Political Opinion

Does that include the victims of the BLM and Antifa protest in Portland that endured 50 days of riots looting burning of cars damage to their city the hundreds of police and inocent bystanders who were hurt or killed??

No I didn’t think so. The left are pathetic.

For what it is worth I don’t agree with what Trump supporters did. But what is so frustrating is that you on the left, and you is collective, are oh so quick to point the finger at those Trump supporters completely in denial of what Biden supporters did in major capital cities across the USA. You don’t live in reality.


Pathetic you say - you know zilch about political violence - I’ve lived through it, witnessed the riots, the fear, the smell of smoke, the sounds and worse - the fear.

You talk about victims of political violence - let me tell you this - victims of violence do not know left or right all they know is pain.

Reality? you wouldn’t know it if it hit you in the face - wake up - there is no left or right.


What makes you think Antifa, and all Trump haters, are automatically Biden supporters? And you should get out more. Talk to more Biden supporters. They will tell you they don’t support destruction, rioting, looting, killing, etc.

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It is a sad state of affairs that the USA has arrived at this stage in it’s history. What was once the most stable country in the world has been torn apart by the leftist morons infecting the society with their marxist agenda. I read some of the stupidity that appears just in this forum and on this thread and it beggers belief that there are people who just have no idea. The level of brainwashing is on a scale that is hard to comprehend. How can perhaps well educated people be fooled by those who are using them as puppets to whip up fear and hatred. The saying of “well educated idiots” springs to mind.

The left see themselves like St George running around the countryside slaying dragons. Problem is that there will be less and less dragons to slay until eventually they turn on themselves. Not my words but the words of Douglas Murray.

Have a great weekend.



It is going to get very ugly in the not too distant future.

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Probably because when you listened to them screeching on the streets as they stand in front of a burning building or after they have torn down another statue that Joe Biden will be the next president of the USA.


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More than once I have stated here that anyone, including Biden and his family, guilty of breaking laws should face justice, regardless of their politics, race, color, or beliefs.
When I have asked the Trump supporters if they would echo this, substituting ‘Trump’ for ‘Biden’ they have refused to do so.
Draw your own conclusion from that.

No argument from me on this point.


Oh really. You criticise me for making assumptions. Tell me your story. What political violence have you lived through?? Seriously I would be interested.

Durrrr When there is violence people always get hurt. But you are very disingenuous assuming that those hurt don’t understand what and who inflicted that pain upon them. How is it that yet again you make subjective statements about what other people think and feel?? You would have to be living under a rock not to have seen and heard who was responsible for the 50 days of violence in Portland. But then again the comments you post on this site are based on a style more in line with what you would read in a Mills and Boon love story.

If there is no left or right exactly what is there??


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THis is believed to be the Tweet which so enraged the raging leftists of Silicon Valley that they felt empowered to silence the President of the United States !

If they can do this to the “most powerful man in the wiorld” out of simple spite - these unelected psychopaths will stop at nothing to achieve their dystopian dreams !

Yes it is disgusting. It was reported that some of the protestors had pre planned breaking into Capital Hill long before the day of the protest. So there is a big question mark to the assertion that Trump incited the crowd into storming the Bastille.

Trump has been the most majestic human being of all time. No other leader in history has had to withstand such high scrutiny such vilification and endure a level of hatred over such a long period of time.



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It’s quite simple really - the right are kept to a higher standard than the left.

We have to live with that.

Learn to thrive with it.

As an aside what the hell are the neo bolshies so scared of that they now need to deplatform Trump and anyone else with influence with the plebs on twitter, facebook, google app store and facebook?

Aren’t these stasi or CCP tactics - who the hell would want to live in an America like that anyway?

This is all just proving how nasty, vindictive, crazy many of those on the left are

What’s next - Gulags for deplorables?

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Cry 1

Mmmm you just never know. There have been many in the Democrats that have stated that Trump supporters should be called out and shamed. They are not just happy to win they want to crush anyone who dared to stand with Trump. Again this is from the party of tolerance and diversity.




but we all are americans, you can always leave

Police Officer Killed in US Capitol Siege Was Air National Guard Veteran, Deployed to Iraq

Truth, Family values, Self-reliance, Responsibility, Free Speech, Patriotism, Masculinity, Femininity, Equal Opportunities, the Judeo-Christian value system, Intelligent People with the ability and determination to set their own courses in life and work towards individual and Common Goals. To name a few things :wink:

Oh and “Plant - Food” ! :rofl: :rofl:

And when you look at those they insist on as their “voters” - they only have a bunch of pseudo-intellectuals which they have indoctrinated and who do not have the intelligence or possibly the courage to stand and say “NO!” - And those they insist are incapable of earning their own living in the world and whom they say must be perpetual parasites due to their incompetence.

  • And therefore who must be eternally grateful for their deliverance from the “Oppressors” :slightly_smiling_face:

to quote Biden

“You ain’t Black if you don’t vote Democrat”

Why not Stalin did it ? - When he cleared out the Kulaks ! - Of course 5-10 million of his own people starved to death precisely because he did so - but hey that’s ok They died in the name of equality and Social Justice ! (And nobody dared to mention it because they knew fiull-well what would happen if they criticised ! - as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn did ! (Just once) - and of course that was just the beginning - Sadly nobody actually told teh Crayon Crew what they can expect ! - That’s probably the only part of this lunacy - I find some comfort in :rofl: :rofl: !

And we’ve already been informed that

“We’re making a list”

White Extremist Groups Could Descend on D.C. Again on January 19. Meanwhile, Trump Says He Will Not Attend Biden’s Inauguration

White conservatives gave violent white radicals a pass. Now they’re about to destroy the country

And there’s nothing You can do about it - It’s a majority

White Country !

OK Bigot - You wanna play the racist game - Go for it !

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no need to play the race game you guys are the one crying about race :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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