Political Opinion

Here in the US, a degree in most jobs outside of STEM is just a means for employers to screen out applicants. These white-collar jobs will be mostly gone in the next 20 years due to A.I.

learning a trade that cannot be easily taken over by a robot is the way to go.

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They will do everything they can to make an example of him as a message to anyone else running for office that if you don’t play by their rules there will be a price to pay.

the good thing is Trump does not give a sh-t and he will fight back and with 70 million supporters it could backfire on the establishment

Wow! So much congrats, and thank you for sharing that story. I definitely did not mean it in a patronizing way.

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Now find out why !

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They have nothing to sue him for. They already tried with trumped up (pun intended) charges but failed.

They tried to assassinate him and that failed too!

BTW, Epstein is still alive! :smile:

I’m waiting for the hammer to fall on these degenerates. It is coming in due time for sure.

Edit: And so it begins … :smile:

Good Summary and Funny too! :smile:

Wish he hadn’t used expletives but then perhaps it wouldn’t have been as funny.

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Fogive me for not playing “this guy’s bad, this guy’s good” on that thread - you seem to have found others to play that game.
I’m interested to know how exactly you are defining “Fascism” ? Talking in actions beliefs and doctrines - not just pointing at people. Thanks.

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Good Question!

sorry friend, guess you fell into the hands of some scam trade managers

i wouldn’t promise making anyone a millionaire, lol

i am not one myself, but trust me i have blown my balance many times and finally we on the winning ways now.

i just decided to make a blog to share my trades so everyone who comes across can join me make some profits in pips

you can check my page out from the link below

Click here to check blog https://()storyline(.)com(.)ng remove the () to visit the site

Zoom Caught Censoring & Spying for China

Evidence of Democratic Socialists & Chinese Collaboration. Not to mention Treason!

[ Is this Desperation personified or what? ]

These are the role models influencing our children. How endearing!

That’s a great achievement and it shows that if you are focus and driven the world can become your oyster.

Bob Proctor said in his motivational book, “If you can see it in your head, you can hold it in your hand.”

Congrates to your daughter. You must be proud.

Merry Christmas.

:grinning: :beers: :wine_glass:




To all on this thread and to all on Babypips I would like to wish you ALL a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a very PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR.

Take care of yourselves and your precious families and may that Jolly Fat Man in the red suit be kind to you.

Merry Christmas and God Bless

:beers: :cocktail: :wine_glass:




:point_up: What Blackduck said!

A Very Merry Christmas to all!

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You shouldn’t believe everything you see on Twitter.

That video clip was edited to miss entirely the point Clinton was making, she was paraphrasing a 2016 news conference, where Trump infamously said: “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

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A Merry Christmas Adam ( Adam before Eve) from here in the states

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Funny Time of year isn’t it ? = Only seems like yesterday since we were all in the pub - getting smashed and snogging under the mistletoe ! - though in reality it’s more like half a century since ! :wink:

There won’t be much of that this year methinks !

Merry Christmas to you all from a chained down England !