Political Opinion

Bidens Millions taken from China CCP was money from ogan traffickers in Chinese concentration camps during his Vice Presidency!

Howdy! I think in any election some fool somewhere is going to try to pull some shenanigans, but actual widespread voter fraud is nearly unheard of in the US.

I’m interested in the zero evidence of collusion thing. To be clear, most of the dirty work was not Trump himself, but his henchmen like Flynn, Manafort, and Stone that featured most prominently, coordinating with Wikileaks and by association, Russian intelligence. These guys were charged with lying to investigators regarding contact with Russians, and then later pardoned for it (some). Of course we can say that Mueller wasn’t able to produce enough evidence to charge anyone with conspiracy, but he pointed to unprecedented obstruction as a reason why, and certainly found plenty of collusion, outlined in his report. Every time you shake the Trump tree, a Russian falls out! :smile:

Data experts say over 432k votes removed from @realDonaldTrump in Pennsylvania.

Resurfaced Video Of Dems Objecting to Electoral College Votes is BRUTAL

Good for the goose but not good for the gander! Shhh! Don’t remind them or you will piss them off.


The 2020 election will go down as the most corrupt US election in history. ‘Simple Math’ shows Biden claims 13 MILLION more votes than there were eligible voters who voted in 2020 election.


Occams Razor - “the simplest explanation is OFTEN the correct one” generates from a man 700 years ago who believed that the best way to live his life was to give up all personal desires and happiness - to devote himself to a life of Celibacy and Prayer !

On whose explanation of the existence of man was that a great big bloke sitting on a cloud had brought the multiple universes into existence by the power of his will but who knew what was in the thoughts of every man woman and child at every instant. One who Knew full well that illness was caused by some lonely old woman living in the woods with her cat - casting spells maliciously against the good people around her because she wa possessed by some evil spirit and who needed to be taught the error of her ways by being placed in a large fire - If that is she managed to survive the concerted attempts to drown her prior !

So this then is the power of the brain which concluded that "the simplest explanation is often the correct one ! ! ! "


It is however true that those who exhibit TDS so severely on these threads - clearly have no capacity greater than to think of the “Simplest Solution” - !



Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s Update to Georgia’s Voting Machine Software Right Before the 2020 Election Was Unlawful and Violates Any Certification of State Results


So far this is a Hollow Man argument, you are creating a fictional story and assigning to Mr Trump.

and as far as being charged for lying, that is the go to charge when they have no case, which is further proof this whole thing was a hoax

By the way , what are your thoughts on Big Foot

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I would love to hear a little more on this one, and while you are at it can you tell us why Muller never questioned Julian Assange

Just seen this :slightly_smiling_face:

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To put it in Mueller’s words:

At cursory glance, this looks like a decent overview of that one little bit:

Reporter exposes the DemonRats’ Orwellian Double Speak

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How To Steal The 2020 Election In 6 Tweets :exclamation:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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THAT Phonecall - in full context - by an Independent commentator.


It is being maliciously framed throughout the Swamp based “Woke” and here is the reality for you .

Great news , now on Trumps way out he need to Pardon Assange and Snowden too






Okay , here are Mueller’s own words as he lied us into the Iraq war that cost 4,500 American lives and another 42,000 wounded ,

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Debating the left here is like shooting fish in a barrel, is there no worthy challengers

The flat earthers can give a better defense of their flat earth belief than any russiagater I have seen on this forum


I doubt that the same suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome would even know the meaning of this word.

:joy: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

