Political Opinion

'Avé pavé, here France puts her balls on your Front!

What about France? What is this great nation that everyone talks about wrong and through based on preconceived ideas, but, which in reality few people really know?

France would have the bad reputation of the «French surrender», In the USA and in England and probably even elsewhere it is taught that France would never have won any war and that it is a country of balls and balls. All right, let’s take a closer look:

France has the most military victories in the world

There were 53 major conflicts in Europe. France was a belligerent in 49 of them, and the United Kingdom in 43.
Of the 185 battles France has waged over the past 800 years, its armies will have won 132 of them, and lost 43, leaving only 10 undecided battles

Thus giving the French military the record of victories in Europe and thus in the world. France is the nation that has participated in the greatest number of wars and battles in the history of humanity.

  • Over the past 800 years, France has beaten England for over 200 years, Germany for over 150 years, Spain for over 190 years/Portugal for over 190 years

Quite often these wars were conducted against France in numerical inferiority against coalitions of several nations aiming to destroy it.

France, a warrior nation par excellence, the strategies deployed by these generals are still being studied today, in particular the campaigns of Napoleon Bonaparte.

On all the Terrains and continents France knew how to show the world what it was worth in combat.

But it is also the battles of Bouvines, Verdun, Soissons, Marigan, Castillon, etc …

And those of the Prestige:

And so many others …

But France is also the one that colonized England in 1066, this Francized country for centuries to the point that 40% of English words are of French origin.

It is the Daughter-Elder Nation of the Church, because the first barbarian King of Europe to have been converted is none other than Clovis 1st, King of the Franks, she is therefore the protector of Christendom, even in its national borders one feels the destiny of it.

The one that dismantled the 900-year-old Holy Roman Empire. Allowing Germany to be born 65 years later.

The one that allowed the independence of the United States by fighting in America against the British.

The country of the “Dynasties” Many European Kings have French ancestry.

  • Under Saint-Louis, France is the richest and most populous country in Europe and the most developed in intellectual and artistic terms, thus influencing all of Europe.

  • Amerindians were nicknamed the King of France the Great Onontio “the greatest mountain of the earth” at the end of the seven-year war, then overwhelmed by the French defeat and their fate thrown into the hands of the English who will exterminate them afterwards.

The one that dominated Europe for several centuries making its royal court the most frequented and appreciated of the Kings of Europe.

The country of humanism and human rights and the first Modern European democracy.

But France is another thing:

  • France is the second nation in the world to have made the most invention and discovery.

  • It was the second largest colonial empire in the world, spanning all continents and oceans.

  • It has the second largest maritime space in the world behind the USA and could legitimise some areas then ranking it number 1 worldwide for maritime possession across the globe.

  • It is the largest nation in the European Union in terms of area.

  • First European Agricultural Power and 4th worldwide.

  • 4th World Military Power and 1st European Era.

  • 5th world economic power.

  • Permanent member of the UN alongside the USA, Russia, China and England.

  • 2nd largest industrial and commercial power in Europe.

France is also the third country in the world to have manufactured the Atomic Bomb.
France is also a Space Power, the third nation to conquer Space, the European Space Agency’s most important space budget.
France is also famous for its gastronomy all over the world.
France is also the first nation when it comes to art.

But it is also the Francophonie:

The French language is the second language taught in the world, La Francophonie brings together 49 countries around the world grouped into a permanent council of La Francophonie meeting every 2 years.

  • French is now the 5th most spoken language in the world with 274 million speakers
  • French is the third language of business in the world
  • French is the fourth language on the Internet.

https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2016/30/1469787077-image.jpg : This map represents the French Colonial Empire
https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2016/30/1469787248-image.jpg : This represents the 1st French Empire under Napoleon in 1812
https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2016/30/1469787321-image.jpg : This one represents the Carolingian Empire under Charlemagne (ancestor of the French)
https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2016/30/1469787977-image.jpg : This map represents France under Louis XIV his sons being placed king of Spain and Italy which will later bring a great French descent to the throne of Spain

Sur les 800 dernières années la France c’est battu environ plus de 200 ans contre l’Angleterre, plus de 150 ans contre les nations germaniques, plus de 190 ans contre les Espagnols/portugais, et face a de nombreux autres nations encore.

L’Angleterre et la France sont les deux Nations qui se sont le plus combattu et ce sont les deux qui ont fait le plus de guerre et de bataille dans l’Histoire, nous avons donc ici deux colosses, dont la France est le maitre incontestable.

