Political Opinion

Winsconsin State Legislature website under documents.

But heh maybe the website is fake and set up by Q Anon

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Thatā€™s exactly why many of the lawsuits were lost. No evidence. Thatā€™s why Trump and Co. moved to ā€œproceduralā€ lawsuits. But again, more losing. Itā€™s over 50 losses now. Must be the biggest conspiracy in the history of the US State Judicial System. Orā€¦ the lawsuits are complete BS.

Can you please give me one case of Trumps that was thrown out for no evidence?

This whole no evidence narrative is getting rather tiresome


In my general discussion with @enickma the subject of equality was raised. Can there ever be total equality?? And what does equality look like??

Does equality mean everyone lives in a four bedroom house with two children, a boy and a girl, a dog and a cat, a BMW in the garage and we all earn $150,000 a year. Is that the lefts definition of equality??

My belief is, and I am not afraid to express my belief, is that it is impossible to achieve equality. The law of the universe prevents that from happening. What are you talking about I hear you say?? When you look at life and how the world and indeed the universe work, in order for there to be equality there has to be opposites. The universe for all its chaos is actually a very orderly place and the law of the universe is that there has to be opposites in order for balance to occur. Old young, fat skinny, sick healthy, night day, sunny raining etc and within the extremes are many shades of grey.

Oxford university conducted a study where they gave ten people $10 and in pairs they tossed a coin calling heads or tails for a $1 a throw. Eventually one person wins the money. This was to demonstrate that money flows uphill. You can take as much wealth from rich people and give it to poor people and eventually the rich will get that money back because they know how to handle money. Rich people are rich for a reason and poor people are poor for a reason. A person earns $50,000 a year not because they want to earn $50,000 a year but because they donā€™t know how to earn $100,000 a year. How many times have you seen someone who is poor win the lottery and for a few years they are rich, but within 3-5 years they are back to being poor. Thatā€™s why just giving money to the poor does not work.

There are too many variables in people and their personalities to ever achieve equality because not everyone has the will or the passion or the drive to succeed. Is this societies fault or is the individuals fault?? The argument of equality of opportunity is touted by the left as a way to remedy this. But really isnā€™t that what we have now?? Every child in the USA can attend A SCHOOL. It may not be the school of choice but never the less a school. The question is how much does that child parent or person want to be better off?? Are they driven enough to persue dreams dispite the difficulties they face??

Is giving extra money to these less fortunate people to help with education?? Or is just giving money to enable them just adding to their level of dependency and stifling their personal development growth and independence??

Regretably enabling people with welfare and handouts has a tendency to just create a society of people who would just rather be looked after rather than looking after themselves.

Life is full of choices and those choices are the responsiblity of the individual. That is why individualism and meritocracy should always be the norm and not collectivism.

Comments queries death threats will be welcome.



Wisconsin Legislature: AR3: Resolution Text

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Pennsylvania lawsuit from Nov:

This Court has been unable to find any case in which a plaintiff has sought such a drastic remedy in the contest of an election, in terms of the sheer volume of votes asked to be invalidated," Brann wrote in the 37-page decision.

ā€œOne might expect that when seeking such a startling outcome, a plaintiff would come formidably armed with compelling legal arguments and factual proof of rampant corruption,ā€ he wrote. "Instead, this court has been presented with strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations ā€¦ unsupported by evidence.

Did they dismiss the evidence or the standing?

I will definitely read through the court report to see what evidence was actually presented and then ruled against.


Nothing about decertification in that resolution.

Trumpā€™s aims were always long shots, for instance to slow certifications down or have States legislatures choose electors who would choose Trump as the winner of the election. That didnā€™t work, so then he tried the State v State route in the Supreme Court, didnā€™t work. Then the failed Pence lawsuit to get Pence to choose the next president. Ridiculous. And finally, todayā€™s Congressional elector count. More shenanigans.

All this does is create tough messaging for the GOP for todayā€™s GA run-off election. ā€œYou canā€™t trust our elections, but I want you to vote for the GOP in GA. You can trust the election if they win. But you canā€™t trust the election if they lose.ā€

There was no evidence given. At least in one of the three argumentsā€¦ They appealed, and lost that as well.


As Iā€™ve said multiple times with multiple posters we can go to and fro each day because we are all locked into our own echo chamber.

