Political Opinion

here we go again, i can post all the BS /propaganda you posted, you also posted strong support for trump/ republican party and some how you an independent, but i’m gonna walk away this time :v:

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dude you better off ignoring me, you will feel a lot better :100:

That’s exactly what Trumps been doing for years and plenty of fools believed him.
He’s probably the best example of 1984 Doublespeak and Ministry of Truth we have seen in the West

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Thoughts on this, anyone?

US Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell has rejected calls from an unlikely alliance of President Donald Trump, congressional Democrats and some Republicans to boost coronavirus aid.

The House of Representatives, held by the Democrats, had voted to increase aid cheques to Americans to $2,000.

Dozens of House Republicans, reluctant to defy Mr Trump, backed the increase.

But Mr McConnell’s objections mean there will not be a direct vote on a revised Covid aid bill in the Senate.

Mitch McConnell said raising aid cheques would be “another fire hose of borrowed money”.

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Domestic terrorism and hate exploded in 2020. Here’s what the Biden administration must do.

The words I have for McConnell, would likely get me banned from this thread.

Don’t forget back in October President Trump supported a 1.8 trillion stimulus bill that included $1200 check for each American and it was Pelosi who refused to let it come to vote.

Both, Pelosi and McConnell represent the elites and could not care less about the average American

Making out like one party is good and one is bad is nothing but political propaganda designed by the elites to keep us divided.

Nashville mayor says Trump still hasn’t reached out to him about bombing


I might be wrong but wasnt the $2000 payment contingent on getting rid of the money for sex change operations in Pakistan, handouts in Burma and Cambodia and a whole list of other pork projects?

I think Rino Mitch McConell is even more compromised than Joe ‘biggest fraud in history’ Biden.

Happy to handout money to other countries and his buddies than to his own constituents.

Wasn’t this the reason the bill was voted down?

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You continue to show your ignorance of America and how politically divided the country became under Obama,

it was pure hate that divide us when Obama was president, and we know why

Obama never spew rhetoric like trump has done.

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if the corrupt news media did their job they would be naming the Congressman responsible for each of these pork projects and why they are supporting it above their own constituents

The real racist today are the ones who call everyone who has a different political opinion a racist

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so why get mad when someone don’t agree with your politics.

Trump to his supporters

Fact check: Trump did not call Republicans “the dumbest group of voters”

For those that missed the earlier post…


I tested your theory and went back 4 days and 27 post to find one were I did support President Trump’s call for $2000 stimulus checks ( see below) only 3 of the last 27 was the President even mention and I can’t find any supporting the Republican party, and no posting of any propaganda

Nothing but a Hollow Man argument

let it and move on :v:

McConnell Criticizes $2,000 Stimulus Check Plan as Benefitting High-Earners

McConnell is an “A” hole, if he really carried about high earners getting a stimulus check it would be a simple matter to exclude anyone making over 100K,

Diaper boy should consider a McConnell head, I doubt anyone here would find that offensive

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