Political Opinion

Had Russiagate been a murder and Mueller was called to bring the murderer to justice, here is who that meeting with the Police Chief and Mueller would have gone





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I can’t speak for anyone else, but please don’t look at our interactions as a combat that one of us wins. That’s not what I’m here for. I just want to talk about politics with other politics nerds. Got nothing to prove and no particular need to prove anyone wrong. To each their own of course, but I hope you have discussion motivations beyond “owning the libs”.

If I might try to line up your logic; you were interested in what Mueller perceived as obstruction of his investigation into Russian election interference, but what he has to say about that doesn’t matter, because he was wrong about WMDs in Iraq? Do I have your logic right?

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Mueller is an establish liar, who will do and say what the deep state tells him, so my question to you is why would you believe anything this man says.

and if in your words " he was wrong about WMD’s in Iraq" then why can he not be as equally wrong about President Trump and Russia.

I am a trader, and make a comfortable living following market trends, and political trends are no different, Mueller and the people backing him are all professional liars and cannot be trusted


it is not a matter of proving someone wrong, if we were debating what killed the dinosaurs and you said a meteor, well their is evidence to back that up yet there are some Paleontologist who will disagree.

What I am missing from your argument is evidence, and your willingness to take the word of known liars.

I did not invent russiagate, that came from your side, so the burden of proof falls on you, and just like the meteor that killed the dinosaurs show me some evidence and we can debate the evidence, and the word of known liars is not evidence

from one political nerd to another


Thank you for explaining. Mueller had dozens of career professionals on his team, including some of the best investigators and attorneys in their fields. It wasn’t just Mueller running around doing all this. I’m sure he was wrong about a thing or two, we all are, but the body of work that came out of his investigation should stand on its own and be considered well beyond the man himself.

I ask the question again , why was Julian Assange not interviewed, why was no one from the Clinton team who clearly had their hands all over this ever investigated. Mueller orders were to find evidence against President Trump and to ignore everything else. There is nothing credible about this report

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This also should tell you how bias this investigation was, do you think it would had been a great career move to openly say there was no evidence against the President. These people were not there to find the truth but to provide the evidence needed to impeach the president. Again nothing creditable in this report

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how long did it take you to come to the conclusion that Jussie Smollett was lying , or are you one of the 5 people in the country who still believe him

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As far as I know, JA was not available for interview. Wasn’t he across the pond avoiding US officials that whole time? Mueller’s charge was not to “find evidence against Trump”, not at all. As a matter of fact, Mueller specifically stated that he never even considered the idea of pursuing criminal charges against Trump due to a long-standing justice department opinion that sitting presidents should not be charged with crimes. Mueller’s actual charge was to pursue criminal activity related to Russian election interference. To my knowledge, the only involvement the Clinton campaign had here was being the victim of a Russian cyber attack that later released damaging leaks to help the Trump campaign. If you’ve got a reasonably credible source that details deeper involvement by Hillary Clinton in the Mueller investigation I’m happy to read it, but I’ve seen no such thing.

One thing I’ve noticed (maybe incorrectly) are that the never Trumpers have a tendency to accept verbatim what is reported in the mainstream press

We know this because on here we get constant links to USA Today, Yahoo, MSNBC, CNN.

Not one of these papers does any investigative journalism, it’s all just aggregated from AP with the occasion editorial bit.

Among many I know who don’t accept Trump their sources are CNN and the Guardian

If that’s your world view, yes of course there was no voter fraud, and Russia collusion was real.

According to that world view AG Barr was not compromised, and Mueller was a stand up guy

In the Trump camp we’ve known for a long time that the MSM do not tell truth. They are to the party of Davos what the China Daily are to the CCP

Trump supporters have to be a lot more thorough with everything they say, through fear of being labelled an Alex Jones or Q Anon devotee

Yesterday @enickma told me I was being lied to.

.I should have said it at the time, is there just not the possibility that he is being lied to instead?

As traders many of us follow technical analysis, because they give facts unlike funnymentals which are subjective.

So why is it anti Trump traders here cannot at least examine some these facts for themselves.

Why are they so lazy to just take the MSM vomit that is handed to them?

If I wanted to invest money with a trader, I’d want to know that the trader was doing all the correct research and due diligence, rather than taking positions on someone else’s opinion.


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I see. The Steele dossier was not the basis of the Russia investigation. No matter how many times they say it, it’s just not true. At the time, Papadopoulos (Trump’s foreign policy advisor) was meeting up with Russians involved in the Clinton email hack (which he of course later got caught lying about), tried to hook them up with the campaign, and then ran around talking about it, like a genius. His activities started the investigation into Russian election interference, not the Steele dossier.

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I totally agree with everything you said, from my observation people on the left only seek out news and information that supports their bias, while I look for information that would prove me wrong, that is why I reach out to enickma thinking he might challenge my own bias but he to only parrots the media and never offers any evidence to support his bias and is quick to believe known liars.

and this is not just a difference of opinion on how the universe was created. these guys are denying the most basic of facts, in their world 2+2 really equals 5

Investigative journalism is dead in America, it is only carried out by a few independent journalists who depend on donations to keep going.

I am afraid the Truth is on life support and may not survive this decade

stay safe my friend, we are heading for some rocky times


This again has never been proven, their is no evidence you are taking the word of known liars

And what do you mean Julian Assange was not available, the whole world knew exactly were he was and he was giving interviews the whole time the investigation went on.

and while there is no evidence that Russia hacked Clinton’s emails, who ever did it ( most likely Seth Rich) did the country a great service exposing the Clintons and DNC

You are right but it is not only media that fails the critical thinking test it is also the average joe in the street.

I’ve said it before and I will say it again MOST of your average joes are just either to damn lazy or to damn stupid to use critical thinking to work out what logically makes sense.




In the US we refer to these people as “Low Information Voters”

they read only the headlines and form their bias on that


Bingo! And he was murdered because of that.


That is obvious with the fact that Biden was elected. I have always marvelled at the thinking of lazy stupid people . They can never think past yesterday. That is evident by the fact that MOST people forgot all the good Trump did and focused on one thing only. Coronavirus.

The games are about to begin and I believe that wealthy people will be looking for off shore safe havens to store their money.




Ladies and gentlemen, I love you all, but FFS… we know for sure it was Russia. It wasn’t just the conclusion of the Mueller investigation, it was the conclusion of our intelligence agencies, 3rd party forensic researchers, and independent analysis from cyber security firms. Please please stop falling for the conspiracy theories in the same breath that you attack others’ reasoning abilities.