Political Opinion

@Dennis3450 top destroying all our ancestors inheritance, you boomers

you already destroyed the racial coherence of our countries,
-the religious coherence
-the morals and values
-the purchase power
-education and culture
-the classic model of family : mariage and having kids. now we cant because there is 50% divorce rate
-many other things

and now you are destroying the stock market and even trying to destroy the whole economy

grandpas and grandmas, just go unto the syberian and leave us in peace. God damn it

no bommer here just facts :100:

i dislike any american who think they are more american then their fellow american when non of our ancestors are native to this land

Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves

Abraham Lincoln


People who insist on dividing the world into ‘Us’ and ‘Them’ never contemplate that they may be someone else’s ‘Them.

does anyone know what this guy is talking about, it reads like he is trying to blame me for all the wrongs in the world, again is something just being lost in the translation

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They live in and glorify the past.

We’ve all done it, said things like ‘it was so much better when I was a kid’ except highly miserable people tend to live their lives stuck in the past rather than remembering it fondly and moving on.

They’ll talk about what has happened, what they have done and what it was like back then, saying that life has only gone downhill since.

When a highly miserable people vilify the past, they refer to it as being born in the wrong place at the wrong time, or life when they were a kid was unhappy and they never got what they wanted.

“Things happen in life and you can’t control them. It sucks and you have to move on.” – Abbi Glines

“Bad stuff happens. Sometimes it makes no sense at all. Sometimes it’s unfair. Sometimes, it just plain sucks. Bad stuff happens sometimes. Always remember that, but remember that you have to move on somehow. You just pick your head up and stare at something beautiful like the sky, or the ocean, and you move the hell on.” – James Patterson


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you enjoy your holidays guys :+1:

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I don’t know mate - It’s sad to see someone so Angry at Xmas but as with many of these things "He’s not onto nothing "

IMO we ARE the lucky ones - We’ve managed to be born at the very best moment in History and have lived until what does appear to be the start of the accelleration of the decline of the West !

Maybe the worst thing we did was to invent these damned computers !

But It was destined to happen in any case -

The Rot had set in Long before You and I were born


wish you luck :+1:

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