Impossible n’est pas Français, n’oubliez jamais ça !

1066, Guillaume le conquérant, Français et Normand, Vassal du Roi de France, conquiert l’Angleterre , il devient Roi d’Angleterre et donc celle-ci devient le Vassal de la France !
De cette date la langue Française s’impose en Angleterre a tel point qu’aujourd’hui 40 % de l’anglais a une racine d’un mot bien Français. Les Nobles du Royaume parle en Français et sont de culture Française.

Pendant 262 ans les Rois anglais sont d’ascendance Française et l’Angleterre est officiellement Vassal du Roi de France, la langue de ses Rois et nobles et a majorité Française ainsi que sa culture ! A cette époque le Français devient la langue de la loi et de la Justice dans ce Royaume.

La devise de l’Angleterre en 2016 est en Français « Dieu et mon droit « ! héritage https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2016/44/1478433832-flat1000x1000075f-jpg.jpg

L’Angleterre ira même jusqu’a ajouter sur son drapeau le Symbole du Royaume de France « la fleur de Lys « qu’elle va garder pendant 203 ans jusqu’en 1603. https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2016/44/1478433829-edouard-iii-adjoint-en-1340-les-armes-de-france-a-son-blas.png

Le Très célèbre Richard Coeur de Lion, icône des Anglais, était un Roi anglais qui ne parlait que le Français, n’a jamais voulu apprendre l’anglais, et n’a passé que 6 mois de sa vie en Angleterre préférant la France ! L’influence de la France sur les anglais s’ échelonne sur une période de 537 années.

La France a gagné : ( contre les anglais uniquement )
-La guerre entre les Franco Normands et les Anglo saxon(Hastings 1066)
-La guerre entre rois de France et Plantagenets( appelée aussi première guerre de cent ans) 1159 1299
-La guerre de Saint Sardos 1323 1325
-La guerre de cent ans 1337 1453
-La guerre de la ligue d’Augsbourg 1688 1697
-La guerre de succession d’Autriche 1740 1748
-La guerre d’indépendance americaine 1776-1783
-La guerre de la 1ère coalition 1792-1802
-La guerre de la 2 ème coalition 1798-1802
-La guerre de la 3 ème coalition 1805
-La guerre de la 4 ème coalition 1806-1807
-La guerre de la 5 ème coalition 1809

L’angleterre a gagné :
-La guerre contre Louis VI de France 1119 1124
-La 3 ème guerre d’Italie (Ligue de Cambrai) 1521 1526
-La 4 ème guerre d’Italie(Ligue de Gognac) 1526 1530
-La 6ème d’Italie 1551 1559
-La guerre de succession d’Espagne 1701 1714
-La guerre de sept ans 1756 1763
-La guerre de la sixieme coalition 1812 1814
-La guerre de la septième coalition 1815

Score de 12-8 en faveur de la France.
Ceci sans compter les nombreuses autres guerres parallèle de la France face a d’autres colosses de l’époque.

Le Français héroïque qui inflige de terrible pertes a l’adversaire :

  • la bataille de Camerone, 62 légionnaires Français contre 2000 mexicains.
    Bataille de Camerone — Wikipédia

  • Birk hakeim, à 1 contre 10, 3 700 Français contre 37 000 Allemands/Italiens.

  • Poche de lille , 1940, 2 Divisions Françaises encerclés tiennent en echec 7 division Allemandes.

  • Bataille de Dunkerque, 1940, 30 000 Français font face a 160 000 Soldats Allemands, il les tiennent en échec offensive après offensive durant plusieurs jours, Sauvant ainsi l’armée Britannique, Bataille la plus capitale de 39-45.

  • Pont-Saint Louis ou menton, (1940), 9 Français contre 5000 italiens, Victoire Fr.
    Bataille de Menton — Wikipédia

  • Bataille de Diên Biên Phu, (1954), 14 000 Français contre 63 000 viet Minh.

  • Monté casino, 1944, La ou les anglais et américains vont échouer, les Forces Françaises Libres emportent la victoire face a 80 000 Allemands.
    Bataille de Monte Cassino — Wikipédia

On a aussi nos pirates :
-Robert Surcouf, guerre (1781-1801) : Surnommé le " Roi des corsaires" il sera la terreur de l’Empire Britannique, il les dominera sur toutes les mers du globe, certains navires anglais se rendront même sans oser le combattre.

  • L’Olonnais : ou le Fléau des Caraïbes, Ce Français va terroriser l’Empire Espagnole, Portugais et Anglais, il volera une quantité astronomique d’or sur les flots, allant meme jusqu’a capturer et piller des cités entière dont notamment gibraltar.

