Political Opinion

and the media running interference for these groups is another tell they are not what they say they are

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This is really messed up, the cops are damn if they do and damn if they don’t


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Capitol rioters shown beating face-down police officer

Toxic Masculinity perhaps is the whole problem ? - or maybe not ?

Peterson is always worth listening to but this one decided me to warm to him rather more as a human male - not that it is without merit - but perhaps some of the crayon crew would be interested to know what young people actually did before Facebook ! :slightly_smiling_face:


The problem is that the crayon crew on this thread are too arrogant to watch Jordan Peterson. their little minds are so closed that they don’t want to watch anything that may challenge their idea of reality.

The other issue is Petersson is a very intelligent man and the manner in which he speaks is far too complicated for the average leftist to understand.



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Hey @Falstaff you want a good laugh watch the way Jordan Peterson handles this moronic fool and note the faces of several members of the audience and on the panel. You can see that they are just too stupid to understand what he is saying.

By the way this is a show in Australia on the left wing channel called QandA and is on our ABC, your BBC. Jordan Peterson went on with the idea he was going to talk about his book “12 Rules for Life” and all that happened was the moderator and some members of the panel tried to trap him. They failed dismally and the whole show is worth watching as it shows just how intelligent the man is.

Hope you enjoy.



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I’m sure that everyone on this thread are well aware of what has happened over the last week or so with the riots at Capitol Hill. But if you have at least a shred of common sense, what has happened in the last 24 hrs, with the censorship by big tech of Donald Trump and other conservative people, should concern you. If it does not then you really need to watch this episode of Tucker Carlson. If after watching you still are not concerned then you deserve what you get. Communism.



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Communism needs sheep, which are in plentiful supply right now. Indoctrinating our kids at school, re-enforced by mainstream media, and perpetuated by the lefty political elite that are totally incapable of seeing the hypocracy in their words and actions. But, you guys are not alone. Look at any western nation and you’ll find it eroding society, tradition, and nation. In the USA, Canada, UK, Europe, and right here in Australia, people are being divided and set upon each other by devious political leaders that take great joy in their endeavours to destroy all that our fore-fathers fought and died for. I don’t know where this is all going to end-up, but it’s becoming increasingly obvious that great global civil conflict is not far away.

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I hope you’re not advocating violence because the democratic process didn’t work for your guy

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But its okay when Trump asks the social media companies to ban people from their platforms?

I actually agreed with Trump on that at the occasion, can I take it that you disagreed?

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Being Australian I know exactly what you are saying.



Did you bother to watch the show or are you just running off at the mouth as usual.

I’m sick of fools like you who are too stupid to look past your hatred of Trump.



I hope you take lessons in English grammar.

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maybe the USA, Canda, U.K. And europe are getting what they deserve, most of these countries have committed atrocities to get where they at, all i can say is god works in mysterious ways.

According to racists, when white mobs beat cops and kill them, it’s a patriotic act. Just ask Trump

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Trump admits he’s partly to blame for violence at U.S. Capitol

That’s according to House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, who spoke with the president on Monday and later conveyed Mr. Trump’s feelings to fellow House Republicans.

Multiple Republicans familiar with the exchanges confirmed the details to CBS News.

I was asking you a question, not Tucker Carlson. You do have an opinion of your own, don’t you?

If you had bothered reading my last sentence, you would see that I actually agreed with Trump. The hatred seems to be coming from your side.

Talk about people in glass houses throwing stones. Your own grammar and spelling seem to suggest a wasted education. :rofl: :rofl:

BTW, I noticed you have avoided answering my question. I’ll take it that you are advocating using violence when the democratic process doesn’t give you the result you wanted.

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Case in point!

Carlos, why is violence okay and overlooked when it is the left that set fire to dozen of cities over the summer took over government buildings , looted and destroyed property. People are angry at the government on both sides and this violence is likely to continue unless change comes soon

We are living in a real life Hunger Game

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