Political Opinion

**I do read this entertaining thread !



Media monkeys are losing their minds tonight over President Trump’s demand that the 600 stimulus check is increased to $2000. Americans need this badly,

I stand with the President on this one.

Screenshot 2020-12-23 at 7.49.01 PM

Those that are worried about the incredible deficit we’ve run up, I can understand their trepidation. BUT if they have all that money for foreign governments, then you are right Dennis. I think I read where the $600 is 7% of the total ONLY 7%!

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(BREXIT) The deal is a CATASTROPHE for the UK

Predictable at 27 vs 1

(use automatic translate plugin from Google chrome or Microsoft Edge)

Summary :

  • No return of borders
  • Northern Ireland remains unofficially in the European Union to avoid a break of Ireland / Northern Ireland border
  • European fishermen will be able to freely go fishing towards the British coasts
  • British imports will still be subject to WHO regulations

Scotland announces its imminent independence:

hard time for britts

and there is also the new covid so all europe closed the fronteers with britts, this caused a problem in their supply chain and they will lack of food if we dont help them

“mohamet” the first name the most given to new birth in England, every year since 2013

God damn it, i feel so bad for britts

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good. eat your report. :fu:

i’ve reported you three times on your three post. bye :fu:

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united kingdom wont exist anymore. Irland will make his independance and access to EU, same for Scotland (who still EU)

England will be alone now and will use the flag with the “Croix de Saint-georges” like in the 17th century

+the french fishermen will keep fishing in the sea

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this is why the mayor of London is muslim and always will be muslim for the rest of this century. Any guesses when the first muslim PM will be appointed

I think it will be at the next election. he will have the 3.5millions muslims(almost 10% of the population) voting for him and like 15 millions leftist ready to humiliate/destroy one more time an european country.
and england is cucks (sorry for the redpilled one) but they recognized sharia laws and implemented muslims law courts in their own country
thats worst than Sweden and France, i didnt even was thinking that was possible.

for sure , england will fall before France. they comply way too much with muslims, and arent even bothered to make coming more and more blacks replacing their own population


Neil Degrasse Tyson really lays it out how islam went from the greatest contributor of science 1000 years ago to all but completely abandoning the sciences today

A little Simplistic, as we might expect from previous posts. :slightly_smiling_face:

And we have to remember that the EU HAS to keep the other 27 scared sh*tless about leaving :rofl:

Yes well - Your side was always going to claim that.
Our side Too are claiming victory as they would.

The truth we will not really know for some time as the Treaty is 2000 PAGES long

But so far it seems likely that it could be acceptable to Brexiteers ! -

In Tabular form we are being told

Farage has a team of Lawyers deciphering the document iover Xmas

And Mahyar Tousi has already gone a little further into the major points - This is about the best we know at the moment.

I shall update as we know what’s what on the F*** Boris thread



Hello, have to look at the details, on all the important deals the EU won. And even some English deals are ultimately bad for them (a lot of paperwork added to the border on import etc 
) :laughing:
You must read the entire agreement

we left them unimportant victories, they can continue to drive on the left, one point. :rofl:

How many key issues too
And all the agreements are not equal, there is a lot of non-negotiable agreement which is just there to put things into perspective :rofl:

we can die laughing at the report, seriously. State aid, the GB has to win it will be able to do what it wants but on condition of remaining within certain standards, allowing the EU to control what the GB does which may be subject to corrective measures in the event of 'excess. Magnificent victory indeed. :laughing:

The UK has won and has the right to its own standards in terms of goods, service and agriculture. But these standards are not recognized by the EU so they will still have to produce according to our standards if they want to sell in Europe. :laughing:

Basically every time the report indicates a GB victory it is written in small behind that they have lowered their pants. :laughing:

On the other hand for fishing the quota is not surely indicated to avoid tensions

47% just to make you feel like you’ve won, while the reality is different : you’ve lost your pant.
look at your “kingdom” is dislocating, you lost scotland and Irland. you are left alone. plus the last humiliation is the fishing deal, we will keep fishing in your seas. I think you didnt took a look at the 13% of winning where it is the most important. one more time you are taking the crumbs while we take the entire baguette

you’d never had to do that seriously, now you gonna risk to be exterminated by the rats you are bringing. we would have help you against invasion, you only must have been more strict when you’d take a decision within EU

What do the sources you quote say about the Yelow Jackets ?

You people may not have heard this quick speech !

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I see. you are salty

the yellow vest will defeat the beast and his demons. they will stand bravely/proudly and smash them all, like the descendents of warriors they are


we still here, and we wont stop until we win

I asked what the sources you quote say about them - NOT what Your opinion is - I guess your sources are silent ! - Just as contaminated as the BBC !

however , thanks for distracting the european institutions while we take back our country.

aaah the sources about yellow vest of France , but i dont get what you are asking me that while we are talking about brexit

i’ll give you in a second but yes they are still here fighting (there was a pause because of covid, but it continue now)

a yellow vest condamn to 9 months of jail for forcing the door of a ministery

a yellow vest who posted in fb " Macron , you will die !"

yellow vest paste posters in the streets “to not come to protest, its compromission/submission”

etc ,etc

there was 4500 injured since the beginning of the movement

every saturday they are here, and more and more are coming (but its a little complicated due to covid).

Vive la revolution !!

I think that’s the point isn’t it ?
You don’t like the EU any more than We do !

We’ve shown you the way out :slightly_smiling_face:

not to rain on your parade but when was the last time the French stood their ground until victorious, I guess the good thing is you a battling a government that only knows how to surrender

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1066 I think they beat us then ! :slightly_smiling_face:

But that was before their Communist Revolution.

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