Political Opinion

No deal. Jan 20, 2021 is the constitutional inauguration date. I don’t want to wait 1 year for my money.

That’s your way of appearing to offer a bet when really you’re too scared to make a bet! :rooster:

Highly unlikely you would have to wait at all. Inauguration date is set for the 20th but we both know the Republicans are trying to drag this through the courts and are after a 10 day delay to audit unsubstantiated allegations of election fraud.
I’m just covering myself in case this somehow happens.

For a whole year?!!! I don’t have time for your nonsense for a measly $5K.

Why not agree a cut-off date?
If its been delayed say a month then the bet is voided

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I think a much better bet would simply be - was there voter fraud on a massive scale or not?

I still think there is a good chance Biden is going to be president, but I am 100% SURE that this election was stolen.

The question for all you Trump haters is do you think that stealing the election (and all the negatives that come with it) is totally justifiable to get rid of him?

Is Trump so bad you would rather have in power a Manchurian candidate controlled by the CCP?

It’s really what this election comes down to. I’m no Trump fan particularly but the US really is on the verge of losing itself right now to China

That sounds melodramatic, and I feel strange saying it but this situation is THAT important.

The Trump base know this, the Trump haters do not.


Biden’s inaugural PARADE has been CANCELED!

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Hmm … Why is this being discussed at this time?!


How are you possibly 100% sure that the election was “stolen”? There has been 0 evidence presented of wide-scale voter fraud, especially not the type or scale that would impact the outcome. Trump has had every opportunity to make such a case in over 50 court cases, and has utterly failed to do so. This election has been referred to by experts as “the most secure in US history”. May I please ask what it is that convinces you that this election was “stolen”?

You are kidding me right?

You’ve obviously not been looking.

Trust me I’m 100% sure

Why not go to Defending the Republic.org to look at some of the evidence.

Or read the Immaculate Deception report.

Or the Crossroads documentary on it

Or watch the open hearings.

Or see the Fulton county video

Just tasters of what actually transpired that night

Or watch the debate tomorrow in Congress on the 6th (if it’s streamed)

It’s a ■■■■ show and most people know it

Most cases were stopped for lack of standing not merit - not one judge has heard any evidence.

Not one!

Bill Barr himself investigated this and found no evidence of widespread fraud, just like every other objective look at it has concluded. I was asking for actual evidence, not right-wing fever swamp propaganda. If you have actual evidence, I know a sweaty New Yorker and a kraken lawyer that would LOVE to talk to you, because so far everything they’ve tried has been laughed out of court. The court cases have not all been thrown out on standing, they have also been thrown completely out on the merits, even by Trump appointed judges. The one silver lining out of all of this is that it turns out that conservative judges are actually conservative. Who knew that would be the guardrails that ended up holding our republic together.

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I wish it genuinely was propaganda.

I really would love to be totally wrong about all this.

But we have are many anti Trumpers who are just not willing to take a look at the mountains of evidence.

It’s really quite tragic

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John, sincerely you seem like a nice guy, and I like you. Please consider that you’ve swallowed the wrong pill here, I always try to myself. The reality is that Trump just REALLY doesn’t want to lose, and he’s doing everything he possibly can to bend reality to his will, including gaslighting millions of followers into believing his alternate-reality version of things. These elections were held freely and fairly; certified as such by Republican officials. The election wasn’t stolen. Trump is trying to steal the election, right now, in broad daylight, and in typical Trumpian form, accusing the other side of doing exactly what he’s in the process of doing. This behavior should be so obvious by now.

Did you see that every living former defense secretary, including Darth Cheney issued a joint statement telling Trump to knock it off today?

You are being lied to my friend!

Yes I should really put on my tin foil hat.

The fact is though all the evidence will be presented and debated in both houses tomorrow.

After which VP Pence decides whether to certify or not.

The worry with the Trump side is that Pence will not come through - which is why I am not so certain Trump will win (unlike @QuadPip).

However there are other ways I believe Trump can still win even without the Pence decision.

At the end of the day we will see what happens.

I will say though that if Trump does indeed succeed then Biden voters have no reason to pull a hissy fit - they were all told of the evidence.

And if I’m wrong, if I’ve fallen hook line and sinker for some Alex Jones like conspiracy I’ll eat my tin foil hat gladly.

One thing you are correct about though is that I am a nice guy, well great guy actually!!


I would never ask you to eat such a thing! :slight_smile: I don’t expect we’ll see any substance out of the congressional proceedings that are forthcoming. This is normally a routine procedure, except yeah, Trump. You’ll get a couple hours of debate, then a vote that goes nowhere, and end up with a symbolic gesture that accomplishes nothing. I don’t expect anyone to present anything aside from already-debunked conspiracy theories, but we’ll see. Pence doesn’t have much more than a ceremonial role here, despite what right-wing whackadoodles would have you believe. The constitution is pretty clear, using that pesky “shall” word again.

This is a special hearing that can go on for 24 hours.

If you actually looked at the constitution you’d know that the vice president has special powers in cases like this

It will not be the first time an election has been settled this way.

But we will see, if Biden is inaugurated I expect the demise of the dollar in ultra quick time - great for a gold trader like myself

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I did read one possible scenario that is utterly nightmarish. I don’t even want to think about it

Ouch, why you guys always salty? I try to be so nice. Of course I’ve looked at this, and listened to constitutional scholars opine on it. I’m convinced Pence’s role here is pretty limited.

Sorry didn’t mean to offend - maybe those words came out wrong.

What’s interesting though you are very committed to understanding the constitution but are unwilling to put in any time in looking at the allegations of mass voter fraud.