Political Opinion


I live in Australia. HA HA HA!!


so you loving this america self destruction

And ā€œTiny Pavlovā€ - is just a few lines of ā€œcodeā€ :wink:

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oh how you so mad america have different races in it. :joy:

Do Chat-bots count as "Races " ?? :roll_eyes:

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Cry 1

no but your still mad :rage:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Man who posed at Pelosiā€™s desk arrested, says heā€™s ready for violent death

Trrump Traitiors

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I think those tee-shirts are rather profound ! :sunglasses:

Where do I get one ? :slightly_smiling_face:

Question for I guess, anyoneā€¦ Have you ever encountered anyone who claims to be ā€œantifaā€? Iā€™m 42, and in my entire life, Iā€™ve met anarchists and all sorts of people, but Iā€™ve never come across anyone who identified themselves as antifa. I support the idea that fascism is bad, and donā€™t really understand why anyone would be pro-fascism. I hear so much about antifa from the right, but it seems ONLY from the right when they need a boogeyman. So, could some of you that claim to be so horrified by antifa please quantify for me what it really is, because it seems like a phantasm.

There is a long history of Antifa in Europe since the 1930ā€™s I believe.

Even a quick search of Wikipedia should bring this up.

Whether the anarchists in the US are part of that I have no idea.

I do know that anarchists are generally not a friendly lot and love to smash things up.

Then they grow up like Johnny Lydon and become Donald Trump supporters.

This video may help you.

Anitfa are not the only marxist organisation. One of the biggest marxist organisation is the Fabian Society. Most people have never heard of the Fabian Society but it was a socialist come marxist organisation formed in the early 1900 with the goal of creating a socialist utopia.

That have been many well know polititians who are know Fabians. People like Gordon Brown, Tony Blair, Angelia Merkel the Clintons the Obarmas.

The Fabian Society was responsible for the creation of organisations such as NATO UNHRC World Climate council World Health organisation and use these entities to push the socialist agenda.

The Fabian Society has a coat of arms that is a wolf in sheeps clothing. So that should tell you a lot.




Also I suppose itā€™s like the mafia - have your ever met any?

If you did they probably would not admit it.

Or like English football hooligans. All week work an office job then go to Europe and start smashing peopleā€™s faces in from rival football firms.

Only the dumbest of criminals would tell you they were.


Fair enough. Fascism had been opposed throughout history, thankfully. I suppose Iā€™m trying to zoom in on our present climate. Iā€™m progressive, as leftist as youā€™d like, and antifa has never knocked on my door physically or virtually, yet I hear itā€™s everywhere. I guess Iā€™m suggesting ā€œantifaā€ may not be the force many of yā€™all are convinced it is.

I think you are using a very narrow definition of fascism.

When a government is in bed with big business itā€™s corporate fascism and pretty much sums up the new US administration.

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Thanks Ms. Duck thatā€™s exactly what I was getting at. The video ends saying, antifa is not an organization, but an ideologyā€. Thatā€™s my exact point. Antifa isnā€™t the thing the right thinks it is. Itā€™s people who think fascism is bad. Are they really the enemy?

John my friend, youā€™re sipping pudding through a straw! Government has always been in bed with big business. Thatā€™s a far different thing than classical fascism. Worthy of its own debate no doubt! I so wish our founders had erected a wall between business and state the way we have a theoretical wall between church and state.

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