Political Opinion

Interesting how this complex Treaty was done in 2000 pages, while here in the US it took 5000 pages for a $900 billion stimulus bill that only gives 7% of that money to US families. Governments suck no matter what part of the world you live in.

Another tid bit of information, that 5000 page bill was given to house member just a few hours before they were to vote on it. That is the US government, these clowns are suppose to represent us but they don’t even read the bills they vote for

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Billions to the greenies and “foreign aid” if I remember aright ?

I think that was to hide the disgrace in the garbage of words wasn’t it Our MPs are to vote next Wednesday I think so they won’t have read it either. And the EU “Parliament” - won’t be allowed to vote until well into the New Year when the Treaty is well in operation - But nobody cares what THEY vote anyway THey’re completely sidelined - As indeed are teh French “PArliament” - Their “vote” doesn’t count for anything either ! - Macron and his gang of “Advisors” make all the decisions !

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and a lump of coal for the rest of us

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But You’re not allowed to light it - Right ? :wink:

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the hell I won’t, it is going down to 26 f -3.3 c

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“Only” 35F here tomorrow night, Dennis. You need to move closer to the water…:wink:

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Evening Stan - I just saw you coming on & thought "I’d just love a Ceegar ! - Spring us one mate ?

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Evening mate! Smoking a Caldwell-The T
I hope y’all enjoy Christmas tomorrow. We, as most Jews, will be
doing Chinese takeout, as it’s the only place open.
Ahhhh…traditions! :wink:


it is that global warming at work, record snow fall in the northeast. Wasn’t Florida suppose to be underwater by now

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Yes, Al Gore, that is correct! AOC says we have, what, another couple years? The carbon
tax will take care of that…


The is what it is really all about, tax us and give it to their friends

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And they are doing a FINE job! Can’t wait to get back in the Paris Accords! That’s all we need to do!


All the while millions of Americans either don’t have healthcare and can’t afford the co-pay after the 2 grand a month Obamacare premium. Glad these guys have their priorities straight

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So don’t you do the Father Christmas bit an dbuy presents for the kids ? Personally = I’m not a “believer” but I like to think of it as a celebration of the sun turning round and coming back as in the original “yule”
But I don’t object to them teaching the nativity at the kid’s school and I’m pretty sure the OH is a true believer. As I said - to me it’s just a celebration and we get few enough of them !
I do remember year after year - me an 'er starting to wrap presents around about this time (11:45 over here) and getting done just before the little b***ers woke up - Nice to think they’ll be goingthrough teh same thing in a few years ! As you said tradirions" lol

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Don’t get me started on that BS - It’s Christmas - want to keep the mood going - Take a look at the “Climate Change Hoax” Thread if you want to see what I have on that one ! :rofl: :rofl:

Or better still - this one ;

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We are Jewish. Celebrate Chanukah. Kids get presents for eight CRAZY nights.

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Trust you to outdo the rest of us :sunglasses: So what does that celebrate and when is it ?

Maccabee’s kicking the ASyrians arse’s out of the Temple and rededication it.
It’s was over, after 8 nights, about a week ago. It’s a different calendar,
so it starts anywhere from the end of Thanksgiving to around Christmas.

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Ok mate - I’ll remember that - thanks :sunglasses:

your words show how uneducated you are. you dont know history neither present.

France won 1352 wars, making it the country who won the most war (in comparaison to america , you only won 700 wars so half less)

you just repeat the propagande that your masters had put in your brain, like the good slaves you are. in 2000 georges bush wanted to make war in Iraq. the french president of that times “Jacques Chirac” declined because he dont saw the utility of making this war. you was so salty that your president made up totally this propaganda that you are repeating now

A little enlightment of what happened in WW2 : nazis was attacking civil people (not soldiers). they killed a tons of childrens , women and old people. so French gov decided to refuse to continue the war (not surrender, they refused. there is a nuance in this). because letting innocent people dying isnt part of our moral code.
and also we was alone in front of : Italy with mussolini, Franco in Spain , the nazis (poland , germany , netherlands ,etc).
and we was fighting against all these countries while we was alone
our only ally was England but they betrayed us.

would have like to see you in the situtations of that french army at that time. you’d be crying over your mama dress. There is incredible battles that shows perfectly the bravour of the french people (like the Battle of Menton , where 9 french soldiers fought against 5000 italians soldiers and French won)

we’ve conquested europe 3-4 times so that was 3 more times than every other european countries. France had built all the actual world and his proud army showed the path to strenght everywhere. we are designed as the defendor of the world and thats why you call us each time you enter in a war (because you think we are your bodyguard)

also we’ve conquested germany in only 3 days, it was 200 years ago, at the time of Napoleon if i remember well