Political Opinion

I’m glad we entertain you.


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My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell’s Election Conspiracy Film Pulled Off YouTube

Give me a break, when over the last 4 years have you and your pathetic ban of minions shown one ounce of respect towards the President of the United States.

My country is in serious trouble and that might bring you great joy but none of us live in a vacuum and when the US falls so will the rest of the free world.

You may think the fascism of globalism is a wonderful thing but it will bite you in the ass one day soon


This vlog by Viva Frei is so good it needs to be posted again, Calling out the hypocrisy,

how many died during the riots last summer, will any democrats be charged with inciting those deadly riots

Ground zero for all the recent violence can be traced back to June 17, 2017 where a bernie sanders supporter was inspired to open fire on a group of republicans prepping for a charity baseball game, where any democrats charged with premeditated attempted murder, of course not

Trump’s attempts to overturn the election have cost taxpayers more than $519 million so far, Washington Post finds

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When will democrat lawmakers be charged for these deaths


The full extent of how much democrats baseless claims of Russian collusion cost taxpayers is not yet entirely known and may never be fully calculated


Every time our TDS friends express their primitive emotions towards the former President, Trump Wins Again!

That would make a great song




Trump’s DC hotel is hiking prices for March 4 - the day QAnon followers think the former president will be sworn in

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dennis you need to see a shrink ASAP.
Bring Rudi and Donald along with you.

It’s sad to see a body when the mind is gone.


It’s always someone else’s fault with you, isn’t it.

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Dennis Wins Again
Dennis Wins Again

Maybe I just created a new mental disorder called DDS (Dennis Derangement Syndrom)

or a more fitting name would be TDS as in (Truth Derangement Syndrom)

Truth is like two sides of a coin, and unless you acknowledge both sides then you are living the lie of half-truths

it is always just Donald Trump’s fault with you isn’t it,

Why not entertain us and try defending Maxine Waters and take on Viva Frie

This is 4 years old but it sure is funny, so is the TDS judge who could not set aside her hate to just have a little fun

remember when you told me you look at hundreds of posts dennis and you couldn’t find one that you support trump, look no further then your last few posts on trump, look like you are a trump supporter Trump

Trump Wins Again!
Trump Wins Again!


So that’s why you come here? To get your preference?

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