Political Opinion

you are right

never ask for help to my mom or dad for making my work , always did it by myself and i feel stronger than others in terms of determination & willing to survive

and i guess this is how i became a profitable trader (and thanks to God who gift to me the strenght to learn and practice, and conducted me to my mentor)

got much suffering , much problems in life but that made me stronger. what doesnt kill you makes you stronger. this can be apply to every human being

let your children develop themselves by their own strenght , just guide them


but you have to be rude too because you dont want your children to be part of the sexual decadence of today (lgbt, feminist,etc)

neither that he become muslim

so one slap or two isnt too much

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Well done @Blackduck - no need of “Affirmative action” for Mrs Duck !

That Daughter I spoke of above as just having completed the repayment of her loans did something similar;

Her mother walked away from her and me in 1983 and left her screaming with outstretched arms on Derby Railway station.

When she was 17 she fell pregnant and by the time she told me - she had been “worked on” by my mother to have an abortion and not tell me because “He’ll go mad!” - Fortunately - she Did tell me and we went and sat in a nice wooded part of my parents’ garden and talked. I assured her that whatever she decided was ok with me and I’d back her unconditionally whatever that decision might be.

She decided to keep the baby, was able to finish her “A Levels” and got a house with boyfriend - She dumped him about 4 years after and went off to Uni with her kid under her arm :slightly_smiling_face: Blistered the Law degree and straight down to London to do the 2 year “Professional Qualification” all the while working part time to access Tax-credits which helped her to live.
Managed to get a Training contract And there she met and captured her Husband :rofl:
Had another Son and daughter with him and is now a Partner in a London Law Practice.

So I thought @enickma congratulating her on her “taking financilal responsibility” was a bit patronising. :rofl: - Oh btw Nick - I too have 4 kids - All girls plus a step-daughter - 3 step-grandkids, 2 boys and a girl among the other daughters (and still going).

None of them have had any debts “forgiven” and None of them or their various Husbands and Partners would even understand that in “Some circles” - teh words " I believe in democracy" have been intentionally corrupted to mean

“We can all vote to steal your money”


Here is my two cents on college here in America, before the government stepped in with guaranteed loans that can never be dismissed even in a bankruptcy. Kids could pay their whole year tuition by working a summer job or working weekends, If married one spouse would work while the other went to school full time, you lived at home and busted your butt to get that degree and you can bet it was a degree that value in the Business World.

Now thanks to the Government offering us free money that does not need to be paid back until after graduation, The cost of a college has sky rocketed, in many fields a degree will cost you more than a house, what worst is colleges are offering degrees in things that have no value in the business world, In America we now have more college grads then there are jobs that require a college degree.

Solution: Ending the government student loan program would be a good start, Encourage kids not interested in one of the STEM fields to skip collage and enter Trade School where there are lots of waiting jobs

One last thought is what this virus has taught us is you can get a degree online without ever stepping on a school campus, and there would be no reason for a degree to not cost a whole lot less

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They actually HAVE to do that mate - It’s called “Dumbing down Education” - So those I spoke of earlier, without the intelligence to get a Real degree - can be allowed to “do a degree” they cannot fail and at the same time “feel” they have achieved something !

It’s all down to Quotas - Obama and Blair both - said “50% of kids should get a degree” ! and now they are ! - They’re getting degrees in “Grievance Studies” - to enable them to “Pass something” ! - Trouble is they actually Believe the garbage and come out wanting to “Change the world” - Then of course “they Need Jobs” - So the Governments Force Firms at the point of a gun to establish “Quota departments” Like HR to stick them somewhere they can do “No harm” - trouble is - Nobody Told them they are supposed to “Do no HArm” - They actually Believe they are “helping” ! They are in the media, publishing - -pretty much all Government Departments and Local Government, Local Politics and National politics - Just Look at AOC and her tribe !

Now they’re establishing Quotas to put the oaver-educated under intelligent onto the Boards of Corporations and still they come pouring out of teh Indoctrination Factories in your country and mine (Not however in China, Russia etc) and as we fall evr futher behind on STEM - well the end result is surely self-evident!

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Everything you said is so true, I think it would be interesting to give college kids an IQ test going into college and another as the leave college, my bet is many would have lower scores

True story
Back when I was in High School I over heard a senior teacher telling a new teacher the following " The smart kids today are just as smart as they where when I started but the dumb kids are getting dumber every year" That was 45 years ago and it is obvious that trend has continued.