Probably rather than wasting our own precious time we wait and see

Iā€™m no legal expert but having read that resolution it looks pretty compelling to me

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Last nightā€™s Tucker Carlson. What a beauty.

Democrats stealing the election. Insane leftist ideology in the senate as they ban the use of mother father man woman in an effort to create a more INCLUSIVE SOCIETY. Even the priest finished his pray by saying amen and awoman. Postmodenism gone crazy. It is hard to immagine there are lunatics willing to put up with this garbage. The left are now saying tthat if you are obese and have type two diabetes then you are still healthy. The mind boggles.

Watch and enjoy.



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The resolution hopes to resolve the following (word for word from the link you provided):

16Resolved by the assembly, That: the Wisconsin State Assembly recognizes
17that the most important function for a government is to conduct fair and honest
18elections that follow the duly enacted law; and, be it further

19Resolved, That when there are significant portions of the population that
20question the integrity of the elections due to the failure of election officials to follow
21the letter of the law, it is incumbent upon the legislature to address the issues that
22are in question; and, be it further

23Resolved, That the members of the Wisconsin State Assembly place the
24redress to these and other election law violations and failed administrative
1procedures as its highest priority and shall take up legislation crafted to ensure civil
2officers follow the laws as written

Thatā€™s it. The rest speaks to the claimed violations of election law. Okay, compelling in some sense to you, but nothing about decertifying the state vote. Regardless, the Congressional elector vote count today makes anything done by state legislatures later on moot anyway. Even with an objection In Congress today, after it happens, Congress adjourns, the chambers go to debate separately, and then vote, requiring a majority vote in both chambers to overturn a stateā€™s announced electoral votes. Not happening.

Well you obviously know much more about it than me, after all Iā€™m just a deplorable

You may well turn out to be correct, but the whole end game from the Trump camp was to force legislatures to defend their oath to the people and constitution.

I see this resolution as resolving the problems of the unfair election in this state but I donā€™t have an issue in being proved wrong

Interviewees had to seek permission from Ecuador first. The Swedish authorities conducted one such interview, as did the BBC.

No other interviews by non media have been reported - although Ecuadorā€™s President said that he felt that JA was using the embassy as a ā€œcentre of spyingā€ - whatever that means.

Equality means each person being equal in the sight of every other person.

Iā€™ll half disagree with you on this point. Force legislatures where he lostā€¦ [complete the sentence].

Speaking of unfair elections, if you have time, read up on the dismantling of the Voting Rights Act. Hereā€™s also a glimmer of what many Wisconsin voters faced in the run up to the 2016 election. One perspective, but weā€™re all about preaching about getting outside of our echo chambers, right?

I think much of the large scale voter fraud happened in a few counties only - ones deemed to be important or ones where the fraud could be easily managed.

I really have no idea about previous elections Iā€™ve heard theyā€™ve been fraudulent ever since the pineapple primary in the Chicago mob era

Seems to be par for the course - that aside though I ask you, do you think getting Trump out of power at any cost, even if it meant mass fraud to do it is justifiable or not?

At any cost, like breaking the law? No thanks and not justifiable. But as Iā€™ve asked you many times, and Iā€™ve searched myself, thereā€™s isnā€™t any mass fraud. Anywhere. In any state. Where is it?

Trump and Co saying there is mass fraud is actually different than saying it and providing evidence of said fraud. If this fraud is so rampant, where is it? Trump has had 50+ lawsuits to bring forward the fraud. Where the heck is it???

Heā€™s got the GOP. The FBI. Election officials. Governors. State legistrators. Senators. Congressmen and women to help him find it. Lawyers up the wazoo. Where is the mass fraud?

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You obviously didnā€™t read the resolution I sent you properly then.

It lists a number of illegal activities.

I read the entire document. It never mentions decertifying, which was the point you were making and I was disagreeing with. I also stated that fact above:

No point continuing this rather strained banter. Itā€™s getting neither of us anywhere in a hurry.

Tomorrow there is a good chance the Trump team will be presenting evidence on the Senate floor - that is providing some senators and representatives reject the electoral college vote.

I think the numbers rejecting it are about 200 plus so far.

Hopefully somewhere the Trump team presentation will be televised - and both of us can see whether itā€™s real evidence or not.

I think itā€™s better we put our focus on trading the markets than getting locked into some never ending dispute till then