Political Opinion

well it started out with good intentions and made a bad turn somewhere

Their timing tells everything. While Trumps posts were bringing in advertising and eyeballs, they were happy to leave it, more or less.
Now he’s of less value, cutting ties with him is less of a financial risk than maintaining those ties.
Same thing is happening now with the PGA and R&A. I could be cynical and say “that’s Capitalism for you” but that would make me look like a “commie”, which I most certainly am not.

when people realize freedom of speech have consequences they will see freedom of speech is not alway free

Certainly there is some input from the “miners” - in guessing numbers and putting them through the “generator” to see whether they have made a coin or not - and the consistent LOWERING of the payment for making a coin seems to forecast an approximate limit to the total amount which will be made.

Apart from that they do not seem to have any real value except for “Confidence” - and there is no “Guarantor” behind them. - So quite why that confidence should persist is a moot point.

Nowadays we see various "instsitutions Confiscating amounts of Bitcoin directly from the “exchanges” - That cannot be anything other than a confidence breaker surely ?

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well you gotta look at who owns most of these companies, not saying one side is smarter then the other but it does seem like big corporation in america are own by democrats or liberal, who knows :crazy_face:

Thanks for that explanaton and link @Blackduck - I had heard of teh Fabian Society - but not realised how insidious they are. Nor that their logo is a Wolf in Sheep’s clothing !

I see that in their “People” section they refer to “Beatrice and Sidney Webb” - and perhaps something which few know is that Sidney Webb was married to a woman known more widely as Beatrix Potter ! - Yes she of “Fluffy Bunnies for kids” fame ! and she used the income from her books for children - to further their aims and indeed to found the London School of Economics ! An institution which in it’s own right has done much to take mainstream “Economics” from a potentially useful Science - to something discredited and Politically Leftist in nature ! -

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i must say trump did have some good policies or way o thinking on some things like.

border wall

bring jobs back to america/ but we will never be manufacturer powerhouse again. but i like trump thinking there

keep high paying jobs here like in silicon valley where 70% of workers comes from offshore and i leave at that

if that was to happen is there any way to stop it, remember everything get implemented in stages, look at technology and before you know it you need it.

there are different fraction of groups trying to pull america there own way, you will think the CIA or FBI will would be monotiors these groups unless the are powerless to do so.

EDIT; truth be told i just got the jist of what you guys was talking about. my reply might be :crazy_face:

I see Twitter is down 6% on the day ! - seeing as hw Twitter was in severe trouble before The President started using it and boosted it’s platform massively - and we know people are baling out of twitter like mad - I’m wondering whether it’s a good place to take a short and pick up a few crumbs from the Techy Banquet ? :slightly_smiling_face:

Hold itt all the way down as Twitter turns to “Ratt-chitt” - :rofl:

Get woke go broke


…or they agree with them…


Are there any out there who still say “Cancel Culture does not exist” ?

We have just watched the President of the United States get Cancelled from the Internet !

Carl on really good form armed with great research



Their logo should tell you everything. When they first formed one of their members was the famous George Bernard Shaw. A lot of world organisations and famous members of the left are secret Fabians, all dedicated to the intoduction of socialism.

They deliberately stay quiet and their team mascot is a snapping turtle with the motto “We move slowly but when we strike we strike hard.”

I would be very surprised if the dumbos on this thread have every heard of the Fabian Society. Pity!




It is like I have said if the left destroy all their enemies the only one left to destory is themselves.

The left say that they will live in harmony but in reality they only know one thing, “hate intolerance.”




BLM has absolutely nothing to do with racial justice, just like Antifa has absolutely nothing to do with anti-fascism, just like climate change protests have nothing to do with climate change, just like the Great Economic Reset has nothing to do with improving the lives of “the people”.


Very well said and very true.

There are serious sinister people behind these organisations using stupid people to do their dirty work in bringing down society.






And the lefties don’t realize what is happening - they are so easily bought for a box of crayons !


as I always say just follow the money


Yep…just follow the money. Ignore the words…watch what they do, and let your eyes be the judge!