Political Opinion

Why Finland And Denmark Are Happier Than The U.S.

Thanks, that was interesting and well presented.

Had Sanders (or Warren) won the nomination I have no doubt that the Republicans would have walked the election.
Every now and then a party throws up a candidate who is virtually unelectable to many of that parties supporters, and Sanders is one.
IMHO, the sooner he and Warren are out of politics the better. They bring nothing of use to the party and donā€™t even come across as likeable people. Say what you like about President Biden, but he does seem to be a decent person.



Where has this Markaria been the last two years,

I see both Warren and Sanders as frauds, Warren using a false claim of being native American to get placements she would not have gotten, and Sanders claiming to be the socialist defending the working man but when he had the nomination in hand in 2016 following the outing of hillary clinton for rigging the primary, instead of taking control of the party he bowed to the party, then did the same in 2020, that is known as sheepherding, his job was to shepherd progressives and keep them in the party with false hopes

biden the decent person who lies about his academic records and plagiarizes speeches, but if you ignore all that and compare him to the pure evil of pelosi then I guess you can make that case.

But is a ā€œdecentā€ person suffering from advance dementia the right person to be sitting in the white house at a time when China has a ruthless dictator and is showing aggression

Neville Chamberlain was also called a ā€œdecent personā€ how well did that go for England


let them get all their news from MSNBC and CNN for a few months and see how happy they are, Americanā€™s happiness scale has been on the decline even as most peoples living stands have increased, this is clearly a result of media propaganda


I agree 100%

EDIT: those people donā€™t let the media affect their behavior, america is full of followers they have to be told what to like and what to hate, what to eat, dress and so on

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I will second that with another 100% agree, what I do not understand is why do you spread their propaganda when you could be calling them out for it

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Speaking of calling them out, time to once again call out the second worst news paper in the United States, ( the New York Times is the worst)

The Washington Post canā€™t even keep their hate out of the sports section

A survey on the 2020 election pointed to electability and ability to beat Trump as the single largest factor in choosing Biden over say Bernie. Bernie had an agenda many liked, but not enough to sway independents or 2016 Trump voters looking for something different in 2020.

The fear of Sanders losing to Trump was too big.

The Senate voted 97-3 to KEEP the US Embassy in Jerusalem, which Trump FINALLY did.
2 of the 3 no votes? Sanders(not a Jew) and Warren.

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once again what i post is news that actually happen, i donā€™t think i every posted Opinion news or fake news

Qatar ā€” millions for Islam in Europe

Chinaā€™s gateway to Europe ā€“ the New Silk Road

To say fascism is only on the right is no different in saying only white people can be racist , we both know this is not true.

Most American scholars these days seem to parrot the teachings of karl marx , so saying I am not a scholar is huge compliment and I thank you for it


And you wonder why I call you SmallbrainPaul. All American media is opinion news or fake news. It is all agenda driven. If you want some real news look to RT or Al Jazeera, they are far from perfect but at least they do not have to wait for DNC or CCP approval before running a story


Sanders might be the most anti-semantic member of the senate


so why have you posted america news, BTW name calling does nothing to me but keep up the good work :+1:

rarely do I post anything from American news media and when I do it is to point out their lies, you on the other hand post it like you are doing some kind of community service, Nobody here cares about yahoo news, all you are doing is spamming the thread with garbage that has to be scrolled through to get to real conversations.

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all you do is complain here like something is gonna change.

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And that is exactly what happen, the DNC choose biden over sanders, just as they choose clinton over sanders in 2016, the votes casted by Americans in the primary were only a formality and had no effect on the final out come.

Note; in 2016 Trump was seen as unelectable, anything can happen when voters are actually allowed to vote

Side note: Clinton had more votes then Obama in the 2008 primary but the DNC choose Obama

so much for democracy

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And you wonder why I call you a very bad version of siri , you have posted that same idiotic post dozen of times, it is like when ever someone boxes you into a corner and your programing canā€™t come up with a response you say this stupid thing

I can imagine this being a weather chat room and everyone is talking about how bad the weather has been and little brain paul chimes in with his " all you do is complain about the weather like something is gonna change"

they would crucify you over such a comment