Political Opinion

there is a long history of how words and their meanings are changed and then weaponized for political purpose The Romans did it to the Christians as did Germany to the Jews.

Fascism has always been a weapon of the government in control, it does not matter if the government is labeled left or right, fascism will be a means of remaining in power

The solution is less government


I fear you have completely lost the plot, dennis.
Your statement may be the case when you physically traverse the globe, but its absolute nonsense trying to apply it to a linear viewpoint. I think what you are trying to say, is that if you move far enough to the left (or right in your case), everything else is on the right (or left in your case). You yourself are still on the left (or right in your case) since your own political viewpoint has only become more extreme, not flipped sides.

Facism has always been difficult to explain but a really good explanation is in a book by George Orwell, Facism and Democray.



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Have to stop you there, but that is incorrect.
Gentile may have been called the “philosopher of Fascism.”, but the actual roots and ideology date back to Spartan times and, more recently, to the late 18th century Jacobin movement, with its totalitarian nature a foreshadowing of the fascist state.

Classic Hollow Man argument, you make up a story based on your own ignorance and bigotry then try to assign it to someone you disagree with

but if labeling people is the only way you can identify people then try this, Jesus follower were called radicals , as where the Republicans that came to power under Abraham Lincoln, So you have my permission to call me a “Radical” neither left or right

by the way this “Radical” supports
Freedom of Speech
free and equal access to social media
limited Government
ending the US endless wars
Heathcare people can afford
College that will not require 100K of debt
Universal Basic Income

just curious would you label the person with these views left or right

dennis, I think you have completely misread or misunderstood my post. Kindly show me the made-up story and where I assign this to someone I disagree with.


Had a conversation with a never Trumper today. We debated the election outcome and I ate a bit of humble pie.

I asked him if he thought Biden has dementia, and agreed that he did (surprisingly)

But he also said better have someone with dementia running the country that Donald Trump.

Just about says it all really


were there not something like 20 people running in the democrat party primary, 19 of them did not have dementia yet the primary seemed just as rigged as the 2016 primary and when order 66 was given ( Star Wars reference) they all fell inline and endorsed dementia man. So with so many choices why would the democrat establishment choice someone clearly not mentally up for the job. Something smells rotten and it is not just pelosi’s rotting corps

We see why they have to keep Donald Trump in the spot light, with out Trump as a distraction they might actually have to start answering questions, like the ones Tulsi Gabbard is asking

Like I said, your opinion of me based on your own ignorance and bigotry, I see no example supporting this lie, not that it would matter as you would just issue another lie

but just for a laugh, I await your examples of my extreme viewpoints, and I will even help you out with a few examples, are these extreme enough for your lying ass

Freedom of Speech
free and equal access to social media
limited Government
ending the US endless wars
Heathcare people can afford
College that will not require 100K of debt
Universal Basic Income

You just don’t understand my original post at all.

These are your words are they not, give an example of what you call “more extreme”

Anyone who actually knows me would tell you I have mellowed out in my older age, so I am waiting for the “extreme” example

go ahead, lay it on me

Here is my post

Apart from my first usage of the word “you”, where I said “I think what you are trying to say is…”, all other uses of “you” are to refer to an indeterminate person, as a more common alternative to the very formal “one”.
Likewise “your” becomes “ones”. Very formal and old fashioned, hence my substitution with “you” and “your”.

So, using “one” instead we have to make a few changes, but end up with…

If one moves far enough to the left (or right in the opposing case), everything else is on the right (or left in the opposing case). Oneself is still on the left (or right in the opposing case) since one’s own political viewpoint has only become more extreme, one has not flipped sides.

Clear now?

I feel like I just got off a merry go round, but if you are saying you were trying to make a point and not accusing me of an extreme view then I except that and apologize for not understanding your original intent.

I got a good one for you, see my next post

the aftermath of biden canceling the pipeline for purely political reasons is an explosion in the price of oil and gas exploration stocks. This sector was getting killed under Trump but biden has breathed new life into this sector of heavy polluters

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Having read more than my fair share of legalese, which is full of formal language, it is something I try to avoid if at all possible.
Maybe I should just go back to cartoons and memes, what do you think? :slightly_smiling_face:

please! anything but that :slight_smile:

Certainly does.



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Yep selling puts as price rises.



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Hey @Markaria

I watched this yesterday and I found it interesting.

Have a look and no I have not converted to the left. I am still a conservative but I do look at the other side. I just don’t view conservative material.
