Political Opinion

What is wrong Paul, you afraid to tell us the truth about how you feel about Putin and Russians ,

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Why do you insist on being so nasty??

And what the hell do you mean with this comment.

Even your english is poor.


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Glad you touched on that, it’s a big problem ahead of us and one that will affect all- if people find their jobs obsolete they will need some form of support, which puts more pressure on those who still have jobs and those who have, or are about to, retire. There’s not a never-ending supply of money available, someone’s tax has to provide it.

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the government and their money printing machine is telling a different story, but for a solution I support a UBI, paid for by the huge profits of companies who no longer need to employ people

You are right with this comment. But that is the consequences of destroying businesses and livelyhoods.

It’s a case of the devil and the deep blue sea. Do you close businesses in order to curb this pandemic and save lives or do you keep businesses open to preserve the populations ability to financially survive??

What will be the cost of extended poverty that was a result of the government"s action??



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Unfortunately, we are a year down the line with covid and its not easy starting afresh.
Unless we all lived in island nations, getting this under control is damned difficult. The actions taken in Australia and New Zealand seem to be the most effective, although you are in a better position than I to say if that is really the case.
The problem for most non-island Western nations is that the very freedoms that people are used to are restricting our ability to fight covid. We can either have a prolonged period of restrictions now in the hope that, combined with vaccines, this will contain the number of deaths and suppress the virus sufficiently that it has little opportunity to spread and mutate, or we can keep coming out of lockdowns and restrictions too soon and allow mutations to continue developing and infecting people.
The first option means taking a huge hit now, the second means having to live with covid and possibly facing years of shorter, localised restrictions.
Its like choosing between a rock and a hard place.


New Zealand is basically in permanent isolation, they can boast about eliminating the virus from their island but they have a population with no immunity meaning just one person slips onto the island with covid and the whole pandemic starts again, how do you manage that , I have no idea

I would imagine, and hopefully Blackduck can either confirm or correct me, that closing their borders to anyone who cannot show proof of vaccination and/or negative testing would be implemented.

no i think you are afraid to tell us about how you feel about certain americans

oh but you don’t call out denise and his name calling, i wonder why, also why are you here shouldn’t you be worry about your own country politics, we have enough of you outsiders trying to cause chaos in america

EDIT: if your so concern about americans and it’s politics you should offer americans to come and live in australia with you



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Now you have done it, you turn Paul in to a MAGA


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Paul Paul Paul, this is the argument that you would expect from a child. Oh Mummy but Johnny doesn’t have to clean his room.

@Dennis3450 and I have tried hard to get you to engage in an actual adult conversation and for a little while I thought you had turned the corner and at last started to engage in proper dialogue. But sadly no.

Well don’t you know that as a TRADER I have a vested interest in caring about all politics as a lot of political decisions affect the markets I trade. If you were a trader you would know that, which leads me to believe that you are just here to stir the pot.

I hope you have fun.


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Yes that would be the appropriate action and I believe that when borders open up those measures will be implemented.

But whilst everyone is praising both New Zealand and Australia for controlling the virus relatively easily you must remember that both countries are islands with low populations.

Australia has 5 states and two territories and a population of 25 million verses a county like the USA with 50 states and a population of 330 million. So controlling the virus in the USA is far greater and more difficult.



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I totally agree with those wise words from one of the greatest Roman Emperor’s

It’s a shame the left don’t - they will always blame their own woes on something outside themselves, most notably Donald Trump.


just stating the facts little girl, i know you and the little man is on the same team, it’s all good :muscle:

Total BS, if you have a vested interest as a trader you wouldn’t be on here complaining instead you will adjust to the market behavior

Do you ever feel like you are trying to reason with a brick wall

Come on Paul, even Markaria has been starting and participating in some good conversations , and the man is not even potty trained , so I still have hope for you

What better source for the truth about hate crime against Asian Americans than an Asian American

Kim Iversen exposes the truth about these hate crimes and why the media ( msnbc, cnn…etc) refuse to report about this