Political Opinion

I do so hope this is true but I have my doubts.

Just to see the total meltdown among the lefties and media would make my year.

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Just watching their meltdown the last four years has been a joy

President Trump has been a blessing to many of these fake news media companies and saved a lot of jobs, without a President Trump these media outlets will again see a plunge in ratings. They may have just voted them selves out of a Job

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Seems you’re not so confident after all. The way you’ve been talking I would have expected 5 to 1 or 10 to1 at least. What does it matter what odds you offer him if you’re going to win the bet anyway?

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That does seem plausible - however it also brings up the larger questions of how exactly - Zuckerberg et al will deal with the issue of their blatant discrimination when they declared all of the evidence as “Russian disinformation” - and banned anyone who tried to speak the truth.

Clearly That in itself was suffcient distortion of real facts as to have had a huge effect on teh results of the “Election” - even if we were somehow to accept that all the masses of real evidence of Fraud within the voting itself were somehow to be disregarded !

Harris then ? - Best of luck with that one !

One has to wonder what the result of a “Fair Election” would have looked like ? Would the Don have achieved an all time record majority ?

And whether in fact there will ever be a time when a true and fair forensic examination of this particular period of history can take place ? And what exactly “history” will make of these events ?


This is a trading site ! - clearly you lack the basic grasp of probabilities to practice the trade in any meaningful way ! :face_with_monocle:

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The Whole World KNOWS the truth !

The Whole World is WATCHING YOU !

Japan speaks - the whole world is watching YOU !

Of course, Q won’t offer anything. He was just shooting off his mouth and got called out :rofl:
If he really had the balls to match his mouth he wouldn’t care what odds he offered.


Chicken!!! I think it is quite clear to all here as to who has the balls. All you can do is troll, like a barking neutered dog.

I hereby anoint you with an extension to your very fine moniker that Falstaff has bestowed upon you. You are now the “Neutered Crayon Crew” (NCC). :rofl:

The last 4 years has been the world’s largest sting operation on the DS. Trump could have taken action against the major cabal players long before now but he allowed this to play out for 2 primary reasons. First, he wanted the American people to see what has been going on, to expose the truth and for us to choose our own path to darkness or light. Second, he wants to snare even the lowly minions to truly clean out the swamp.

He knew they would rig the elections and exactly how they would do it. That’s the reason he used blockchain encoded watermarks on the official ballots.

Recorded history will show this time as the transition from the dark ages to an enlightened humanity.


Changing the subject away from his unwillingness to back big mouth with money.
All talk and no action :chicken:

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Hearing more NCC barking but still no wager!


there speaks the fool !

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Thats about as much as we can expect from him :grinning:
Fwiw, I mentioned this on Parler and one redneck offered me 3:1, so I took it.
So Q, evens it is. Here’s the bet:

Biden to be inaugurated as the next President, barring serious illness or death preventing this. In fact, if Trump drops dead that will invalidate the bet as well.
Evens bet, no odds.
A straight 5k
Nice and simple.
Take it or leave it.

Done, with the following amendment: Replace the word President above with “President of the United States of America”

If you agree to the amendment I accept that bet.

Edit: Jonny made a good point. The wager is for $5,000 USD and inauguration occurs on Jan 20, 2021.

Perhaps you should explain what 5k means ( Not 5 krayons )

Good luck !


No dates in case there is a delay, but it will be this year (2021). If for some unforeseen reason the inauguration doesn’t take place this year all bets are off.

Take it or leave it

So who is going to act as stakeholder ?

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None of my business really, but if this wager is seriously taken up, perhaps it would be a good idea for monies involved to be held in a mutually acceptable escrow account ?
Here in the UK gambling debts can only be enforced in certain situations under the gaming act. I believe that in the USA states have different rules.
I am not suggesting that either of you would default but it would not be too good if one or other did have intentions of defaulting. An escrow account avoids any possibility of bad feelings and you could both rest with assurance.

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The past year has caused great difficulties for many families, first from a health pov - both physical and mental. I’d say that covid has wreaked a terrible toll much larger than the daily numbers can ever convey.

Then there is the economic aspect - the hope for 2021 is that world economies will encounter the elusive ‘V’.

I know money printing in the old days often led to disaster but economics have changed - now consumer spending is the driver of growth (the Chinese have copped onto this) so governments have to help create conditions that encourage spending - raising interest rates are a long way off.

Anyways take care.

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I think you guys are all crazy but Inauguration is January 20th, and this is a big event involving 10’s of thousands of people so there will not be any delays, it will happen on that day so whoever his trying to hedge their bet for later in 2021 does not understand the American process for a change in power

I only bet on FOREX but if I was in on this bet it would be in Biden’s favor, Not that I would not like to see a delay and bring truth to all of Q’s post I just do not see it happening

Plus a better use of that 5K would be buying bitcoin