Political Opinion

Trump 2

For those hoping for a speedy impeachment trial…
Was suppose to run Monday through Saturday. “They” were hoping to get it done by then,
as they don’t work on Sunday, a week Monday is Presidents Day which, apparently, the Senate
is off for the WHOLE WEEK.
Well, it’s not starting till Tuesday. Trumps attorney is an Orthodox Jew who doesn’t work on the Sabbath,
which starts at 5:24 Friday. He said he’d work Sunday, but as Sunday is the Christian Sabbath, he would understand if they didn’t want to.

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just who and what are you talking about, not that I give a sh-t except it might give me an excuse to say

Trump Wins Again!
Trump Wins Again!

We continue to witness this Soviet Union style purge of our media and ordinary Americans.

Note; where was the purge of left-wing media for their 3 years of false reporting about Russia collusion

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Hey @SmallPaul

You have never at any stage in this thread presented a winning discussion and you continue to lose.

So given this analogy you are obviously outclassed by wise people.

That should give you the hint to quit as you are on a hiding to nothing.


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Obviously this applies to you and the democrats.


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i see you still chirping, this is a Political Opinion thread there is nothing to win

Then why did post the thread about losing to a wise person verses winning against a fool??

This thread is a political “DISCUSSION” something you have not worked out. Obviously!! Because to date you have discussed nothing. Only posted pretty pictures.


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Oh and by the way ducks quack they don’t chirp. So if you are going to attempt to insult you need to get your insults correct.


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no need for me to insult you, i wasn’t referring to your name when i use the word chirp :roll_eyes:

A California judge ordered OAN’s parent company to pay $250,000 in Rachel Maddow and MSNBC’s legal fees after its failed defamation suit

Seditionaries: FBI net closes on Maga mob that stormed the Capitol

So what did you mean by this comment??


Talking.Sht, nothing serious to me it’s all part of politics

it must give you great pride to see facist like Rachel Maddow be allowed to lie without consquenese

Three years of Russiagate lies and not one media person has been held accountable

In the US facist lift wing media hides behind the protection of our Consitution then chears Tech companies for their censoreship

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Most scholars place fascism on the far right of the political spectrum. No surprise to find you are clearly not a scholar.
Davies, Peter; Lynch, Derek (2002). The Routledge Companion to Fascism and the Far Right. Routledge. pp. 1–5
Griffin, Roger. Fascism. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 1995. pp. 8, 307.
Aristotle A. Kallis. The fascism reader. New York: Routledge, 2003. p. 71.
Hartley, John (2004). Communication, Cultural and Media Studies: The key concepts (3rd ed.). Routledge. p. 187. ISBN 978-0-521-55982-9.
Wilhelm, Reich (1970). The Mass Psychology of Fascism. Harper Collins. ISBN 978-0-285-64701-5.
Mary Hawkesworth; Maurice Kogan (1992). Encyclopaedia of Government and Politics: Volume 1. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-203-71288-7.

BTW, what is it with the Right and this total inability to string a sentence together without basic spelling mistakes? Everyone makes mistakes or typo’s now and again, but you take it to extremes.

Clearly you are wrong and don’t have a clue on what facism is. Facism is a form of Marxism and Maxism is socialism so how can it be on the right?? Think about it. Most people don’t know what Facism is.


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Any sources for this, Blackduck? I’ve referenced some of mine, how about you do the same?

It would be nice to read an opposite view here, lately it seems to have reverted back to name-calling

Most of these same “scholars” also praise Karl Marx , As I have pointed out before when you go to the left far enough you will find yourself on the right.

So does that make the left that you support the new right and now fascist

their politics and what they support would suggest so

Political correctness
Identity politics
no tolerance for other points of view
closed minded


The Doctrine of Facism by Bento Mussolini and Giovanni Gentile.

Facism was the idea of Giovanni Gentile and adopted by Mussolini.

Incidentally they associate racism and Facism together but Facists were not racist. as Mussolini’s wife was Jewish.
