the forefathers of all occidental countries , and about disrespecting all morality?
Do you know that you’ll have to justify what you did , either to the population in a law court either in front of God?

Hi John.

Saw this on BBC website this morning

"After months of avoiding the surge in cases seen by its neighbours, Thailand has been hit by its worst Covid-19 outbreak yet.

Tens of thousands of people are being tested after hundreds of cases linked to its biggest seafood market.

It has locked down Samut Sakhon, the coastal province near the capital Bangkok, home to the market which employs mostly migrant workers from neighbouring Myanmar.

Workers have been ordered to stay home.

Thailand was the first country outside China to register cases of Covid-19. But it has recorded a relatively low virus caseload since, with just over 4,000 cases and 60 deaths before this latest outbreak."

Does this impact yourself at all?

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As of yet no.

Thais are usually pretty good wearing masks and following orders which might explain the low number of cases.

Also the warmer weather helps - however in the north where I am it’s colder now.

Also Thais prefer to wai rather than shake hands - another potential reason cases have been low maybe.

When an outbreak does occur they do however go into full panic mode and everyone becomes paranoid

So far I think this latest outbreak has been confined to a small area of Bangkok and was brought in by migrants working in the seafood industry.

Generally speaking though we never experienced the full lock downs as in the west. Thank God.

I was actually scheduled to go back the UK when the outbreak began - my flight was cancelled and months later I’m still here.


However you might want to ask @steve369 how things are - he also lives in Chiang Mai and last I spoke to him he was worried he had Covid 19!!!

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////////////// ULTRAMEGAGIGA ALERTE/////////////

there is rumors ongoing about the death of the nurse who took the vaccine in front of the journalist (she fall asleep just 5 minutes after(video here : Une infirmière s'évanoui après avoir reçu le vaccin pfizer - YouTube)

rumors ongoing on 18-25 of jeuxvideo.com (must take it seriously they are always the first in giving the news for several terrorist attacks, warren buffet shorting spx, etc)


use automatic traduction of google chrome/edge explorer

this must explain the reaction of today with SPX falling 3% without noone shorting it, fed must have take out some of their position in advance of the news releasing in order to not loose to much money

Please don’t spread stuff like this, it benefits no-one
This occurred 4 days ago. The nurse fainted and later recovered. That’s all.


do you have source?

yes it benefit to traders, and it is benefit for debate concerning the vaccine of covid

does there is a real source attesting that the nurse is well? she’s been not posting on social medias since 6 days. and we found his name on the death register of the region

dont speak for the others personns, speak for you first because I dont think you are the representant of anyone on here, thats the first thing. the second thing is : you cant prohibit to people to ask questions so if you dont want to see this dont look at it but let people live their lives thank you.

yes i agree with you on one thing. this is not a mainstream media source, this is an alternative source with rumors on it. I just share it because I found this interesting

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Who - Calls “Our Charlie” and Sad Khan - (Dreadful Mayor of London) - “Experts” !

I was a great believer in our Monarchy (I’k a Brit) - But in view of the actions and attitude of All her male descendents except Prince William, I now take the position that the monarchy should End with the death of Her Majesty !

This Great Reset thing is going to be the next great terror we are inflicted with and I think it needs it’s own thread

It now has one

The situation is scary. everyday Im almost crying.
not only about being scared about COVID and also the vaccine , but also about the injustice and decadence growing over our countries
this isnt sustainable anymore. injustice is everywhere : criminals who murder and rape make 5 month of jail and do it again , the girls of my generation are applaused when they have a shamely decandent comportement toward sexual relations, they tax me/my friends/my family with 50% and then redistribute to strangers, corruption in our institutions, they let our countries being invaded and punish us when we fight,etc

what they have did to their childrens ? they have betrayed us, send us to death, condamn us to have a failed mariage with a decadent girl(50% divorce) who will steal half of your capital and an alimony for life, condamn us to be scared about how we will eat if we dont have a top position in the society


you are right, elizabeth 2 didnt took the adequate measures to save your country since 50 years. i understand you very well and respect your decision.she didnt comply with her role as a member of the royalty( to make the better for the country), but she didnt have too much influence from what I understood

indeed we need to have an overall look about what is done (cause this seems pretty suspicious)

Add to this “healthcare” thing - Free University for more than half of your kids, Welfare and millions of windmills and solar arrays Interest and Repayment of the record levels of debt caused by Quantitative Easing.

Who Exactly are the people who are going to pay these Taxes ?

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Dec 20: There was a pro-Trump “Stop the Steal” rally held in Osaka, Japan


If I may, the Fed has been using QE as one of it’s only remaining tools for some time now, because we somehow can’t stomach rising interest rates at all. That’s not really a liberal/conservative thing IMO it’s just a Fed tool. Healthcare is indeed insanely expensive, but we pay way more for it than other countries. Our ridiculous, broken system has countless layers at which various entities exist that must extract profit. We pay for all that ultimately, including paying for the uninsured to seek care when they have to. Hell, there’s an entire industry out there (PBM) that exists solely by finding opportunities to monetize the inefficiencies! I think we often make the mistake of assuming that universal healthcare would scale out at the same crappy price we pay for it today. It would not. We are one of the few developed nations that doesn’t have universal healthcare. It’s doable. I’m not a tax policy expert, but take a look at the chuck of our federal budget that we spend on military, and just how big that dollar amount is. We have the money, it’s about priorities.