Political Opinion

You sure do have a strong opinion about someone you seem to know so little about

Can you name one person commentaries you do find informative

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Matthew Parris and Gerard Baker are 2 journalists who I find give a balanced view without pulling punches.

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I never heard of either but I will check them out

Not everybody is persuaded that Peterson is a thinker of substance, however. Last November, fellow University of Toronto professor Ira Wells called him “the professor of piffle” – a YouTube star rather than a credible intellectual. Tabatha Southey, a columnist for the Canadian magazine Macleans, designated him “the stupid man’s smart person”.

We get our President or we die’: An FBI report warned of a ‘war’ at the US Capitol before pro-Trump insurrectionists attacked it

This is not a question.

To you, maybe. But this still doesn’t explain your inability to distinguish between observation and incitement.


A fair point. Nevertheless, this is one recent example of my concerns:

“How does one effectively debate a man who seems obsessed with telling his adoring followers that there is a secret cabal of postmodern neo-Marxists hellbent on destroying western civilisation and that their campus LGBTQ group is part of it?” says Southey. “There’s never going to be a point where he says: ‘You know what? You’re right, I was talking out of my ass back there.’ It’s very much about him attempting to dominate the conversation.”

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Peterson’s constellation of beliefs attracts a heterogeneous audience that includes Christian conservatives, atheist libertarians, centrist pundits and neo-Nazis. This staunch anti-authoritarian also has a striking habit of demonising the left while downplaying dangers from the right. After the 2016 US election, Peterson described Trump as a “liberal” and a “moderate”, no more of a demagogue than Reagan. In as much as Trump voters are intolerant, Peterson claims, it is the left’s fault for sacrificing the working class on the altar of identity politics. Because his contempt for identity politics includes what he calls “the pathology of racial pride”, he does not fully endorse the far right, but he flirts with their memes and overlaps with them on many issues.

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Trumpty dumpty

Oh really! Even if you believe he is bias I challenge you to watch the show and then using you intelligence explain to me if you agree or disagree with what he says on that episode.

That is what a political debate is. I have posted a video of a political commentator agreeing fully with the comments he has made. So again I say have a look and make a comment.

If you are not prepared to do that them you are nothing more than a troll who is using this platform to merely tout your own personal views.

Who are these people?? Although unlike you I will research them later today. Possibly because I am interested in reading other opinions.

If they are so wonderful why don’t you post some of their articles so that they may be viewed and commented on.

Lets see if you have any credibility.



Yes like I said there are people who are just too stupid to understand what he is talking about.



Hello Blackduck.
Like some others, you appear to be under the belief that this thread is for debating politics. Clints first post makes clear that this is not the case


If it’s political debate you’re after, then perhaps a separate thread is needed where this can take place.

Peaceful BLM and Antifa protests. Violence is violence!

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And they should all face justice.


Did you know that Walmart also attracts these same people