Political Opinion

That’s not true though. I’ve tried to stay on top of as many as I can, and they’ve all turned out to be BS, except ironically some isolated episodes of Republican voter fraud. As expected, the same right-wing elder nut tree that gave us pizzagate and all the other QAnonsense spewed forth one ridiculous accusation after another, all debunked by level heads, often Republican.

Occam’s Razor, people. Please.

Have you noticed how many of these cases seek legitimacy upon the viewer “feeling” that something “just isn’t right”? Giant red flag after giant red flag. I am so often blown away how people I consider intelligent can see objective reality so opposite myself. Confirmation bias is so much more powerful than I realized.


Which instances of the fraud do you think are false?

And why?

For example the so-often cited suitcase incident. I assume you know the one that I’m referring to? I’ve seen that camera footage used in everything from right-wing television to pundits, to a propaganda video posted on this very thread. The narrative is that someone takes suitcases of votes from under a table with some nefarious intentions, without allowing Republican observers access. In reality, the votes are going to a counting machine as routine, as was confirmed by Republican officials. The observers were given every opportunity to watch. Are you familiar with that case?

Also the “late-night dumps” that are somehow nefarious being just normal ballot drop-offs?

Remember when Trump’s people tried to argue in court that observers were’t given access and then had to concede that actually yes they had access?

I am.

Im also aware that prior to that boxes full of FAKE ballots were delivered to the person who actually kicked out all the observers with the excuse of a burst water pipe.

There was no such burst.

You can see the remaining staff putting the ballots in multiple times, which lead to highly unusual voter spikes in favour of Biden in a very short space of time.

I can’t verify this but the woman Ruby Freeman who pulled out the suitcase ran through 18,000 ballots - all of which were illegal because of no observer being present.

But we can debate this all day - and it will get us nowhere.

What will happen will happen.

Yeah, sorry I don’t mean to be terse, but that’s just not true. There was no burst water pipe forcing people anywhere. The chain of custody has been verified.

Maybe we’re talking about two different conspiracy theories. There have been so many.

Whether or not debate gets us anywhere, please don’t be “100% sure this election was stolen” based on the evidence we have.

Let’s forget this it’s going nowhere - observers were kicked out supposedly for a burst water pipe - you are correct - there was no pipe burst.

Each is entitled to our opinion - I very much hope you are correct and this was the safest election ever.

Oh please share.


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For sure man, have a good day! :slight_smile:

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:slight_smile: Granted, I don’t think this is likely to happen, but … ugh

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See what you mean



Occam’s Razor this :point_down:

Occam’s Razor this :point_down:

Occam’s Razor this :point_down:

MIT Scientists: Data Analysis Of Election Fraud In MI Shows 69,000 Votes Were TRANSFERRED From Trump To Biden!

Mathematical Anomalies of 2020 Election Results

There is Undeniable Mathematical Evidence the Election is Being Stolen

Most likely it is Globalist like Mike Blomberg who are heavily invested in China that will be calling the shots in the US and their puppet president will do their bidding. Setting politics aside, investing in companies with ties to china is likely to result in above average gains at least in the short term.

This Trump Derangement Syndrome is amazing, most of these TDS inflicted celebrities’ were fighting for the opportunity to be on Celebrity Apprentice. This shows the dangerous power of the media and how quickly they can turn the public perception of some one from idolizing them to seeing them as the devil.

I suspect this is how the Anti-Christ will come to power as the media will convince millions to idolize the real devil


So your conclusion is there has been voter fraud just not enough to change the outcome, is that what you are saying.

I would also point out there was ZERO EVIDENCE of Trump colluding with the Russians, or Russia did anything to change the outcome of the election but we still had a three year investigation that found nothing

and good to have you back on the thread

Lin Wood’s Tweet today


Timothy Charles Holmseth is an award winning news reporter and investigative journalist. He is an FBI witness in a national profile kidnapping case. He captured rogue CIA and FBI child traffickers on tape discussing their operations. He has been targeted for a decade. In 2019 Timothy Charles Holmseth became part of the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force. Timothy Holmseth is the only reporter authorized to report original content for the PPTF. There is ONE MAN between Timothy Holmseth and President Trump.

Timothy Charles Holmseth’s Web Site


There are dozens of stories of DNC Election Fraud against Bernie Sanders in 2016, you would have to be a fool to think this same fraud would not be used in the general election


Occam’s Razor this :point_down:

BREAKING: Patriot Jovan Pulitzer’s Team Is Being Shot At! – After They Were Given Directive to Identify Fraudulent Ballots in Fulton County