Political Opinion

Boy. Regardless of your views, Mike Rowe is one of the good guys.


Senate acquits Trump for 2nd time, as 7 Republicans join Democrats in guilty vote

Trump Says Following Acquittal: ‘Our Historic, Patriotic and Beautiful Movement…Has Only Just Begun’

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I will check them out. But california is a basket case and has a riduculous level of homelessness and one would have to wonder why there are not programmes to link farming communities needing workers and these people.




His speech in the Senate today was disgraceful and showed how hypocritical he is. If he thought Trump was such an evil person that insited the crowd why didn’t he vote guilty?? I think that speech was aimed at appeasing other senators in the house for his private agenda.




most of those homeless people get monthly checks and most are on drugs, they not trying to work, i feel more bad for the people who have good jobs but can’t afford to live where they work because of over price homes in cali

BTW: there are people in cali who’s homeless but can’t afford the high rent in cali

You are right. No arguement there. But what do you do?? Just give them cash so they can shoot it up their arms or do you put programmes into place that help them better themselves??



they been getting monthly checks for many years that’s how they buy the drugs, if they wasn’t on drugs they could pool their money and get a place, and the programs are in place but most chose drugs over getting help

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Yes sadly they do.


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look up the homeless people who have jobs in cali but lives in their cars because high price rent

How LA Profits from City-Wide Homeless Crisis

"Bread and Circusses"

At the end of the Roman Empire (West) - Those unable to earn a living were given free Bread and the state provided “entertainment” to keep them “Happy” !

They were unable to earn a living because many had been farmers and the “BIG Tech” version of their time had taken away their meaningful work by employing Slaves who of course will work for nothing. (cf manufacturing jobs being done for “Big Tech” in China and the illegal immigrants “working” the “Black economy” ) There was then no market for the “Produce” of the “artisan workers” andthey simply had no choice but to leave their homes and go to the city (Rome) to join the queues for the “Bread” (which was made from grain imported from Egypt !)

For someone with no realistic means of providing themselves with a place on even the lowest of Maslow’s “rungs” - (Food, Drink and shelter) other than to line up for handouts - then some form of diversion by way of drugs or drink has much to commend it and why indeed should they not indulge ?

meanwhile the “need” to administer the “economy” simply increased the overead of “useless eaters” - (Beaurocracy) and the tax-rate on the competent got so high that the competent simply were overwhelmed and thus the money supply was simply increased by mixing base metals into the gold coins of the time (inflation)

When the Government even started refusing to take their own worthess “coinage” in payment of taxes things got to quite a difficult stage ! :rofl:

That - kiddiwinks is the stage which the Democrat cities have achieved and now it is inevitable as far as I can see that the whole country will follow.

I cannot of course precis 2.5 hours of education into a small post like this and there is a huge swathe of parallels which I do not mention here :slightly_smiling_face:

But well worth spending a little time in trying to understand the reality ;

Popcorn anyone ?

who is John Galt ?



Well - they said he wasn’t much good !

Seemed pretty on the ball to me in that interview ! :slightly_smiling_face:


The politically correct name for homeless people in California is " Curbside Residents"

just thought you might want to update your data base


SmallPaul, I thought we agreed you were going to lay of the Trump for a few days and give some of those memory circuits a chance to grow back.

This is not news, that out come was known before the “Trail” just like a year ago.

This is just a show to fuel hatred and keep Americans divided and you seem to be in the Keep America Divided camp , sad

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Funny how a good conversation on $15 min wage has segue to immigration and now Homelessness, but don’t worry, I have a solution that should satisfy everyone.

Let’s Trade our Curbside Residents to Mexico for Mexicans who want to work, it seems like the perfect solution for everyone, It is good for Mexico as it will help their economy, California gets their streets back, and Farmers have the labor they need. Where is the downside

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Well I watched that.

Once again - it is simply an attack on those slightly higher in the pecking order than the homeless and does not even look at the real issues - which I refer to here.

I love the irony of that strategically placed advertisement for the book “How goodness pays” (Virtue signalling to make money ! :rofl: )

Just typical “blame the patriarchy” stuff - without a clue what she is talking about - or of any plausible “solution”.

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I think the progression is logical and inevitable tbh.

We tried importing Eastern Europeans to fill our “Low-paid work” needs (Importing Slaves - equivalent) - That’s a whole 'nother issue mate ! (PS - you can’t just “ship - out” actual citizens just because they might be an inconvenience - so you end up with huge resentment - over here the paperwork to get on to “Welfare” is so onerous that once on it nobody with a brain can possibly take on “Seasonal employment” - It actually costs them money obnce you factor in the costsof “getting back on it” - hence the “Black economy” - I presume that just like all good beaucoracies - your unemployed will have similar issues !

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