Heaven Help Us

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That must have been heart breaking for her. Brought a tear to my eyes. Very sad!

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So where was this cooperation before the Election, just show Pelosi and the rest of the career politicians only care about expanding their power

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Statement by Donald J. Trump, The President of the United States


Yes mate - for the next couple of years - every time she saw a young woman with long dark hair - she’d cry “Mummy” stretch her arms out and try to run to her - not great for either of us - but I got her a great child-minder and went Roofing ! She came on in leaps and bounds and every time I saw something, I’d point it out - “Tractor”, “bus” “car” etc. She was desperate to learn and has had a better result than if her mother had hung around.


Biden caught on a zoom call…sound on!


Same story here but reverse as my daughter stayed with her mother and learned all her bad traits and now as an adult her mission in life seems to be to find new ways to screw up her life, and I feel a bit helpless to help as she can’t even admit to having a problem.

The worst thing is she now has a daughter of her own and those bad traits will just continue to be past along.


Sorry to read that, must be heart-aching and frustrating for you to see.

because when you dont have diploma is more difficult to success in your career, you’ll win less than others

and people will see you as lower class , lower intellectual. its like this in france too, people judge only by diploma in society. if you dont have diploma you have restrained opportunities.
university teach you a lot about the job you’ll do so thats normal. everyone want a diploma to have a nice job with high wage + good social status

the only people who can success without diploma in France are entrepreneurs(and there is very few who are successful). its not like before where you can go from nothing , you have a little job you work for 20 years in the same company without diploma growing little by little then you end up as a CEO

people who learn extrascolarly are seen bad and judged badly instantly (without even looking at their true competences)

for exemple a forex trader who learnt from home ,if tomorrow he go to talk with people who go to Paris dauphine (in finance and trading cursus), they will think they are superior to him. they will mock him ,etc even if they are incompetent at the side of him and he litteraly explode them in trading. he’ll need to show them he win more money than them and his trading record to make them close their mouths

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Perhaps “Hail Satan” might have been a more appropriate response!

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I feel for you mate
All over the western world are men sufferring as you are and many who have just Opted out of the world permanently because they ae legally prevented from “interfering” in their children’s lives and have to watch what you describe, powerless to intervene.

Yet all we hear is “Toxic Masculinity” “Rape Culture”, “Domestic Abuse” from those we expect to be on our childrens side.

I can’t suggest much of great help - but you just need to remember that it’s not “Her” fault - It’s the script she has been given by those she trusted most. In many ways analogous with the way those who manifest the TDS we know so well have been manipulated and Indoctrinated by those we trusted to “Educate” Them actually DO Believe that they are Good People and anyone who supports Trump is BAD - In fact Evil!

Just be there for her - be a safe haven, without being judgemental and be there to catch her when she falls.

There is no way you can reason with a true believer as we have seen - But if you ever happen to be around when a life changing Trauma happens in her life - you do get a chance for a few brief minutes/hours to actually Make a difference ! But that window is small !
If I had teh tool of prayer, I would use for you but I don’t - so all I can offer is my best wishes and say that if you ever want to PM me, I’ll be happy to share what I know and help where I can.
All the best



just i dont get how you can let that happen

a daughter turned into a sexual decadent is the shame of his famiy. this deserve to be rejected of the family , and taken out from heritage , and slap , and never talk anymore, say to her “you are the shame of the family”, etc

normally if you educate her really strictly with christian belief, put her into a christian college private school, dont give her a phone, dont allow to leave the house alone until 18, showing her the path (going to church and marry to a christian , sex only in marriage),etc

she dont become an horrible monster like we’ve so much the habit to see today

why do you care so much about what people say ? dont care about it, just make what you have to do.
you are the boss of the family yes or not ? or is it the other who are the boss of your family?
to me it is you, but im waiting for you to confirm that

go on @Dennis3450 , wear your balls and make what a father would do.

go to put your daughter in submission to you. you as a parent is the guide (not the society), you are the true guide and if you let society guide your children, you know where it goes (degenerated mindset and no faith , no morals, no honors ,etc)

Thanks for sharing that @QuadPip - He puts it together in a form They will have to allow in Court - So he can use all that evidence in his defence - When they sue him !

He’s challenging them to sue him !

Of course he may yet go the way of JFK !

and Epstein