  • Jean Lafitte : Ce célèbre pirate Français, va lui aussi terroriser les navires anglais lors de la guerre d’indé américaines.

Une Nation millénaire de plus de 1500 ans ;

La France c’est celle qui a donné naissance au USA en l’aidant de manière décisive lors de sa guerre d’indépendance contre l’Angleterre il y a 240 ans.

La France c’est celle qui a détruit le Saint-Empire Romain Germanique, vieux de 900 ans. Permettant à l’Allemagne de naître 65 ans plus tard.

La France c’est celle qui c’est battu contre toute l’Europe en 1792 avec 750 000 soldats contre 1.8 millions de coalisé et qui a gagné.

La France c’est la plus Grande puissance militaire mondiale sous Louis XIV avec le pays le plus peuplé d’Europe et le plus avancé.

  • Les amérindiens surnommait le roi de France le Grand onontio " la plus grande montagne de la terre " lors de la fin de la guerre de sept-ans, accablé alors de la défaite française et de leur sort jeter au main des anglais qui les exterminerons par la suite.

-Sous Saint-Louis la France est le pays le plus riche et le plus peuplé d’Europe ainsi que le plus développé sur les plans intellectuels et artistique influençant ainsi toute l’Europe.

  • Celle qui a dominé l’Europe durant plusieurs siècle faisant de sa cour royale la plus fréquenté et appréciés des Rois d’Europe.

  • La seule Nation qui n’a pas exterminer les amérindiens mais qui a privilégié la paix et l’intégration, Grande paix de Montréal de 1701.

  • Le pays de l’humanisme et des droit de l’Homme, qu’elle a inspiré au Monde entier, et première démocratie Européenne Moderne.

  • La 2 ème plus Grande puissance coloniale mondiale, Le soleil ne se couche jamais sur la France.

Et tout ceci n’est qu’un petit aperçu de la Grandeur Française, l y aurait tant a dire sur tant de domaine. Sur sa contribution a l’Histoire de l’Humaniter.

Quelques Phrases :

  • “Nous, Anglais, nous nous battons pour l’honneur, et vous Français, vous vous battez pour l’argent !” "Peut être. Mais chacun se bat pour ce qu’il lui manque " Surcouf

  • Malgré notre écrasante supériorité numérique et matérielle, les troupes françaises contre-attaquent en plusieurs endroits. Je ne parviens pas à comprendre comment d’aussi valeureux soldats, luttant en divers endroits à un contre 20, parviennent à trouver encore suffisamment de force pour passer à l’assaut : c’est tout simplement stupéfiant, Dunkerque m’apporte la preuve que le soldat français est l’un des meilleurs du monde. Général Georg von Küchler 1940.


La France, c’est un esprit, une grandeur et une gloire qui fut permit par tous ceux qui l’ont aimer, quelques qu’il soit.
Vive la France ! http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2016/44/1478434025-logo-autre-article.jpg’’

Thanks for the history lesson, Many of us were not fooled by the Iraq propaganda

But there is still some bad blood over France not granting the US fly over rights for the 1986 attach of Libya,

And after that you tried to invade Russia , how did that go

I seem to remember Americans not backing down to the British at a time we were clearly outclassed

Then there was Fort McHenry where we refused to surrender and our flag remained standing held up only by the bodies of dead soldiers, There was a song written about it, you may have heard about it,The Star-Spangled Banner


this is not something I would brag about and at the rate the warmongers running our country now we could pass you by the end of the century

The US has never been a country out to conquer others, if we had Mexico and Canda would have fallen a long time ago

The time of endless war has passed, war today is more about feeding the Military-Industrial Complex then national defense and needs to stop

But this is all in the distant past, and right now we both have a government not concern for their people


french army won in moscow (the only country in the world that won a physical war against russia on their ground).
but the french soldiers who was in there died shortly after that : from disease, cold and lices.
so the french defeated the russians , then the lices defeated the french :frowning:

yes this is true , americans soldiers was really brave at certain times. already heard about this famous battle

right , i think it wont be a problem for whites to defeat the invasion. americans can use a pacific solution (remigration).

for french and english it will be more complicated. remigration is possible but have to be applied right now and really strongly (and having in mind that these rats/cockroaches would surely declare war). or it will have a racial and religious war.

