Political Opinion

The fix to this is Universal Basic Income, it replaces welfare and unemployment benefits, and you don’t lose anything by taking a part time job. As you can see I am really sold on UBI

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Yes I can see that - we (you) started a thread on that - can you find itt again and perhaps we can investigate it further ? (I am at first instinct - “Anti” :wink: )

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Found it !

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Great post




Double ouch!!

That’s what is called getting your ass kicked. He was brilliant.




Go on then - for the sake of those of us who Do actually understand -

Please explain exactly what you have just said here ! :rofl: :rofl: and precisely why you hold that opinion !

Thus speaks our resident “spelling and Grammar” - Guru ! :roll_eyes:


I think you are spot on with that one @cigarmanstan - It is the massive Corporations and their sock puppets the “democrats” :roll_eyes: - versus competence and self-reliance !

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Russian Derangement Syndrome anyone?

Please tell what harm has Putin and the Russian people brought to Americans

Putin has a lot of support in Russia and here in Australia Russians living here love him.



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woman americans can care less about Australia politics.

The CIA just needs a Bogeyman for Americans to hate ( just like in 1984) by doing this they think the American people will not turn on its own government, we are seeing mixed results of that so far

By the way I see your favorite bot just posted another one of his mindless comments, and you notice he is ignoring my request for examples of Putin harming Americans

President Joe Biden is extending a ban on housing foreclosures to June 30 to help homeowners struggling during the coronavirus pandemic.

The moratorium on foreclosures of federally guaranteed mortgages had been set to expire on March 31. On his first day in office, Biden had extended the moratorium from Jan. 31. Census Bureau figures show that almost 12% of homeowners with mortgages were late on their payments.

The White House says more than 10 million homeowners are behind on mortgage payments and Biden’s actions are to help keep people in their homes amid “a housing affordability crisis” triggered by the pandemic. It says “homeowners will receive urgently needed relief as we face this unprecedented national emergency.”

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oh Denise here we go again, so posting a picture of putin eating popcorn is saying he’s bringing harm to america :rofl:, there you go again in your feeling


Where was this 12 years ago when Obama/biden turned their backs on homeowners and 5 million Americans lost their homes

and this is nothing more than a continuation of a Trump policy so it is not even anything new.

Markaria, tell us the truth, are these your own words or did you cut and paste someone else work

But I do appreciate you posting something that can start a conversation, big improvement over the memes

Take care

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it is your post and your picture with no explanation, if it means something else then why not just use words and tell us what was meant by it

also that last picture was very sexes, coming from you not surprising

This is an extension of a previous extension, simply continuing a policy that offers assistance to homeowners with mortgages. I would also hope that, if the current situation does not improve much by June 30, the administration would consider another extension rather than have people thrown out of their homes.

I think it goes without saying that there are many out there struggling, and some of these will continue to struggle for some time through no fault of their own. It would be very un-Christian of us to abandon these people in their time of need. “There but for the grace of God, go I”


it’s a man eating popcorn, if you get more from a picture of a man eating popcorn you have mental issues.

The last picture is not sexes, only a femboy would think that.

Seeing how it is the government that is directly responsible for this situation the government paying these mortgages not simply deferring payment would be a better course of action.

We see what happens when a large number of people are not able to pay their mortgage, this time it is being brought on by the actions of the government in addressing a pandemic. What happens when the next rent/mortgage crisis is brought on from job loss due to automation, there are millions of jobs that may not be around in 10 years and I see nothing being done by our government to prepare for this