Political Opinion

you can complain / talk about the bad weather for a minute or 2 but to continue to talk about it like it’s gonna change does nothing when you have to go out in it. same with politics

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Paul, why do you continue interacting with a sick individual who follows Giuliani and Trump and therefore normality is a foreign word.
Most of his replies to you are laced with contempt for the truth and he somehow manages to think he’s the only poster here who knows how this big bad world works. I see he even follows Trump’s disparaging attempts at insulting the mental health of PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN. Talk about the kettle calling the pot black.
He’ll get sick reading this and seeing how I write the name of the President of the USA.


politics doesn’t affect my life like it does denise , gotta keep denise miserable

Ah Yes - Inclusivity, Diversity,

Methinks President Trump would have disapproved !

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Abe Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address

You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.”

― Marcus Aurelius

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Oh stop it Falstaff ! I hate telling people that I live in Brighton, in case they think I’m strange.
Brighton is the UK’s epicentre of lunacy :crazy_face:

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I nearly had a “mucky weekend” in Brighton once - in the '60’s - Sadly circumstances conspired against it :rofl:

Quite so :wink:

“Why can’t OUR Politicians be more like the French ones ?”

“Apparently the Americans hit back ! - Only gave them 3 burgers out of 5 on Trustpilot :slightly_smiling_face:!”


Not only does TIME admit to rigging the 2020 Election, they tell you how it was done and brag about doing it


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Jimmy Dore’s full interview, no question about it, American democracy is dead and we are living in a real life 1984



Very very true.




How is he sick?? Is it only because he supports these two individuals?? Both you and @SmallPaul offer virtually nothing to this thread because you don’t bother to actually use your research and offer some logical arguments. Try reading some books and educating yourselves.

I feel sorry for you.



Classic Hollow Man argument but I could use a good laugh, please tell me how does one follow someone who is being censored by Facebook and Twitter

also for more laughs , tell us how you know who follows who

I eagerly await your reply


There is nothing to bring to this thread, like what are you and your trolls think your bringing to this thread- Insight :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: you guys keep talking about how everything is mess up, so should we keep complaining about it and how does that benefit you and your trolls

going back to Denise analogy, if the weather is bad are you gonna stay in the house and keep talking / complaining about it or are you gonna go out in it

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Simple question is this person good or evil

Screenshot 2021-02-10 at 9.22.22 PM

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does it matter if i or you think she is evil or not evil, i mean what’s the point, if she is evil how do me or you stop her evilness :point_right: :man: :point_left:

for starters you can stop parroting their propaganda


Simple Question : a man robs a bank and there was two witnesses, one of the witness told the police the man went left and the other witness told the police the man went right, who should the police believe?

Simple question ;

Doombrain has decided to inflate minimum wage to $15 / hour as I understand it.

what is minimum wage over there atm ?

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