Political Opinion

This would be a bleshing

What a HORRIBLE bill they just passed. 6 Senators had the, uh, strength to say no!

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Check out what Germany does!

If you are referring to a state dinner which both Stein and Putin attended does not count as hanging out.

RT is one of the best sources of independent news and hands down better than the crap from MSNBC and CNN. RT America is also very progressive and you claim to be a progressive

Again no specifics,

again not one example to support this allegation

Her peers were all war hawks supporting endless wars,

Again, I donā€™t see Russian tanks on US boarders but there are plenty of US tanks on Russiaā€™s boarder

Itā€™s not an allegation, her relationship with BA is well documented. Sheā€™s repeatedly refused to denounce him, went on a secret trip to see him, even voted in his favor on a house resolution once. Donā€™t take me wrong here, but Iā€™m involved in too much discussion here to link every point I try to make. I would never intentionally lie to you. You can take me at my word, disbelieve me, or itā€™s all just a Google search away. :slight_smile:

As was stated before, President Trump offered Pelosi a stimulus bill twice the size of this one back in October, that money would had been in the hands of American weeks ago but Pelosi blocked it all because Trumpā€™s name would be on the check. ( most people have direct deposit and would never see the check) Maybe diaper boy can loan some diapers to Pelosi

now you are making allegations of documentation ,

The United States has no business interfering with the government of Syria, Syria or their president has done nothing to harm anyone in the US, yet we have ( or had ) Troops on the ground in that country. I would consider that an invasion and it was done without a decoration of war by congress

Thereā€™s a worthy debate to be had around military intervention, and the expanded powers presidents have been using to deploy troops for years. At some point, when youā€™re just straight slaughtering civilians someone has to do something. It doesnā€™t always have to be us, but sometimes it does.

Russia population 146 million GDP 4.1 Trillion
China population 1.4 Billion GDP 24.2 Trillion

Seems pretty obvious to me who is the bigger threat, and it is not a tough question

and just who is slaughtering civilians, show your documentation to back it up

and while your at it, how many civilians have the US drone program slaughtered

Is someone here ranting about Obama or Clinton, I have not seen any such post, if their names come up it is because it is relevant to the conversation, I have yet to see anyone with Obama Derangement Syndrome or Clinton Derangement Syndrome

That discussion was specific to cyber attacks, and just my opinion.

I need to show documentation of the Syrian civil war? Really? He displaced half the damn population and created an international refugee crisis. Just one of the attacks killed over 1,000 civilians. He used chemical weapons on his people. If youā€™re not aware of these things, please, please read about it.

Whataboutism is not a form of logical argument. Estimates are 1000-2000 total, and we donā€™t do it on purpose. Lately the US seems to be favoring a new Hellfire variant that uses blades instead of explosion, making civilian casualties less likely. One of these pics features a conventional strike next to the results of one of the new R9X models.

I wish humans didnā€™t kill each other at all, but war has been with us from the beginning.

That is a lie

Screenshot 2020-12-22 at 9.34.08 PM

Other findings dispute that. How about Chlorine, or sulphur mustard? I said chemical weapons and you jumped all over sarin.

and with your aid it will continue , have you ever heard of the Military Industrial Complex and their financial incentive to keep us inventing new enemies so the wars never end

Hey, Iā€™m a progressive, I say you can bomb the world to pieces, but you canā€™t bomb it into peace. We should always pursue peace first. Yes Iā€™ve heard plenty about the MIC. The talk is always so interwoven with conspiracy theories, that it gets pretty eye-rolly pretty fast, but yes I have.

wrong again, my search was gas attacks in Syria and those were the first 4 stories to pop up

show me evidence to the contrary

and while we are at it, Iraq did not have weapons of mass destruction, that was a lie too, to justify an unjust war

I canā€™t wait till we start talking about Edward Snowden and Julian Assange, you would seem to have it in for Whistle blowers

The OPCW and UN found that this indeed was the case:

Please donā€™t bust my ****s over using wikipedia as a reference, Iā€™m merely giving you breadcrumbs to do your own research

In your dreams, from the positions you have taken on this thread you are about as progressive as this guy,

Screenshot 2020-12-22 at 11.17.00 PM

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