Political Opinion

That is just rubbish. The EU is close to imploding. Australia is getting screwed by China. China are threatening to invade Taiwan. China are forcing Vietnam the Philippines and Cambodia out of their rightfull fishing waters claiming that the waters belong to China. China are building military bases in the South China Sea that is classified as international waters and threatening any vessel that enters close to those bases.

China are, by stealth, infiltrating many countries through the 5G network Hiawwa and screwing Pacific Island nations over with their Belt and Road Initiative.

China have a policy of Rob Replicate Replace. Rob a company of its product secrets, replicate at a much cheaper price and eventually replace that company by driving them out of business.

You really have not done your homework and you are talking through your rear end.



What exactly is a racist??


Who was that and how did he/she it is Jordan Petersonā€™s faulty.

Truth is Jordan Peterson is far more intelligent that most people on this site.

By the way, Happy New Year to you and your family.



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It was just some idiot I know who thinks he knows what he is talking about

To be honest these lefties can really grind you down - god only knows how the Trump lawyer team are coping in the face of so much resistance to the evidence

I had another one last night in my grill wanting to take a bet that Biden would be president.

No matter what I said about the evidence of fraud he just said it was all false.

I even sent over the Peter Navarro Immaculate Deception report to someone and got a swift reply that Iā€™m sad for still believing the fraud - didnā€™t even read the report.

Lefties are tough thatā€™s a fact. They are so convinced they are right nothing can ever sway them.

Thatā€™s how Hitler came to power, and the Bolshivieks.

I just posted on another thread how all this could play out on the dollar - itā€™s pretty damn frightening actually.

Anyway, happy new year

At least us Brits finally got Brexit and the country didnā€™t collapse into the sea.

Ive been long the GBP past few days and I think this year I will spend alot of time on that market.


Great stuff. Iā€™ve been away for the last week or so visiting family. Just getting all my accounts in order as it is the start of a new year and i will be back trading Tuesday.

You are so right.

The issue I have and people are telling me I am a conspiracy theorist, is that with all these countries stuffing their economies with money in an effort to keep their economies going are playing a very dangerous game.

It may not be this year or even next but WHEN interest rates rise there will be some serious economic pain. It wonā€™t be pretty.



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Happy New Year to all you guys, may it be better than the last one.

Are yā€™all still having a good arguing match or have things quietened down any.

You know that this thread being in the ā€˜lobbyā€™ a lot of learners ignore it and maybe with all the mud throwing they are right - but then maybe itā€™s a good thing to think about politics (with itā€™s often accompanied mud slinging) when learning since very often politics can help put a trader on the right side.

Btw - havenā€™t bothered to read the 100ā€™s of posts since last here - is the good old Duke still here?

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Wear that badge with pride - it turns out that ā€œConspiracy Theoristā€ is actually a term invented to discredit ā€˜truth-tellersā€™ by well - here is the history !


I would take that bet every day and twice on Sundays. Itā€™s money in the bank!

I have several of those bets in place with clueless lefties. Expecting a huge payday on Jan 20. :laughing:


Bookmarked for Jan 21st - hope you donā€™t mind if I quote the post :slight_smile:

Want to put your money where your mouth is? Iā€™ll make a bet with you or any of the crayon crew.

You win if Joe Biden is inaugurated as the President of the United States of America on Jan 20, 2021. I win otherwise.


What odds are you offering? Should be quite generous seeing as youā€™re so sure its money in the bag.

As someone who voted for President Trump, I have seen no evidence to make me think Biden will not be President in 3 weeks. The deep state got caught with their pants down in 2016. They came to 2020 with their A game and puppet candidate of choice.

And Republicans in the senate not supporting the $2000 stimulus check while supporting spending billions in foreign aid shows that the American citizen is completely without any representation in Washington

Note, Bitcoin hit 33K today, that is telling me sh-t is about to hit the fan


And to you as well.

Hope your trading goes well for you this year.



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Iā€™d put the odds of Trump remaining in office at 60% right now.

They were higher but it appears that despite literally truckloads of evidence (Fulton county especially) not one judge is willing to look at the evidence.

Not once in many cases!

DoJ and Fbi also unwilling to get off their back sides and investigate.

6th January Congress will hear the evidence which could take up to 24 hours.

Hopefully this event will be televised globally.

Ultimately Pence votes to certify or not after hearing it all.

The big question now is, is Pence also comprised, if so he may vote for Biden.

At this point nobody is quite sure.

If Pence does not step up it could go martial law who knows

One thing I do know is that no way is Biden going to be accepted as President among the deplorables.

Unlike the Russian collusion story, the election fraud story has the receipts, the stats, the witnesses, samples of fake ballots, the video, plus god knows what else - the people simply ainā€™t going to accept it


Itā€™s a straight wager at whatever amount you want. I donā€™t offer odds. Iā€™m not a bookie.

How much would you like to wager?

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The latest instalment by Douglas Murray on free speech. Plenty of that happening on this thread.

:joy: :joy: :stuck_out_tongue:




Trump Supporters Rally in Osaka, Japan

OMG. ROFL :rofl: :joy:



Brilliant news.



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