Political Opinion

The quote of 20/21. Let’s all get this tattooed somewhere.

I don’t recall you being part of this conversation, if you just feel the need to post something then why not answer the question I asked of you earlier on ideas for improving healthcare

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I presume nothing and the only chastising I see on this thread emanates from Florida.

Perhaps you could read up a bit more on the ‘formation’ of NI - the same ‘tribalism’ as you call it that the US was borne from.

But thankfully we have left all that behind, thanks to three men (and others) who were forward thinking and don’t believe in the stupidity that I see spouted daily on this thread.

Those 3 men - first former British PM who falstaff has an endearment - Tony Blair.

Secondly a person whom you have a particular fondness - former President Bill Clinton.

And last but not least our own John Hume (nobel peace winner) who passed away last year - a ‘socialist’ in your terminology.

Just thinking what it is that these guys have in common - maybe it’s John Hume’s dad who taught him that you cannot eat a flag.

Anyways Dennis I wish you well and indeed the little duck - I have figured a way to not get any notifications from this thread and it even disappears from my platform so no point in replying to me - it’s not that I don’t like you - heck i love you - but there comes a time to split :slight_smile:


Well it can’t be anything I said :rofl:
He says he’s had me blocked for ages and never sees anything I write :slightly_smiling_face:

So it must be “one of those other naughty boys or girls” !

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Well said and very true.



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It’s like I said to you before. Once he is painted into a corner he runs away and hides.




Hi @Falstaff

I watched this episode and what he said on the show is scary. When CNN want to remove another news channel (who just happens to have the opposite view to them) then this is censorship period and another step to communism.




Methinks @ peterma that the Facebook and Twitter blocks on seditious and dangerous comments wouldn’t go astray of at least three people posting here.
It is truly amazing that people consider an inveterate liar and narcissist to be a patriot and the best President ever.
I’m very glad that I don’t have access to the mind blowing stuff they are taking. There cannot be any other reason for the insane stuff coming from their beaks,
It would be entertaining but for the fact that they clearly believe the insane ideologies they spout.


Watching this live as we type -


When you start a conversation with an aggressive statement like this, it tells me you are not serious about constuctive conversation.

Just for the record I have heard of Ireland and have travelled through both north and South Ireland. I am well aware of the IRA and the democratic socialist party Sinn Fein. Let me guess the party you once supported?

This is a given but seriously the world is not a perfect place and for thousands of years there has been wars revolutions and any number of protest were inocent people have been impacted living in fear and experiening the pain of death.

You obviously lived through the riots and bombings that took place in Ireland thanks to the IRA. That would have been bad. But you are not the only one that has experienced horror.

I worked for many years as a police officer. I have experienced trying to contain riots. I’ve been punched kicked, knocked to the ground and spat on. I have had to try and save peoples lives and at times I believed that I may have to take someones life. I have seen many many horrible things and witnessed many tragic events. The death of small children, horror murder scenes, woman battered by their husbands, tragic traumatic motor vehicle accidents. You talk about pain go to a morgue and then have to listen to the hysterical screams of a mother as she identifies her dead child screaming “that’s my son”. I go to work everyday and get to see people on the worse day of their life everyday.

I’m not alone. Spare a thought for Fire fighters ambulance staff doctors and nurses in emergency departments and soldiers at war.

Life is full of tragedy and many many prople experience tragedy everyday and that will never change. That is reality. You just have to deal with it.

Maybe you should consider some psychological help. You sound very depressed and seem to have anger management issues.



That Conjecture seems to demand some expansion - by way of a subject, evidence and an accused person !


Remember that Trump understands Sun Tzu’s Art of War - as do the military.

Appear weak when you are strong, strong when you are weak.

This could explain why Nancy Pelosi is currently throwing a hissy fit.

Lt. General Thomas McInerney says Special Forces has Nancy Pelosi’s laptop - YouTube

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Longer and better video than the previous one.

This guy seems legit to me, but heh maybe he needs to put on his tin foil hat - we all know there was no voter fraud!!

Lt Gen Tom McInerney Must watch Everything explained! - YouTube


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It is interesting you quoted these 3 people to @Dennis3450 I know 2 out of the 3 are well know members of the Fabian Society. My guess is that John Hume would be also considering he was a member of the SDLP (Socialist Democratic Labour Party) a party of Northern Ireland.

Even today the SDLP is well supported by the Fabian Society, a society with the agenda of the destruction of capitalism and the introduction of socialism.






A new direction for Labour’s traditional Northern Irish allies the SDLP suggests Labour should consider fighting elections in the region again, argues Stephen Bradley.



There is a well known principle in psychological therapy that

When they get angry - you are getting close to the truth

Boy are they getting angry ! :slightly_smiling_face:

We now have Concerted action by Twitter, Facebook, Google, Amazon and Apple to Silence and destroy true communication in support of their allegededly “Elected” - Democrat puppets.

Whilst the President of the United States is prevented from communicating by this unelected Cabal of Witchfinders - and all in the name of “Equality”, “Inclusiveness” and “Democracy”

It is quite clear that there is massive distrust in USA and indeed throughout the “Free World” in these “Perfectly fair” “Elections” - and more to the point - the clear, concerted and obvious efforts to deny any form of questioning or investigation, which any reasonable person HAS to DEMAND !

If this is NOT a Fake Election - Show us the evidence - Silencing dissent through Brute Force, threats and violence is NOT Evidence - even if that Violence is “Virtual” in operation - It is Very Real in effect - The President has effectively been executed ! -


Funny how the self-righteous Right are the ones screaming, rioting, threatening others, yet they claim it is the other side getting angry :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


The Right

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Trump has not ordered flags flown at half-mast over federal buildings to honor the police officer killed in the ransacking of the Capitol