Political Opinion

Nothing worse than the outright violence and terrorism of Trump supporters…

Yeah whatever

CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Antifa Protester John Sullivan Brags About Posing As Trump Supporter, Breaking Window At US Capitol Building During Riots (thegatewaypundit.com)

Oh dear

BREAKING: FBI Arrests Antifa Leader John Sullivan in Utah After Storming US Capitol …Update: With FBI Affidavit (thegatewaypundit.com)


You can bet this won’t be reported by any of the main stream media outlets.




Manufacturing Consent

He has been arrested.
All those committing violence or terrorism should be arrested and charged. No excuses.

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There has been a lot of this going on and as you said under-reported or totally ignored by MSM. In 2016 the Clinton campaign hired people to instigate violence at Trump rallies, before that, during Occupy Wall St law enforcement posing as protesters would destroy property and encourage
the real protesters to do the same.

The CIA has a long history of funding violence in other countries and the FBI has done the same in the US. Only a fool or Class 2 would deny there was not some of this going on in last weeks protest

What we see reported by MSM is window dressing, the real news is happening behind the scene


Man accused of throwing fire extinguisher at Capitol police arrested

Prosecutor: Capitol rioter aimed ‘to take hostages’

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It’s all over the news - Yahoo, BBC, USA Today, Newsweek, Rolling Stone, Politico, Politifact, Fox.

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I’m sure SmallPaul will get us the link to Yahoo.


Why wait? Here it is, regurg from Politico on the Yahoo site.


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lmao. kudos for making me laugh :rofl:

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Ali Soufan ex FBI has described Trump properly today.
Short and sweet…" A cancer on America" when asked about THE BIG LIE.

We still find it incredible that despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary, there are a number of people who can read and write believing Trumps insane ramblings about the election being stolen from him. Do they honestly think the civilized world are all wrong, and the ugly vicious thugs who attempted to storm Capitol Hill are right?

I’ll go with Ali Soufan and the countless others who have spoken out bravely, including the Republican Senators whose very lives have been threatened by this evil monster. May he rot in hell.

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Whoa! Talk like that will get you banned from Twitter!


Not to worry. Only dangerous LIES would get me banned from twitter.

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That’s true. Thankfully, we have TWITTER to be our arbiter of lies.


Just wanted to say, when the rumors that Parler might get shut down started, the guy who offered me a bet on Biden messaged me and we’ve kept in touch.
Today he sent me $6k, saying he accepted the bet was lost and wished me well. We are going to maintain contact. We will never see eye-to-eye politically, but there’s much more to life than that.
I’m adding $6k of my own to this and donating it to a childrens charity that I support.


Has anyone else here heard of “insurgence USA” I sure have not , your boy is not keeping us informed

In real news

Jimmy Dore reports how castrated Bernie Sanders will abandon his push for Medicare For All as he bows to Biden.

What this means for Americans is an 8% annual increase in healthcare cost while only seeing a 1.3% increase in wages

Can someone tell me how this is sustainable

Well it’s good to see that the spirit of Magnanimity and Unity - still pervades in those whose real objective - may only be surmised at !

Thinly veiled threats and intimidation - seem to exemplify the “unity” of their dogma ! :slightly_smiling_face:

One has to wonder whether such tactics are within the “Rules” of this site ?

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