Political Opinion

why does it matter who commit hate crimes, hate crime is a hate crime, yes white supremacist / american terrorist are notorious for hate crimes but anybody came commit a hate crime

are you sure itā€™s good conversations are just you and your trolls complaining about something you canā€™t change

so now you are defending hate crimes, is there any limits to how low you will go

yeah look like iā€™m defending hate crimes. dude you have some serious issues, itā€™s worse than i thought


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Tucker Carlson Cackles As He Concocts Bonkers New Biden Conspiracy Theory

Blackduck hereā€™s to

A complete idiot.



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Sorry but you seriously need help. Seek psychiatric help. A comment like this is too ridiculous for words.

Say what you want because I will not engage with you in the future. All you are capable of itā€™s vile spew.


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you posting in this thread because you have vested interest as a trader


Iā€™ve explained all I need. If critical thinking escapes you, Iā€™ll say a prayer for you. Itā€™s all there.

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No Idea have you ?

I had thought it was just YOU - writing that drivel - but clearly you donā€™t understand it either ! - Just WORDS - put together in random fashion - not making any coherent sense and copy and pasted from someone else !

JEEZ - and we waste out tme trying to get some coherent communication out of them ! :roll_eyes:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Always the victim. Always the instigator. What a great super power you have. Sad really.

For the crayon crew and company.

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What relevance does any of that have to your inability to understand what you yourself supposedly ā€œWroteā€ ?

Nope - just Crud ! ā€œWordsā€ - without any meaning at all ! - Words - which you have learned off by heart to deflect any Reasoned arguments you may be confronted with such as ;

Why donā€™t you just go back to the crayons ?? :roll_eyes:= Youā€™re clearly no use at this ā€œriteinā€™ā€ stuff !

38 Times President Trump Has Condemned Racism and White Supremacy

Lefty Democrat women canā€™t understand why they are physically attracted to Trump Supporters ! - WE CAN !



:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Grand jury upgrades charges for Trump supporter who chased Officer Goodman

there are several people posting here that fall under this category , they clearly do not speak English as a first language and just post what others have said or fake news from yahoo, not sure why the games and pretending to be American when they clear know nothing about America