Political Opinion

Why not make us all some tin foil hats for a late xmas present?


Imagine it from my perspective, trying to have a meaningful debate with a right-winger. You never know what their personal brand of paranoid conspiracy is. You never know what news sources theyā€™ll just reject out of hand. Obviously you all hate CNN and MSNBC and wouldnā€™t believe it if they told you the sky was blue, but Reuters, AP, BBC? Itā€™s all a crap shoot whether the person youā€™re talking to will relegate you to some tiny little box in their head because you dared post a link from an outlet on their personal blacklist. Is Fox News okay this week or did somebody say something mean about Trump, so now only OAN is cool? Believe it or not, Mueller, a registered Republican was highly thought of on the right before the cult of Trump. Itā€™s such a damn conspiracy theory-driven moving target with right-wingers it can be difficult to have your bearings.

Iā€™d be glad to, let me know if you like a particular style! Iā€™m thinking fedora. Hereā€™s a 3rd party industry source:

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You always associated the right with conspiracy theory.

But one of the biggest conspiracies out there was that Trump was worse than Hitler!

Well me and many others are still waiting for it

Where are the gas chambers and concentration camps?

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Of course it was Russia

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Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d call ā€œTrump is worse than Hitlerā€ a conspiracy. Itā€™s more of an unfortunate mischaracterization. Hitler holds a pretty unique position in history, with very few in his echelon of horror. Iā€™d never say Trump is worse than Hitler, and they shouldnā€™t either. If I had to guess, theyā€™re recoiling at things like Trumpā€™s authoritarian tendencies, all the kids in cages, swastikas showing up amidst chants of ā€œJews will not replace usā€. Those kinds of Trump-era things spook people.

Do you or have you ever watched Tucker Carlson or Sean Hannity or Lara Ingraham or the Five at Five??

Or have you ever watched Brett Weinstein or Dave Rubin or Ben Shapiro or Candice Owen or Douglas Murray or Jordan Petersen ??

Not only have I watched these political commentators I have read books they have written. But unlike a lot of people I have also watched clowns like Rachael Maddox, Morning Joe Scarbourgh, Chuck Todd, Chris Hayes, Don Lemon.

Comparing the two you would see that the credibility of the former verses the latter is chalk and cheese.

Anyone with half a brain would be able to see which group do their homework and report fairly verses a gaggle of geese sqwarking and squawking garbage.



I have regularly watched all of them yes, and so much more! I consume news media in multiple forms, across the entire spectrum, all day and have for decades. I do prefer reading, and in-depth interviews personally. I am not at all impressed by Fox News evening line up, but thatā€™s a whole other discussion! Thanks for asking!

ā€œAn unfortunate mischaracterisaton ā€¦ā€ ???

What a load of old Bllx - Yes 2 "L"s an one ā€œKā€ !

To even speak of "

"An unfortunate Characterisation "

Requires a Complete and sincere Apology ! and an explanation ! -

Toss - pot !

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Mmmm it is interesting you say this and after making the comments you have made in this post I would have to say that you are obviously someone who should be living in a socialist or communist country.

Why do I say that?? Because anyone who understands or has read and learnt some history could see just how toxic and vile the left of politics has become. In fact blind Freddy could see that fact.

Anyone who believes in what the left are trying to introduce to western society obviously understands little about reality and would be far better off reading Goldern Library Books, watching Disneyland whilst cuddled up to their teddy bears.

Just a thought.



Well okay thenā€¦ Thatā€™s pretty broad, presumptuous, and more than a little dismissive, but okay. If youā€™d like to zoom in on any particular ā€œleftistā€ policy Iā€™ve championed that you think is so terrible, Iā€™d be happy to discuss it with you. As someone talking about learning history, Iā€™m sure you understand the difference between communism and socialism, so letā€™s just throw communism out of scope. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen anyone actually advocate communism here.

You position yourself as someone who is consuming differing ideas with an open mind, and then immediately pivot to buying anyone on an entire side of the political spectrum a blankie and teddy bear?

One thing Iā€™ve noticed is very common among the participants in this thread, many of you are very sure youā€™ve got it all figured out, and anyone who sees it differently must be a mental midget deserving of ridicule.

Like Kansas said, "If I claim to be a wise man, well it surely means that I donā€™t know. "

Please consider that people who think differently than you may also be worthy of dignity and respect.

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It is not what you have championed. It is what the left are championing themselves. If you support the left then you are supportive of their polices regardless of whether you state them in this discussion or not. It is ridiculous to say I support the left but donā€™t support their polices.

But just look at what they are trying to introduce. All social justice polices. Spend heaps of money with zero thought of ecommic prudence. Free health care, free university, a living wage for all so that if you donā€™t want to work you donā€™t have to. Increase immigration with no thought of the supply of the necessary infratstructure to support that mass influx of immigration. The climate change dream designed to destroy capitalism.

