Political Opinion

we are a Representative Republic. We send someone to Congress to represent us, not to rule over us. And until we start voting this trash out of office nothing is going to change


Sorry Paul I know you mean well but the sources you are pumping are lame to say the least.

If you actually believe there was no voter fraud you are (no disrespect) a fool.

The mountain of credible evidence is so huge you could climb it.

You need to really start looking into this properly rather than just taking as gospel what is pumped out on behalf of the Davos elite.

What’s interesting is whether progressive OR pro Trumper we are actually being totally ridiculed by the corporate aristocracy.


Why not read the Immaculate Deception report by Peter Navarro, or watch the Epoch Times documentary on the voter fraud?

Both sum up perfectly the fraud - which are most definitely NOT baseless

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President Donald Trump is cutting short his Florida holiday vacation and returning to Washington on Thursday, one day earlier than expected for reasons the White House didn’t explain.

your on to something John

Millions of reasons someone might end their holiday a day short, particularly during Covid.

Hi John, Trying to reason with the troll is useless, I doubt he or it even believes half the stuff he or it cuts and paste, it is just all about getting a negative reaction from the rest of us.

As a US citizen I can tell you voter fraud on the Democrat side is so common it gets as much national media attention as a car accident. Voter fraud by democrats has a long history and is present as a sub plot in many Hollywood movies and it is always the democrats doing it. In 2016 Progressives were very outspoken in the voter fraud that took place against Bernie Sanders. Only a fool or troll would think Democrats would not use those same tactics in the national election. As you are very much aware of most of the questionable voting happens in districts controlled by democrats.

I have stayed out of the voter fraud conversation as I find it useless, as the political elite have their puppet president elected and nothing is going to change that even a mountain of evidence

You have a Happy and Safe New Year

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if voters fraud was going on for as long as dennis say then only a fool or an idiot will allowed it to go on for so long, so what that make the republican party? fools or idiots

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One of my favorite movies of all-time was “Mr Smith Goes to Washington” this was a 1939 movie about political corruption and 80 years later nothing has changed except now the political elite have Facebook and control of 99% of the media

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I totally agree with you which is also why I’ve tried to limit my responses on this thread.

I feel sorry for @QuadPip he was posting every day here trying to get the word out and suffered continued abuse - I never try to let things get personal which is why me and @SmallPaul seem to get along (lol)

I’ve actually suffered a fair amount of abuse even here in Chiang Mai - I’m just laughed at when I try to explain what is really going on.

One person said this is a conspiracy theory and all Jordan Peterson’s fault, another told me to f off because I wasn’t American.

I keep hearing this same tired arguments that Trump has lost around 50 court cases - yawn.

And that it’s usual to store ballot papers in suitcases under tables.

The cognitive dissonance is unbelievable.

I will put my neck out and say though that come Jan 6th some turd is really going to hit the fan.

Hopefully vice president pence will have the courage to step up to the challenge ahead of him.


no beef you john and if i abuse Quadpip i say i’m sorry when i talk to him

No “if” about it

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i mean what’s your point

I would have enjoyed hearing the twisted logic to blame Peterson, maybe even your pet troll might have rejected it ( or not)

As they say if you keep telling people a lie over and over they will believe it to be true.

Just as Jesus had to carry his own cross, Truth is the cross you and I must bare

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i guess i state my point: the republicans must also benefit from voters fraud or they would of raise hell a long time ago. they the republican had no problem with election fraud when they was getting elected :roll_eyes:

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you just figuring out that’s how the world works, the peasants are pawns, Including you

LMAOstrong text emphasized textAs the troll quotes and responds to his own post

He or it seems totally clueless that the political elite run both parties

Republican or Democrat are just names given to either side of the same coin

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so why are you here complaining if you believe this, and why would you support any party?

Once again- Fool or Idiot

A pawn would be consuming and spreading their propaganda, something the trolls do a lot of on this site

read my post above you. :v:

I am a registered Independent,

but you clearly have chosen one party over the other and spreading their propaganda which makes you both a fool and idiot

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