Political Opinion

Years, before we had FOX news Rush Limbaugh, stood alone shinning the light of truth on left-wing media and politicians, He will be missed


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Are you really an American living in FL? I don’t know, English doesn’t sound like your mother tongue.

Really, since when was English is your first language a prereq?

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No American would say the above, again, why the games,

Deleted By Me

Yes and no, lived in FL for 51 years but moved to GA last month, bought a beautiful 4 acre Homestead

In just a dozen words you now know more about me than I of you, again, why the games

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Didn’t tealise you left the Free State of Florida, Dennis. You got some work to do up there in Georgia!

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I left a very blue area of FL for a very red area of GA, this is just a great central location for a home base for our RV adventures. All part of the retirement plan,

It is no longer just Fox News talking about this, and to think this was the Democrats poster boy for how to handle a pandemic

When you are a democrat and left-wing media starts coming for you things have to be pretty bad


Talk note, Pres Biden. When you quit playing along, they be comin’ after your Hunter…

35 U.S. Capitol Hill officers under investigation over attack

Millions of Texans Are Freezing and Without Power and Republicans Are Blaming … Windmills

The SOlar Panels are covered in snow - the bearings on the windmills are frozen solid - so they won’t turn :slightly_smiling_face:

Texas has the biggest oil and gas reserves of all - but they won’t use them !

It’s all down to the great Global Warming Hoax :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You call ti “false” all you like ! - Otherwise you have to consider the likelihod - that you are being Conned ! :wink: :rofl: :rofl:

Popcorn anyone ?

WHo is John Galt ?

sounds like a problem they put themselves into

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I agree - but to quote an old saying

“You can’t fix Stupid!”

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Man found frozen to death in his recliner in Texas as winter storm death toll rises

Freedom from Choice: How the Government Controls What You Consume | Lobby

Simple solution is Nuclear Energy, it is clean , reliable , new technology makes it extremely safe. All the arguments against Nuclear are 50 years old and no longer apply to a modern energy plant

There is an abundance of natural gas in Texas. My understanding, though, is those lines froze, too, and they were not insulated properly for the kind of cold they are experiencing,.

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This goes under the category " two wrongs do not make a right"

No matter what your political view we all should agree that the Capitol Police are being made scapegoats. You can bet this is being driven by the evil of all evil pelosi

I stand with the Capitol Police and would be proud to take a selfie with them on my next DC visit