Political Opinion

No Obama just lied his ass off to the American people to get elected, Promised everything and delivered nothing, No end to the wars just expanded them, Guantanamo Bay detention camp was not closed, Huge bailout to the banks as Americans lost their homes, A national mandatory health insurance law that tripled health insurance cost of half of America. This any many many more is why the country turn to a Reality Show Host for President.

And the hate you keep bringing up was invented by the media and trolls like yourself who spread that hate, Americans do not hate each other, we do hate the media and the politicians they cover for

The real hate for America is pretty obvious in your post as you promote the very thing you accuse the President of doing.

I wait for our next Hollow Man response,


Dennis calm down, it’s 2021 go and enjoy the new year :v:

Cop Gets The Last Laugh After Black Walmart Cashier Uses Her Skin Color To Refuse Service


Happy New Year!

Welcome to the year of the truth and revelations.

In God we trust!

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don’t bother, they are who we thought they where

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Julian Assange Drops Truth Bomb About What Really Caused The Las Vegas Massacre

They are telling us that they are pedophiles :bangbang:

Excellent example of the Hollow Man argument,

Lie #1 calling me a racist
Lie #2 saying i called you a racist
Lie #3 Saying I do not welcome different opinions
Lie #4 insults ( none in my post)
Lie #5 name calling ( none in my post)

This one has me confused as you placed it at the bottom where a signature normally would go, does that mean your name is “Narrow-minded little man” it is actually fitting as it matches your avatar so I guess that will be your new name,

Note I am not name calling but mocking you, and you said mocking someone is okay ( your rules )

Watch your thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they become actions. Watch your actions, they become habit.

Happy New Year to you too Q

I hope you bring in the new year with a little more conversation and little less cut and paste. I know nothing about you outside your post which are just news stories, Most everyone else here except the trolls you can find on the many trading threads. Are you an active trader

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bless your heart, and happy 2021

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Excuse me if some of my post are mixed with other post as I am trying out a new Chromebook without a mouse and me and the touch pad are not on the same page

Touch pads are evil…

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I’m an active trader and I’ve contributed many trading related posts. I do not post trading related info anymore for various reasons that I’ve outlined in previous posts.

Re cut and paste, my objective is to get people to see the truth. I can use a more conversational approach but don’t see that being more efficient. Also, I’m not interested in engaging in debate with the crayon crew because they lie and troll more than discuss. Additionally I don’t have too much time to spare for lengthy discussions.

After Jan 21 you probably won’t see me posting at all. I’m not sure what you’re looking for but hope you find it.


on this subject, you are preaching to the choir, I don’t see any truth deniers here except the trolls.

Well good luck with whatever future project you have going, if you ever want to throw out an idea for some feedback ( ignoring the trolls of course) you are always welcome here

Best of Luck in 2021

No one can say Americans are not well fed.

The US has the fattest poor people in the history of the world

i’m gonna make a man out of you dennis, soon you will be able to take off your skirt