Political Opinion

You Pointedly refuse to answer questions - Therefore

You lose the right to expect answers to your own !

Another 2 questions here - You do feel very entitled about “Questions” - don’t you ?

Note to Mods;

This contributor does refuse to answer questions - yet he insists on “asking” questions - there seems to be no “fair exchange” of information nor comment in his posts - and I can show links / evidence of what I say .

However - I do not think he has objected to my post !

I would suggest that the actual “Flagger” is another - apparently anonymous “poster” with an agenda against me - probably someone who has recently announced that he would no longer participate in this thread !

Simply put - I do think @CarlosRay is a person who wull stand his corner and NOT one who will “run - tell teacher” when someone taes him to task !

I ask you to leave this post intact as a "FAIR COMMENT"

I might have been one of those closed minded people at one time, but maturity has brought me to a point of listening to other points a view and challenging some of my long held beliefs,

What have I learned
Republicans are just as bad as Democrats ( the politicians not the people)
The news media both right and left is more propaganda than news
Universal Basic Income ( UBI) might actual work
Our current economic system is not sustainable
Money corrupts no matter how noble the cause might be
More government is not the answer ( this view has never changed)
The United States is not always the Good Guy

I love the way @ Scruffy Carl asks this apparently without Irony ! :rofl: :rofl:

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I find myself in broad agreement with this

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That is of course entirely true - Sadly - However when you write

I think that in itself gives us a Causal link !

so we must ask ourselves whether it is entirely appropriate to actually extend full Blame - to the “Adults” - those kids have become ?

As Douglas Murray writes

“You have to be “Educated” into that kind of stupididty…”

The long known process of maturity of thought identified by @Dennis3450

" maturity has brought me to a point of listening to other points a view and challenging some of my long held beliefs,…"

Provides us perhaps with a little hope - but since the “Education” process is ongoing - perhaps there will Never be enough people Maturing - to counteract the “Education” system ?


Who said violence by any group is okay?

More Questions !! :rofl:

Again if you had bothered to watch Tucker Carlson you would know that when you talk about “hatred coming from your side”, I’m a conservative not a progressive.

Watch the show I dare you, and then tell me if you agree or disagree with what he said.



The news media

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In case you missed it here are a couple of classic reports by CNN and MSNBC where the reporter called it a “Mostly peaceful protest” while fires burned in the background.

I somehow doubt you will hear the Trump protest called " mostly peaceful" by anyone in the media

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a man robs a bank, there was two witnesses, 1st witness told the police the robber went left, the 2nd witness told the police the robber went right, who should the police believe?

did the Education”system tell the teacher to do this experiment or was it an individual teacher making this decision on her own.

Not channels that I watch often, in fact I don’t think I have ever watched MSNBC.
Most of the media have moved away from balanced reporting. Far better, from their point of view, to go with sensationalist stories that bring in viewers and the advertising that follows.

Following on from the above. Carlson is as biased as they come and I have better things to do with my time than listen to him for 35 minutes.

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there are people who think that this uprising that is coming is gonna form america into a society of their ideologies, but wouldn’t that be the same thing their fighting against is not to have other people impose their ideology on them.

so dennis and his crew in fighting the ideology system only to impose their own ideology on people

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yes the system is broken it will always be broken nothing is perfect and if you wanna live you life base on your ideas on how life show be, so be it but don’t try to impose your ideas on how life should be on me, and for all the other stuff that goes on at the higher level i have no control over it and it will stress your life out,
be happy and live life to the fullest because you get one chance at it and before you know it, you wasted your whole life on things you couldn’t control

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Interesting point of view, but then how do you explain this “biased as they come” person routinely invites on his show Jimmy Dore, Tulsi Gabbard, and Andrew Yang and largely agreeing with them,

Tucker has also called out the Warmongers who want endless war and defended Jullian Assange

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I would hope he did call out warmongers.
I have only watched his commentaries a few times. I didn’t agree with him or his manner, but that’s personal preference. I’ve read his website, usually when following a link on Parler, but not since the election.
It will be interesting to see if he changes tack after 20th January, he wouldn’t be the first journalist to do so.

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There will be more US troops in DC for Biden’s inauguration than in Iraq and Afghanistan combined, a stark reminder of the danger of homegrown extremism

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I’ve just seen this.

Reports say it isn’t yet known if this was an error, a hack, or a joke. It has since been taken down.

Capitol Police Inform House Democrats About 3 More Plots to Take Over the Government

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