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Then their was the “Normandy campaign” where over 20,000 Americans died,

Did you’ve seen the news?there was a bomb attack in nashville

stay safe at home , be careful man. we dont know if they(the rats of middle east) gonna make more attacks

taken the day off from the news, but thanks for the info. Too early to jump to conclusions, everything reported in the first 24 hours of an event is almost always wrong, so I will wait until they get all the detail correct. Then I will watch the official news conference and not the talking heads in the media

its always the rats. always

cant be the cockroaches because its not their mode of operation.

fortunately there wasnt people who died from what i’ve seen on the news. but have to be careful we dont know if there will be more attacks on the same period (they did several attacks at different cities during the same day in France)

Just what history books are you reading?? France fell to the Germans but you obviously have never heard of the French Resistance who were invaluable to the British and the US in the fight against the Germans.

Who is WE and how did the British betray you??


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Not only American but Australian, New Zealand and British forces.



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I think what both you and @anon45125995 don’t realise that the landing at Normandy was planned and administered by Sir Winston Churchill the British Prime Minister. If it wasn’t for Churchill the Brits would have fallen to the Germans. Sir Winston Churchill was one of the greatest Prime Ministers Britian has ever had.




99% of terrorist attacks in america have been other americans

and funded by the CIA

Someone a few weeks ago was dumping on Churchill and I pointed out he was the reason Britain did not surrender. Then for reasons that still make no sense he was voted out of office after the war


I never said only American’s died, I was replying to TheLabo saying this about Americans " you’d be crying over your mama dress"

Here is the complete casualty list from Wikipedia

Screenshot 2020-12-26 at 7.29.19 AM

you are american so imagine from one day to an other you have : China , Russia , the coalition of arab countries and India who declare you war

so you have an amount of 50 times your soldiers that go rushing into your country. and you have no ally (europe cant help you for 4-5 years)

This is what France dealed with. so it is a real shame to talk about these brave soldiers that defended France at that time. it is the proof that you are uneducated and that you dont value the brave people (only within your country), that you dont have respect for others (neither you allies).

you you was arriving with 10 countries : australia , NZ , england , french resistance ,etc
and there even was russia who was destroying the nazis on the other side

French soldiers was standing alone against everyone and everything. effectively , if YOU was at their place: you’d be crying over your mama dress

Why are you so obsessed with the past, we are not here debating history but current political events, on that we both are fighting our own corrupt governments who have sided with the globalist at the expense to their own people, we are in this fight together, no reason to be looking to one up each other, we are on the same team in this fight

I know dennis and with the help of God , this mascarade will end and we’ll have a return to normal

im not obsessed, just pissed of because saying “french are surrender” is a lie, an enormous lack of respect. and im pissed off when i hear that

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With the benefit of beginning to understand the differring personality traits of men and women, I think we could perhaps look to the fact that a lot of Men had been killed and therefore the “agreeableness” characteristic of women - may have had a significant bearing on that - the “we can co-operate” and “no more wars” FEELINGS may well have been significant factors - as they seem to be in the current SJW and BLM distortions of society.

Churchill was a Superb brain and talented across many fields other than oratory - He was a talented artist, writer and won a Nobel prize for literature 1953 - a 33rd degree Freemason - the man was truly of genius class

One remembers the quote said to be to Lady Astor wo accused him of being drunk (I believe he was partial to a tipple)

Said to be of the form;

Mr. Churchill , you’re drunk’ Yes, Madam I am and you are ugly. But tomorrow , I shall be sober !

If any of you get the chance - a tour of his “WAR ROOMS” in London - is highly recommended. :sunglasses:


Honestly I dont have a particular affection for the rosbeefs, but i really hate the situation in which you are today

the truth is , based on facts (demography per race, number of migrants that come each year, the actual number of strangers that are in western europe today etc), that i don’t see a way to arrange all of that without a war really sanguinarry in which the people will fight for their race and for their religious beliefs

There is some ogic there - but you have to take on board too that teh Germans are well - aware of their “racist” past and are over-compensating by flooding Europe with “Diversity” - and of course the EU is just “continuation of Germany by other means”

Exactly as proposed by this guy

As to the situation to which you allude - the woman in charge of you all said ;

we have rescued your country from teh Germans twice and given it back to you - This time you’ve been careless with it - you’ll have to do it yourselves :slightly_smiling_face:

Now I don’t know HOW this will be resolved - but there’s one thing for certain - IF it is to be resolved - it will be so by Men!

But the real men have gone or are going MGTOW

Maybe they’ll come back ?

When the Lights go out in London / Paris / Brussels ?

Popcorn anyone ?