Political Opinion

Yeah. Either that or the Wuhan Virus. But definitely one of the two.

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And I seem to remember you and some others here saying President Trump waited too long to shut down the economy, you can’t have it both ways.

Oh so you now admit that happened??


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In that context you have a point.


Vivi Frei calls out the retard of all retards

This is a directed response to what some are saying on this thread.

Who actually started the violence, none other than maxine waters

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No need to apologise. That is your right.



it’s all about accountability right?

America’s trade gap soared under Trump, final figures show

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There is absolutely no one on the left, who will EVER read the Gulag Archipelago just as not ONE of them will ever read the latest TIME Magazine story that ADMITS that the 2020 election was stolen and says exactly how it was done

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Yes I agree. The lefts choice of reading would be Jack and the Bean Stalk or My Little Pony or Cinderella. Something that does not involve thinking.




Just switched on Fox this morning and the main headline… so must be the way it’s done I suppose.

Pres Biden

Finally an election the democrats failed to steal, This is that NY congressional race where the democrats 5 weeks after the election magically discovered a whole box of uncounted ballots. This Judge’s decision is clearly a victory for democracy,



Why don’t you ask nbc news this stupid question. We are seeing the US turned in to a real life 1984 and this is what you are concerned about, You clearly are on pathetic little person


This little 1 min speech by Quark could easily be applied to the whole history of the democrat party,

I stand with Quark

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Small Paul don’t you know that Steve Schimdt has lost his mind and needs treatment urgently…( I’m joking of course)
Am trying to anticipate the response of a small man named dennis , assisted by an equally poisonous Shakespearean character and backed up by a know all quack who thinks everybody is stupid.
My weekend visit here has been enjoyable, if only to see how the minds of these people continue to fantasize with their heroes Donald and Rudi, or is it Kevin or M T Greene who is besotted with morons attacking her these days.


Hmmm… I asked you.

5ft -10 - the word ‘little’ is relative, as for being pathetic, you have come to a character judgement based on my question as to why you choose to refer to your President by only his surname - is it because I later found the answer (as you also have done) in your media?

The head of government in Ireland is referred to as “Taoiseach” and when we speak of him we use that term either on it’s own or with his full name.

This is a mark of respect for the office that he holds - it doesn’t mean that i agree with his politics.

Is the concept of respect extremely difficult or is it sidelined by the title of this thread in your opinion - or is this also a stupid question?


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I’ve been surprised by how badly our resident Republican supporters here have taken losing the presidential election.
3 losses out of the last 4 elections, you would think they would be used to it by now. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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