Political Opinion

From our Declaration of Independence

that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it,

It is this last part that we are coming dangerously close too. I am of the mind that things can change for the better and conflict can be avoided, but the clock is ticking and so far few in congress seem to care

“That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it,”


FBI posts photo of person who placed suspected pipe bombs outside DNC, RNC

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Can you imagine what our trolls would have said about the participants in this protest 250 yeas ago


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Checklist of a dictator:

  1. Intimidate and discredit the national media. Done.

  2. Isolate the country from its allies. Done.

  3. Break down the separation of power within the existing government. Done.

  4. Gain control of the covert information-gathering segments of the government. Done.

  5. Implement plan to destroy the democratic ability of the people to conduct free elections. Done.

  6. Gain control of the military and allow it to be used against any groups who oppose your demands. Done.

  7. Implement a program to discredit and blame certain individuals, minorities, religious, political or other groups who attempt to save their current form of government. Done.

Some Americans would say such a checklist is what Donald Trump is following. Who knows, you might be right. However, according to historical accounts; it was the foundation of control used by Adolf Hitler in his rise to power within Nazi Germany.

Moral: Loyal Trumpers will allow this insanity to continue.

Real loyal members of our proud Republican Party will stand alongside the Democrats and force an end to the insanity.

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Fair dinkum mate you are totally delusional.



I wouldn’t be “some”. And I don’t see ANY of those as done. I’m sure the ones on the other side think they all are done too, thus the lively discussion on this forum.


Certainly 4 & 5 on your list might have happened because since 2018 US has been under a state of emergency against foreign election interference

Hell it was the democrats who started the ball rolling on that one with the collusion narrative.

Trump did what any responsible president would do which was to information gather using military intelligence for the past two years

Infact I do believe the final report was put on Trumps desk this past month.


According to China ( CCP) more people died at this weeks Washington peaceful protest than at Tiananmen Square

and I call it a peaceful protest because that is how the media reported the riots of 7 months ago

Screenshot 2021-01-08 at 12.01.56 PM

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For those of you who think Trump delivered on his promises, here are some which he most certainly didn’t.

  1. “Real change begins with immediately repealing and replacing the disaster known as Obamacare."
  2. “I will ask, to appoint a special prosecutor. We have to investigate Hillary Clinton, and we have to investigate the investigation.”
  3. “We can provide six weeks of paid maternity leave to any mother with a newborn child whose employer does not provide the benefit.”
  4. “We will build an active army around 540,000 as the army’s Chief of Staff has said he needs desperately and really must have to protect our country.”
  5. “I would build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me, and I’ll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great great wall on our southern border and I’ll have Mexico pay for that wall.”

I do not wish to poke my nose into American politics, being from the UK I do realize that we are in a bigger mess than Boris’s hair cut. I am neither right wing nor left wing, perhaps I lean to the right. However, I had a dream last night and came up with what I saw as a perfect solution - America to have two presidents -
Candice Owens and Tulsi Gabbard.
Just a dream, :wink:

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Dominion Voting Systems on Friday filed a defamation lawsuit against attorney Sidney Powell for what they say is her role in orchestrating a “demonstrably false” conspiracy theory about the Colorado-based voting machine company rigging the 2020 presidential election.

“She has directly accused Dominion of fraud, election rigging, bribery, and conspiracy, which are serious crimes,” the company wrote in its complaint filed in D.C. federal court. “Powell’s statements have exposed Dominion to the most extreme hatred and contempt.”

The suit, which is seeking nearly $1.3 billion in damages, accuses Powell of leading a pervasive campaign to spread false election theories that gained currency with President Trump.
A former federal prosecutor, Powell rose to become a close adviser to Trump in the closing days of his presidency, meeting with him repeatedly as he mounted increasingly desperate attempts to overturn the outcome of an election he lost by more than 7 million votes.

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To refer to the violence that occurred as a ‘protest gone too far’ is pathetic, just as miserable as trying to justify it by turning attention to the ‘left’ - for one second think of the fear that men and women were subjected to because they were simply doing their job.

People lost their lives as a result of this ‘protest’ - go to their families with these stupid words or excuses, sympathize with them, attempt to understand their pain, say you are sorry for their loss - then take these stupid excuses for violence put them in your pocket and go home.


Capitol Police Officer Dies After D.C. Riot

Pelosi asks the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to keep Trump from using nuclear codes in the final days of his presidency

THAT should be fun! She’ll have to produce evidence, if she has any. Does she…?


Where’s the healthcare plan? I’ve was seriously hoping for anything on this during his term? Zero.

I still believe a second term would have been within grasp had the administration focused on this.

No - the Left does Not get to give us moral lectures about riots after the last 4 years !


Where is the entirety of the membership of Congress in any of that, @falstaff? Where is the VP of the US in any of that? Senate Majority Leader? Speaker of the House? Where are the top members of the US government in any of those riots/protests?

Were those riots/protests also on the same day the government was certifying the election for president?

Were those riots/protests literally taking place in the house of the US Government?

“Well, what about antifia?”

Get out of here with that. Ridiculous.

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Watch the Video - You have not contributed anything except crayon pictures during the time when diuscussion may have been helpful - You do Not get to be taken seriously now - away back to your crayons !

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Yea I watched it. Changes nothing for me. Back to my crayons.