Then you have the pie in the sky polices. Cancel culture, equality, a concept I have yet to have someone on the left articulate to me in a logical fashion, white privilage, white fragility, the redistribution of wealth. The inability of universities and other educational facilities to teach a propper curriculum designed to prepare young people for the hard knocks of life. The lack of critical thinking. Shall I go on??

This is what the left through ANTIFA and the far left of the Democrats have touted or do you deny these facts??




I donā€™t think at all Iā€™ve got it all figured out. My life has been one long comedy of errors.

Which I why I try not to shoot from the hip without anything to back it up with these days.

As an aside, it looks like Winsconsin legislatures are going to be the first state to decertify the vote with a resolution this Thursday and awarding it to Trump.

Watch the other states fall in line and do the same - I say with a little hesitation.

Of course you have to go to the Winsconsin State Legislature website to find the news, itā€™s not going to be mentioned on CNN


This is completely wrong. No two of us hold the exact same beliefs, we all think a bit differently. Do you know any liberal or conservative that completely agrees with everything their respective parties have done? I donā€™t. Donā€™t let the right-wing media convince you that thereā€™s some big monolithic ā€œleftā€ boogeyman that happens to be the source of all of the worldā€™s problems.

Thereā€™s a WHOLE lot to unpack there. We could spend days debating any one of those. Pick one to go at first and Iā€™ll give it my sincere best. How about the lowest-hanging fruit. Did I read that correctly that youā€™d like an explanation of ā€œequalityā€?

Take your best shot. Because the concept of total equality is unachievable. The law of the universe determines that can never happen. Equality of outcome or equality of opportunity. Mmmmm.

That is not in dispute and that kind of answer is an insult to my intelligence and it was not what i was implying. But the problem with your comments throught this thread have been wishy washy at best. Just what policies of the left do you support and which policies do you reject?? Where do you sit on the political spectrum, moderate of a complete full blown radical??

Perhaps rather than discussing nothing state a position and back yourself with logical facts.



I find it odd that this is your perception. One of my first few posts in this thread was to introduce myself and talk about where I sit on the political spectrum. Since then Iā€™ve chewed apart all manner of subjects with people, from public education to healthcare, military intervention, and more. Iā€™ve always stated positions and backed with references when reasonably required. Itā€™s ironic you think I donā€™t talk enough about myself and my personal beliefs. I was actually just thinking I spend too much time appeasing ad hominem and should focus people on subject matter more.

Equality is not some endgame state that must be achieved, lest its pursuit is in vain. Itā€™s a guiding principle that we must bake into the fabric of our society if we want it to be legitimate. We should always strive for fairness in our rules, obviously. For many progressives like myself, when we fight for equality weā€™re fighting for equal representation and treatment under the law for all people. Not just codified equal treatment, but equal treatment when youā€™re pulled over by a police officer and stand in front of a judge. Americaā€™s social fabric is complex, and we didnā€™t just arrive here overnight.

My views on this subject have evolved a bunch over the last several years. If youā€™re really interested in a good read, would like a view into part of how we got where we are in terms of inequality, and why we still need to work on fixing it, check out a book called ā€œThe Warmth of Other Sunsā€.


A core progressive belief is that this nation should not have second class citizens of any sort, race, gender, religion, etc. ā€œEqualityā€ to most of us means doing whatever we can to make sure our republic lives up to that ideal.

I hope thatā€™s a good start. Iā€™ll get into more tomorrow, but itā€™s 1AM here, and those kiddos will surely drag me out of bed at 6:30 like every day. See you all tomorrow!

I havenā€™t seen this. How does it work John??



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There is plenty I could say here on this subject. However not today. Have a good sleep. See you tomorrow.


Not sure where youā€™re getting your info, but thatā€™s not happening. Check your sources.

Without going into things I donā€™t know too much about state legislatures have the power to decertify in circumstances like this.

Apparently itā€™s all in the constitutionā€¦

The Trump aim was always for the legislatures to do this. Thatā€™s one of the reasons why Rudy G went on a whirlwind tour of the six states presenting all the evidence.

They thought the courts were not willing to see the evidence and so took this route instead.

Infact it can be argued that the courts by kicking out these cases so quickly wanted the legislatures to step up - the courts didnā€™t want to rule on something so potentially explosive.

Not one of the cases brought to court was kicked out for lack of evidence, they were kicked out for lack of standing.

Infact in many cases, judges said the cases had merit.

The idea is that each swing states set of legislatures will either decertify or flip it for Trump, depending on evidence

If neither Biden or Trump have 270 electoral votes it goes to the Senate where a one state one vote will likely hand it to Trump.

I think this is how itā€™s supposed to work anyway.

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