Political Opinion

This is not equality, this is common human decency. And your conversation here revolves around a single entity, YOU. But how do you get 300 million of your citizens to act and feel the same way as you do?? Also do you have the right to expect that everyone else in the USA should think and act like you??

In the UK recently a woman was acquitted of hate speech against a trans gender person. She was accused of calling him a MAN and she said to him that he was nothing more than a PIG IN A WIG.In dismissing the charges the magistrate or judge as you call them, said that it was the right of evey individual to say what ever they want even if it is offensive or even abusive as that consitutes the very nature of free speech.

This is a statement right out of the book “White Fragility” by Robin DeAngelo. A book I have painfully read. And again if you want to persue that level of self development then bless your little heart and bobby socks, go for it. But in reality you will never get the whole world thinking as one and that is why equality is nothing more than the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.



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Trump is on :fire: :fire: :fire:

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Go for it Quad ! I’m with you for the revolution ! :+1: :+1: :+1:


Thanks Johnny! Much appreciated! And thanks to the approx 80 million Americans and the countless millions across the globe.

Trump is fighting for all our freedom. The least we can do is to support him and spread the truth to others so that they can add their voice in support.

Victory will be ours and it is very near!

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Maybe you would feel more comfortable debating self-proclaimed leftist and Trump hater Jimmy Dore who just told Alexandria Cortex to F- Off on Twitter and continually calls out the fake progressives in congress

Or just post some of the stuff you have posted here on Jimmy’s comment section and they will eat you a live.


fraudulent election won by two fraudulent people , makes sense to me

Transaltion: You are warned! We’re done playing with you.

Federal judge rejects Trump’s latest challenge to Georgia’s presidential election result

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Is it possible to identify as being none white to avoid the label of white privileged?

Or in my case, if I identify as being 6’0 tall do you think I would do better with the opposite sex?


This whole equality thing is bullcrap on steroids - we should celebrate our differences not be afraid of them.

Sad story.

According to a pair of righteous scribes here all them Judges are lefty loonies and Donald is a lovely guy.


Donny T is an imperfect instrument but maybe the right man for the right time - though I know you wholly disagree.

More to the point I would imagine all powerful men are not exactly saints.

I’m sure Churchill had his issues as did Caesar.

I doubt that any holieu than thou candidate would ever get anywhere in US politics

Indeed he is. A very nice person and his family are just as nice.



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Oh very easily. Here in OZ we have plenty of white people claiming that they are indigenous. I can identify as a little black duck and even change my name to Daffy and I would have to be accepted as a looney tune character. :stuck_out_tongue:

Still I brought up the subject of equality in reference to the all the crack pot social justice polices the left want to introduce instead of prudent fiscal policies designed to grow the countries wealth and improve the peoples’ of the USA quality of life.

How are you trading?? It has been a bit rough the last few days as I think traders wait with baited breath the outcome of the senate election in Georgia.

I did make some good money leading up to Christmas selling both gold and oil puts. So I am being a little cautious in this new year.



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Been holding gold for a few days now for a nice profit so far, that’s the most stand out trade recently.

I think gold has started a new upleg and those who know how to trade it properly can make some good % gains.

Irrespective of what happens today (one of the most important days in US political history ever) I personally think the dollar is toast - however that does NOT fit with current COT positions (the largest net short position in 11 years)

Regardless, much of my focus this year will be on the dollar debasement ‘narrative’.

One thing I think is if Biden does win gold and silver really could go to da moon

You are not the only one. I was speaking to some friends who are traders last night whilst I was trading the US session and they were saying they were looking to dump some of their US dollars for a more safe currency. Some are even looking at gold and silver.

What is you projected high on gold and silver?? I was bullish silver last night but the margin requiired to hold one contract was $15,000. I was in the hole for $5,000 last month trading gold options for every one contract. Considering that I may hold that trade for a month or more that is a lot of capital to tie up in margin.




I learned a long time ago to never to set price targets.

I spent many years trading silver and only silver. I guess it was the 2008 financial crisis and I had held it for months - was up around 800% for the year (yes I was over leveraged)

Anyway my target was $50 dollars all the silver experts were saying that was a cert.

I’d been trading so we’ll, I thought I was the bees knees - taking on accounts from others including my mum

But silver got to 49.19 I think and then reversed.

I was stopped out with a healthy profit maybe a dollar or two lower than that.

But I wasnt content - silver was going to $50 - I knew how much profit I was SUPPOSED to be making.

So I jumped back in, and silver started a rather fast descent.

I held all the way down - total shellshocked.

And I think I only sold about $19 - my mum’s account and all.

I was distraught for a full year after - which led to many nights out on the Beer Chang just to forget.

Anyway I’ve never even considered a profit target ever since!!!

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Close race, could go either way

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After the Republican party voted against the American people on the stimulus bill I would say the democrats will win both, History has shown the only thing dumber then the Republicans is the Democrats when they hold both house and senate

If I may add my two cents, I have been a long time holder of Gold, Silver and Miners they make up a third of my portfolio, I also own a much smaller position in Bitcoin and that small Bitcoin position has out performed the other three combined. Having all four is a good hedge against the declining dollar

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